Targeted Audit: Monitoring of the Implementation of Canada’s Defence Policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged
Table of Contents
Alternate Formats
Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Data Innovation and Analytics)
- ADM(Fin)/CFO
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)/Chief Financial Officer
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services)
- Chief Data Officer
- Cerberus
- Trilateral oversight function
- Chief of Force Development
- Capability Investment Database
- C Prog
- Chief of Programme
- Defence Management Committee
- Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces
- Defence Resource Management Information System
- Defence Strategic Executive Committee
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Functional Authority Delivery Group
- L1
- Level one
- Office of Collateral Interest
- Office of Primary Interest
- PA
- Project Approval
- Project Approval Directive
- Programme Management Board
- Canada’s defence policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged
- Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
Overall Assessment
DND/CAF has limited dedicated resources to coordinate and monitor the implementation of SSE. To ensure a robust monitoring function, the level of oversight could be enhanced with a clear definition of stakeholder roles and responsibilities. Additional improvements could be realized in SSE risk management and performance measurement practices to enable consistent reporting and to support senior management decision making.
Figure 1 Details - SSE Governance Structure
Figure 1 Summary: This figure is a chart of the SSE Governance Structure that shows the committees, boards and stakeholders that form SSE governance.
The top left-hand box explains that the Defence Management Committee (DMC) is used to inform its membership of the progress of implementation and provide the forum for Functional Authorities to report on specific activities.
The top right-hand box explains that resource allocation is performed at the Investment Resource Management Committee (IRMC).
The top centre box shows the Defence Strategic Executive Committee as the highest level committee within the SSE Governance Structure.
The second level of the SSE Governance Structure is the Programme Management Board (PMB). PMB reports to DSX. This relationship is represented by an arrow pointing from PMB to DSX.
The third level of the SSE Governance Structure is the Functional Authority Delivery Groups (FADG) which consists of 13 level 1 FADGs. FADGs along with the SSE Coordination Committee report to PMB. This relationship is represented by an arrow pointing from both FADG and SSE Coordination Committee to PMB.
The SSE Coordination Committee is chaired by C Prog and includes: CFD, Chief Financial Management, Director General Investment Planning and Financial Arrangement, and Director General Policy and Planning. Its role is to provide coordination and support to both PMB and L1s—through FADGs. These relationships are represented by two arrows pointing from the SSE Coordination Committee to PMB and FADG, respectively.
Value Case: Similar to a business case, it is a value proposition that indicates how data analytics will be leveraged to support the achievement of departmental objectives.
Noteworthy Practice
One FADG documented its own roles and responsibilities to support transition during times of turnover.
ADM(RS) Recommendation
ADM(RS) Recommendation
Table 1 Details - SSE Initiatives Report performance categories
Noteworthy Practice
One FADG provided a documented rationale to their L1 in preparation for PMB and had dashboards and project status reports that aligned with the sampled project/initiative performance ratings.
Table 2 Details - Performance Definition for capital project
Table 3 Details - Performance Definition for capital project with risk statement
ADM(RS) Recommendation
ADM(RS) Recommendation (Moderate)
ADM(RS) Recommendation (High)
ADM(RS) Recommendation (Moderate)
Table C-1 Details - Sampled Capital Projects and Non-Capital Initiatives
Page details
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