Status Report on Transformational and Major Crown Projects


The objective of the Airlift Capability Project – Tactical (ACP-T) is to acquire an assured and effective tactical airlift capability that will replace the CC-130E Hercules aircraft fleet. This acquisition will provide the capability to logistically support international and domestic operations.

Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The ACP-T has the following project outcomes:

  • Acquire 17 CC-130J aircraft;
  • Acquire the associated In-Service Support;
  • Deliver the associated training; and
  • Deliver the associated infrastructure at 8 Wing Trenton.

Once the aircraft have been acquired, they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The Airlift Capability Project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically the Royal Canadian Air Force:

  • Provides modernized aerospace fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Air and Space forces Elements are meeting Force Posture and Readiness requirements remain ready; and
  • Ensures fleet is available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project. 

Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the eligible contract value from Lockheed Martin Corporation for both the acquisitions and the In-Service Support.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor Lockheed Martin Corporation – Marietta, Georgia, USA
Major subcontractors

Cascade Aerospace – Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

IMP Aerospace – Enfield, Nova Scotia, Canada

CAE – Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Standard Aero – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

HAAS Group – Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Project phase

Effective Project Closeout (EPC) March 2019

Closeout (expected) September 2022

Major milestones

Revised Project Approval (Definition)June 2006

Solicitation of Interest and Qualification August 2006

Issue of Request for Proposal August 2007

Project Approval (Implementation) December 2007

Contract Award December 2007

First DeliveryJune 2010

Final DeliveryMay 2012

Initial Operational Capability September 2013

Full Operational Capability (FOC) January 2019

Effective Project Closeout (EPC)March 2019

Project CloseoutSeptember 2022

Progress report and explanation of variances

The ACP-T project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • In-Service Support provisions were contracted in December 2009;
  • Maintenance training systems were contracted in February 2010;
  • All 17 aircraft were delivered on time and on budget, in Block 6 configuration. Aircraft deliveries began in June 2010 with all aircraft being delivered as of May 2012;
  • Block 7 avionics modifications were contracted in November 2013;
  • Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) system integration was contracted in December 2016;
  • ACP-T project-funded modifications at Canadian Forces Base Trenton were completed in October 2016;
  • FOC was achieved in January 2019; and
  • EPC was achieved in March 2019.

Scope: The ACP-T project is on track to deliver its 2007 approved scope.

Cost: The ACP-T project is currently within the 2007 approved budget.

Schedule: The ACP-T FOC and Project Closeout dates were amended twice as a result of a delay in the implementation of the development of the Block 7 modifications, and due to changing Communications, Navigation, Surveillance - Air Traffic Management (CNS-ATM) requirements, the CC-130J fleet had to be modified to include an Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) system in order to operate over the US and Europe.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the ACP-T project achieved FOC declaration on 31st January 2019. The project achieved EPC on March 31st 2019.


The objective of the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) project is to deliver six ice-capable offshore patrol ships that will be used by the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to conduct sovereignty and surveillance operations in Canada’s waters, including the Arctic, as well as to conduct a wide variety of operations abroad.

Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Maritime equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule and expenditure authority. Through its three associated infrastructure projects, the AOPS project also contributes to Program Inventory 6.2 Defence Infrastructure Construction, Recapitalization and Investment.

The AOPS project has the following project outcomes:

  • Acquire six Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships;
  • Deliver associated jetty infrastructure in Halifax;
  • Contribute funding to associated jetty infrastructure project in Esquimalt;
  • Deliver a berthing and fueling facility at Nanisivik, Nunavut; and
  • Acquire associated integrated logistics support products.

Once the vessels are introduced into service, they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and 2.2 Ready Naval Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the RCN :

  • Introduces a new class of ships which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Maritime Forces Elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness; and
  • Ensures naval forces are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.

Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for the AOPS implementation. In-Service Support of the vessels is managed separately under the AJISS (Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship and Joint Support Ship) In-Service Support Contract which was awarded in 2017.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor


Irving Shipbuilding Inc. – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

In-Service Support:

Thales Canada Inc. and Thales Australia Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  A single long-term In-Service Support Contract (ISSC) to support the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) and Joint Support Ship (JSS) vessels is in place.

Major subcontractors

Gibbs & Cox – Arlington, Virginia, USA

Lockheed Martin – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

General Electric – Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Fleetway Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Lloyds Register – Toronto, Ontario, Canada

BAE Systems – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

L-3 MAPPS – St Laurent, Quebec, Canada

Project phase

Implementation December 2014

Major milestones

Preliminary Project Approval May 2007

Design Engineering Logistics Maintenance and Support

Contract Awarded May 2008

Revised Project Approval (Definition) I October 2011

Ancillary Contract AwardedJune 2012

Revised Project Approval (Definition) II December 2012

Definition Contract AwardedMarch 2013

Project Approval (Implementation)December 2014

Award of Implementation Contract January 2015

Revised Project Approval (Implementation) November 2018

Delivery of First Ship2019

Initial Operational Capability 2020

Full Operational Capability 2025

Project Closeout2026

Progress report and explanation of variances

The AOPS project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • In accordance with the 2012 approved budget, the Definition Contract was completed in November 2015 under budget;
  • With the official cutting of steel, the lead ship in the class, the future Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Harry DeWolf, entered full production in September 2015;
  • With the official cutting of steel, the second ship in the class, the future HMCS Margaret Brooke, entered full production in August 2016;
  • With the official cutting of steel, the third ship in the class, the future HMCS Max Bernays, entered full production in December 2017;
  • Jetty infrastructure projects in Esquimalt, Halifax and Nanisivik are progressing and are on track to be in place when required. In September 2018, the future HMCS Harry DeWolf was launched at Halifax Shipyard in Nova Scotia; The future HMCS Harry DeWolf was named at an official naming ceremony by Mme Sophie Grégoire Trudeau at the Halifax Shipyard in October 2018: and
  • Contract amendment was signed for the acquisition of a sixth ship and extension of the schedule in December 2018.

