Results Highlights - DPR 2015-16
Throughout 2015-16, a wide array of activities took place to ensure the Defence Team was able to fulfill its missions. Looking to the future, National Defence began work on the Defence Policy Review, which, when completed, will guide the activities of the Department and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
Program 1: Defence Combat and Support Operations
Protected Canadian sovereignty, upheld the values of Canadians, and defended the interests of Canada
The CAF continued to ensure constant monitoring and conspicuous presence throughout Canada, ably exercising surveillance and control over territory and approaches.
- Operation NANOOK 15 was conducted as a whole-of-government endeavour centred on safety, security and defence of Canada’s North. It served to enhance CAF collaboration with other government departments and agencies, local authorities, indigenous peoples, and international partners. Approximately 650 military personnel and 150 northern partners, including those of other government departments and agencies, local authorities, Indigenous peoples and international partners participated. The United States, The United Kingdom and France contributed to the success of the operations by attending as obvservers. Operational scenarios included oil spill and consequence management, and security and safety-themed training events in and around northern communities.
- Operation NUNALIVUT, an annual sovereignty operation, was conducted in Canada’s North. Over 200 personnel participated, including Canadian Rangers, soldiers from the Canadian Army (CA), airmen and airwomen from across the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) divers and members from the United States Air National Guard. Operations involved sovereignty patrols in the Victoria Island area and Cambridge Bay, and diving operations in Nunavut.
The defence of North America is integral to the protection of Canada. Working with Canada’s closest ally, the United States, the CAF contributed to the defence of the North American continent.
- Canada built upon its strong bi-national partnership with the United States - the North American Aerospace Defense Command - to provide an agile and capable force to face all air threats to the continent, including those from the North and High Arctic.
- Through a shared commitment to enhancing regional stability and inhibiting transnational crime organizations from threatening the defence and security of our nations, Canada continued its contribution to Joint Interagency Task Force – South. RCN ships and RCAF maritime patrol aircraft units deployed to Operation CARIBBE assisted in the disruption and seizure of more illicit drugs than in any other year since the CAF began supporting the operation in 2006.
Through international engagement, National Defence demonstrated Canada’s resolve to stand with partners and allies and continued to make meaningful contributions to international peace and stability.
- Canada remained a committed partner to the multinational coalition to halt and degrade Daesh. On 8 February 2016, the Government of Canada announced a contribution of more than $1.6 billion over the next three years towards its new approach to security, stabilization, humanitarian and development assistance in response to the crises in Iraq and Syria, and their impact on Jordan and Lebanon.
- As part of this refocused strategy, the CAF broadened its contribution to the military capabilities to the coalition, includng:
- tripling the number of personnel dedicated to the train, advise, and assist mission;
- the deployment of Griffon helicopters to provide in-theatre tactical transport of troops and material and casualty evacuations, if required;
- doubling in intelligence contribution, including contributions from other government departmens; and
- capacity building for regional partners in Jordan and Lebanon.
- Under Operation IMPACT, the CAF continued to conduct air operations, namely critical air-to-air refueling and surveillance and reconnaissance flights in support of the coalition.
- In March 2016, a Ministerial Liaison Team, comprised of approximately 30 personnel from Canada and senior military members from our international partners, was launched under Canadian leadership with a mandate to provide strategic military support and to help connect with Iraq’s Ministries of Defence and Interior to further synchronize coalition efforts to clear Daesh from Iraq.
- The CAF undertook military activities under Operation REASSURANCE to support NATO assurance measures in Europe (e.g. training, exercises, demonstrations), including the first deployment of modernized Halifax Class frigates (HMCS Fredericton and HMCS Winnipeg) as part of Standing NATO Maritime Forces. Under Operation ARTEMIS, Canada was selected to assume a leadership role in Combined Task Force 150, part of multinational maritime counter-terrorism efforts in the Middle East.
- Canada continued to support the Ukraine with approximately 200 CAF personnel deployed to operation UNIFIER. Training was provided in various areas of expertise, including explosive ordnance disposal and medical training.
What funds were used? |
Who was involved? |
Was the expected level of performance met?ii |
$1,360,079,139 7% of departmental spending |
5,785 Military – Regular Force FTEs 688 Civilian FTEs 7% of departmental FTEs |
95.2% fully met 4.8% not met |
ii The level of performance represents the percentage of indicators in the Department’s performance measurement framework that achieved their target. Performance results are defined as follows: fully met—the performance target was achieved or exceeded; partially met—the performance result was within 10% of the target; and did not meet—the performance result did not meet the target by >10%. For details on Program performance results, see Section III: Analysis of Programs and Internal Services.
Program 2: Defence Services and Contributions to Government
Contributed to the safety and security of Canadians and people around the world
National Defence effectively supported other government departments and international partners and made valuable contributions at home and abroad.
