Audit of Ammunition and Explosives Management

May 2018

1259-3-008 (ADM(RS))

Reviewed by ADM(RS) in accordance with the Access to Information Act. Information UNCLASSIFIED.

Ammunition and Explosives
Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services)
Ammunition and Explosives Safety Inspection and Survey
Ammunition Information and Maintenance System
Ammunition Program
Ammunition Program Oversight Committee
Canadian Joint Operations Command
Director Ammunition and Explosives Regulation
Defence Administrative Orders and Directives
Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces
Defence Resource Management Information System
Enhanced Warehouse Management
Fiscal Year
Office of Primary Interest
Office of Collateral Interest
Strategic Joint Staff
Storage Locations

Overall Assessment

Improvements in the management of A&E in the following areas would facilitate the achievement of program objectives:

  • defining authorities of all stakeholders;
  • coordinating planning and disposal efforts;
  • resolving discrepancies, and implementing a solution to the use of parallel systems; and
  • refining the safety compliance reporting mechanism.
Table 1. AP Stakeholder Roles. This table describes the AP roles, the responsible senior advisor and whether the role is a strategic or operational and tactical function.
  AP Roles

Responsible Senior AdvisorsFootnote 5

Strategic Functions Program Integration SJS
Regulatory Framework and Safety Program DAER
Materiel Management ADM(Mat)
Operational and Tactical Functions A&E Safety

Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and

Environmental Chiefs of StaffFootnote 6

A&E Storage/Warehousing


Environmental Chiefs of Staff

A&E End-Users


Environmental Chiefs of Staff

A&E Information Systems ADM(IM)
A&E Infrastructure ADM(IE)
A&E Human Resources and Training


Chief Military Personnel

Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources – Civilian) Environmental Chiefs of Staff

Table 1 Details – AP Stakeholder Roles
Good Practice

APOC meetings have adopted a systematic format that enables the monitoring of all elements of the AP, each of which has an assigned office of primary interest (OPI).

ADM(RS) Recommendation

ADM(RS) Recommendation

ADM(RS) Recommendation

ADM(RS) Recommendation

ADM(RS) Recommendation

ADM(RS) Recommendation

Good Practice

In the “Action Required” section of the observation sheet, the Royal Canadian Air Force inspector asks for root cause identification.

Good Practice

The inspectors for the Royal Canadian Air Force and Canadian Forces Base Wainwright highlight recurring observations in cases where corrective action plans have not been fully implemented.

ADM(RS) Recommendation

ADM(RS) Recommendation (High Significance)

ADM(RS) Recommendation (High Significance)

ADM(RS) Recommendation (High Significance)

ADM(RS) Recommendation (High Significance)

ADM(RS) Recommendation (High Significance)

ADM(RS) Recommendation (High Significance)

ADM(RS) Recommendation (Moderate Significance)

Criteria Assessment

The audit criteria were assessed using the following levels:

Assessment Level and Description

Level 1—Satisfactory
Level 2—Needs Minor Improvement
Level 3—Needs Moderate Improvement
Level 4—Needs Significant Improvement
Level 5—Unsatisfactory


1. Governance processes integrate and align with priorities and accountabilities to ensure that internal management functions support and enable high-performing policies, programs and services.

Assessment Level 4 – While APOC is in place to provide oversight, significant improvement is required in this area to ensure that the accountabilities for key stakeholders are clearly defined and documented, and that a performance management framework is in place to measure the extent to which the AP meets its objectives.  

Inventory Control and Safety

2. Inventory control processes are in place to ensure proper accounting for A&E and to monitor the compliance with security and safety requirements.

Inventory Control: Assessment Level 1 –Inventory control processes and guidance are in place and sufficient to properly account for A&E inventory.

Safety: Assessment Level 3 – Although processes are in place and sufficient to monitor compliance with safety requirements, improvements to the reporting process are required to accurately portray the state of safety conditions at A&E facilities.

Inventory Management

3. Inventory management for A&E is performed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of departmental programs.

Assessment Level 4 – Significant improvement is required in this area to ensure inventory management practices related to procurement planning and disposal of A&E inventory are effective and optimize inventory holdings.

Information Management

4. Materiel information systems are in place to enable the collection and generation of complete and accurate data, and to support timely and informed decisions.

Assessment Level 4 – Significant improvement is required in this area to ensure that both materiel information systems contain complete and accurate data and support timely and informed decision making through the development of an information technology solution, along with an initiative to resolve discrepancies in the interim.

Source of Criteria

Treasury Board Secretariat. Audit Criteria Related to the Management Accountability Framework: A Tool for Internal Auditors, March 2011.

Treasury Board Secretariat. Policy on Management of Materiel, November 2006.

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