- The CAF had an important role in the Government’s commitment to welcome 25,000 refugees from camps in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan to Canada. As part of Operation PROVISION, approximately 290 CAF personnel were deployed to support the work of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada by processing refugee applications, collecting biometric data, and providing support for medical screenings. The CAF also provided two flights to facilitate the transportation of refugees to Canada and was prepared, if requested, to provide interim lodging for approximately 2,700 refugees at CFB Kingston and 2nd Canadian Division Support Base Valcartier.
- The CAF augmented efforts undertaken by the United Kingdom to combat the spread of the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone. A total of 79 Canadian military doctors, nurses, medical assistants and support staff provided medical care to 90 local and international healthcare workers at the United Kingdom’s Kerry Town Treatment Unit. Based on the overall downward trend of new cases of Ebola in Sierra Leone, the CAF’s six-month mission ended on 30 June 2015.
- The CAF, as part of the Foreign Affairs-led Government of Canada response, provided humanitarian support to Nepal following the devastating earthquakes that hit the country on 25 April and 12 May 2015. At its height, the CAF Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) included approximately 200 personnel with a range of specialties, including engineering to assist in opening roads and remediating landslides, mobile medical teams to treat injuries and identify potential sites for assistance, liaison officers to act as vital links between local authorities and international aid agencies, and a Geomatic Support Team to guide DART members and partners as they moved from community to community.
- The CAF provided assistance in response to floods and forest fires in Canada. In April, the Canadian Rangers helped residents of Kashechewan affected by spring flooding evacuate the area. In July, the CAF deployed CH-146 Griffon helicopters and 850 personnel to northern Saskatchewan to support local and provincial firefighting efforts.
- Working with partners in Canada’s National Search and Rescue Program, the CAF remained committed to providing the country and the international community with excellence in Search and Rescue response. In 2015-16, the three Joint Rescue Coordination Centres and the Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre Quebec effectively coordinated and responded to 9,567 Search and Rescue incidents.
Preserved and recognized Canada’s proud military heritage
National Defence continued to increase awareness of Canadian military history, heritage, roles, and contributions to Canada and Canadian identity.
- Significant events in Canada’s history in times of conflict were commemorated, including the 100th anniversary of the writing of In Flanders Fields and the Second Battle of Ypres in May and the 75th Anniversary of Battle of Britain in September; in October, a national ceremony was held to mark the one year anniversary of the tragic shooting at the National War Memorial and Parliament Hill; and
- The CAF Casualty Identification Program continued to ensure that, whenever possible, Canada’s fallen, unknown soldiers, sailors, and air personnel are properly identified and buried in a known grave. Investigation into First and Second World War cases resulted in two military funerals, one accession ceremony and one headstone change.
Enhanced the collective capabilities of the Canadian Government and its partners to be resilient against global and domestic public safety and security threats
The Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP), led by Defence Research and Development Canada, advanced several science and technology solutions for high priority risks to Canadian public safety. The CSSP:
- Contributed to the establishment of the National Energy Infrastructure Test Centre used for the development of tools for training and assessment to assist in cyber protection of industrial control systems within the energy and utilities sector in Canada;
- Continued partnership with the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance to produce and integrate cyber tools with multiple countries; and
- Provided technical specifications and recommended practices for the development and implementation of the National Public Alerting System, which is designed to warn Canadians of dangers through such means as radio, cable television, satellite television, email and Systems Management Server text services.
What funds were used? |
Who was involved? |
Was the expected level of performance met? |
$453,694,400 3% of departmental spending |
1,444 Military – Regular Force FTEs 275 Civilian FTEs 2% of departmental FTEs |
88.9% fully met 11.1% partially met |
Program 3: Defence Ready Force Element Production
Maintained readiness through joint and combined exercises
Readiness encompasses resources and funding needed to maintain equipment, conduct training and prepare individuals and units for operations. In Canada and locations around the world, CAF members participated in military exercises exposing them to a variety of conditions that challenged and tested their skills to ensure they are ready for future operations at home and abroad. Highlights of joint and combined exercises include:
- JOINTEX, a biennial Canadian national exercise designed to transform the way that the CAF trains, develops and prepares for future operations, was combined with NATO’s TRIDENT JUNCTURE, NATO’s largest exercise since 2002. The CAF demonstrated its ability to command Canadian and international forces and prepare for the most challenging international contingency operations. 2,777 CAF personnel were involved across all three phases of the exercise.
- Approximately 6,750 troops, including 5,200 Canadian Army soldiers, 500 RCAF members, and 900 American and 150 British soldiers, participated in the Canadian Army’s largest annual exercise, MAPLE RESOLVE. The training exercise helped better prepare Canada’s troops for real world operations in coordination with our allies.
- The CAF participated in the ARCTIC ZEPHYR Multinational Arctic Search and Rescue exercise, hosted by the United States in Alaska. The exercise included 91 participants, including representatives from the United States, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Participants responded to a simulated cruise ship emergency in the Arctic.
What funds were used? |
Who was involved? |
Was the expected level of performance met? |
$3,401,386,557 18% of departmental spending |
25,735 Military – Regular Force FTEs 1,507 Civilian FTEs 31% of departmental FTEs |
81.9% fully met 13.6% partially met 4.5% not met |
Program 4: Defence Capability Element Production
National Defence continued to advance efforts to ensure the right equipment, resources and support measures are in place so CAF soldiers, sailors and air personnel can protect and serve Canada.
Enhanced support to the CAF community
- National Defence remained committed to providing support and health services to ensure the wellbeing of the CAF community, including serving and retired CAF members and their families. Special emphasis was placed on mental health.
- 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of dedicated programs and services that support Canadian military families through the Military Family Services Program. The Military Family Panel Process, launched in 2015, allows military families to provide direct input through a variety of means to ensure that the Program continues to meet the emerging needs of families and to advise senior leadership about the issues that mean the most to them. By the end of 2015, over 700 families had taken part.
- In response to former Supreme Court Justice Marie Deschamps’ report on sexual misconduct in the CAF, the Chief of the Defence Staff issued direction – Operation HONOUR – aimed at eliminating harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour within the CAF.
- The Canadian Army launched the “Mission: Ready” website to provide soldiers and families with information about available resources and support programs to help them throughout their daily life and career.
Ensured Defence has the equipment necessary to meet needs
- The Defence Renewal initiative related to maintenance and materiel delivered $54M of new annual reoccurring reinvestment opportunities, bringing the cumulative total to date to $173M.
- An updated Defence Acquisition Guide was published, with over 60 per cent of projects refreshed, and expanded to include initiatives of greater interest to increase engagement with industry.
- The contract for the Medium Support Vehicle System Project (Phase 4 – Standard Military Pattern Trucks) was awarded.
- The first eight Cyclone maritime helicopters were successfully delivered.
- A new Canadian Ranger rifle was chosen and successfully tested as part of Operation NANOOK.
- The final C-17 Globemaster met full operational capability.
- Under the National Shipbuilding Strategy, the HMCS Harry DeWolf, the first of Canada’s Arctic Offshore Patrol vessels, entered full production in September 2015.
What funds were used? |
Who was involved? |
Was the expected level of performance met? |
$12,577,878,081 67% of departmental spending |
31,712 Military – Regular Force FTEs 15,624 Civilian FTEs 54% of departmental FTEs |
52% fully met 22% partially met 26% not met |
Program 5: Defence Capability Development and Research
Developed and advanced knowledge in support of Defence activities
- National Defence continued to serve an important role in managing threats to Government systems and share cyber threat and mitigation information with other government departments and agencies, security partners, and allies to help ensure that Canada’s vital systems and critical infrastructure are secure.
- National Defence continued to invest in and evolve computer information system security capabilities and advance initiatives to ensure readiness to meet future cyber challenges, both at home and abroad.
- Research and development improvements were implemented to advance force development, generation, readiness and employment in support of CAF operations. For instance, National Defence:
- Conducted an impact assessment of emerging technologies on the defence science and technology program and capabilities focusing on areas of quantum sciences, human systems effectiveness, printed electronics, metamaterials, synthetic biology, non-lethal weapons and additive manufacturing;
- Did preparatory work to establish a multidisciplinary academic-led Centre of Excellence in Human Systems Effectiveness;
- Advanced joint initiatives with the granting councils to enhance academic engagement, including reinforcing the DND/Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Partnership program that supports industry-academia-DND collaborations;
- Stimulated industrial research and innovation by further refining partnership programs including the indigenous Defence Innovation Research Program;
- Advanced the development of protection, treatment and diagnostics for bio-threats and infections to support efforts to combat Ebola in West Africa;
- Provided advice and analysis to support the definition of requirements for new warships under the National Shipbuilding Strategy; and
- Developed a remotely controlled unattended Arctic maritime surveillance capability demonstrator showing the persistent detection and tracking of cooperative and non-cooperative maritime air, surface and subsurface contacts over a range of weather conditions at a recognized Arctic choke point.
See National Defence publications 2 on the Defence Research and Development Canada website for further demonstration of science and technology advancements.
What funds were used? |
Who was involved? |
Was the expected level of performance met? |
$424,789,408 2% of departmental spending |
671 Military – Regular Force FTEs 1,394 Civilian FTEs 2% of departmental FTEs |
70% fully met 10% partially met 20% not met |
Program 6: Internal Services
Provided the necessary support services to ensure the continued success of Defence
In 2015-16, National Defence:
- Advanced a number of Defence Renewal initiatives aimed at improving organizational health, governance and decision-making;
- Initiated the development of an Integrated Defence Team HR Strategy to guide the institution forward in parallel with Defence Policy Review efforts;
- Worked with the Department of Finance and the Treasury Board Secretariat to improve long-term budgeting and in-year budget monitoring;
- Engaged in a multi-year effort to build an IM/IT Program; and
- Submitted an updated report to the Clerk of the Privy Council that outlines the Department’s latest Blueprint 2020 engagement activities and accomplishments.
What funds were used? |
Who was involved? |
$448,245,658 3% of departmental spending |
532 Military – Regular Force FTEs 2,666 Civilian FTEs 4% of departmental FTEs |
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