Scope: In November 2018, the Government of Canada approved the construction of a sixth ship. The project is on track to deliver its 2018 approved scope.

Cost: In November 2018, the Government of Canada approved the increased budget to build six Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships and to extend the production schedule. The project is currently within the 2018 approved budget.

Schedule: In November 2018, the Government of Canada approved the extension of the production schedule by 18 months, thereby mitigating the production gap between the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship and Canadian Surface Combatant projects. Production activities are underway, with Ship 1 delivery expected in summer 2019.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the construction of the first three ships progressed well, with the ships reaching 90%, 75% and 17% completion respectively. Ship 1 was launched, named Harry DeWolf during a public ceremony, and began harbour trial activities in preparation for sea trials in summer 2019. The first two of three mega-blocks for Ship 2 were moved from inside the Assembly Hall to the exterior land-level construction area. The construction of Ship 3 is also progressing inside the Assembly Hall.


The objective of the Canadian Cryptographic Modernization Program (CCMP) is to modernize the Government of Canada’s aging cryptographic equipment and infrastructure in order to safeguard classified information and maintain Canada’s ability to establish secure communications both nationally and internationally.

CCMP is an Omnibus Project that includes multiple sub-projects for modernizing cryptographic equipment and a cyclical project for modernizing the key management infrastructure.

Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.4 Defence Information Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Information Technology capabilities address a capability gap or deficiency.

The CCMP Omnibus Project delivers affordable information protection to departments and agencies in the Government of Canada by means of the following sub-projects:

  • Classified Security Management Infrastructure (CSMI);
  • Secure Voice / Telephone Family;
  • Link Encryption Family;
  • Network Encryption Family;
  • Combat Identification Family (Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)); and
  • Secure Radio Family:
    • Secure Radio Sub-Project; and
    • Combat Net Radio Enhancement (CNRE) – this project received funding toward cryptography from CCMP but it is not a Defence CCMP sub-project.

Note:  The Secure Mobile Environment sub-project was cancelled.

Once the project is complete, it will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces:

  • Protect and defend critical military platforms and networks from electronic warfare and cyber-attack.
Industrial benefits N/A
Sponsoring department

Communications Security Establishment (CSE)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Departments and agencies of the Government of Canada using cryptographic equipment to protect classified information

Prime contractor N/A
Major subcontractors Various allied manufacturers of cryptographic equipment
Project phase

Implementation of the first CCMP sub-project September 2009

Major milestones


CCMP Omnibus Project Approval March 2005

Amended CCMP Omnibus Project Approval February 2017

Amended CCMP Omnibus Project Approval November 2017

CSMI Project Approval November 2006

Amended CSMI Project ApprovalNovember 2017


Secure Voice / Telephone Family –

ImplementationNovember 2004

Secure Voice / Telephone Family – CompletionJuly 2012

Re-Key Infrastructure – ImplementationNovember 2004

Re-key Infrastructure – CompletionSeptember 2009

CSMI – Phase 1A – Implementation November 2006

Amended CSMI – Phase 1A – ImplementationNovember 2017

CSMI – Phase 1A – CompletionSeptember 2018

CSMI – Phase 1B – DefinitionNovember 2006

CSMI – Phase 1B – ImplementationFebruary 2008

CSMI – Phase 1B – CompletionMarch 2012

CSMI – Phase 2 – DefinitionFebruary 2008

Amended CSMI – Phase 2 – DefinitionJune 2011

CSMI – Phase 2 Definition – CompletionMarch 2013

CSMI – Phase 2A – ImplementationNovember 2012

CSMI – Phase 2A – CompletionMarch 2019

CSMI – Phase 2B – ImplementationNovember 2017

CSMI – Phase 2B – Completion2022

CSMI – Phase 3 (Cancelled) capability will be delivered under CSMI Phase 2B

Link Encryption Project (DND) – Implementation November 2006

Link Encryption Project (DND) – CompletionMarch 2013

Network Encryption Project (DND) – ImplementationJune 2011

Network Encryption Project (DND) – Completion2020

Amended Network Encryption Project (DND)February 2017

Network Encryption Family – Completion2020

Link Encryption Family – Completion2020

Combat Identification (IFF Mode 5) – DefinitionNovember 2011

Combat Identification (IFF Mode 5) – ImplementationMarch 2014

Combat Identification (IFF Mode 5) – Completion2020

CNRE – Definition August 2011

CNRE – Implementation January 2013

CNRE – Completion2020

Secure Radio Project – Implementation February 2017

Secure Radio Project (DND) – Completion2021

Secure Mobile Environment (Cancelled) N/A

Progress report and explanation of variances

The CCMP Omnibus Project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • The Secure Voice / Telephone Re-key Infrastructure sub-project was completed in September 2009;
  • The CSMI Phase 1B sub-project was completed in March 2012;
  • The Secure Voice / Telephone Family sub-project was completed in July 2012;
  • The DND Link Encryption Project was completed in March 2013;
  • The DND Network Encryption Project completed Land based installations in 2016;
  • The CSMI Phase 1A sub-project was completed in September 2018; and
  • The CSMI Phase 2A sub-project was completed in March 2019.

Scope: The CCMP Omnibus Project is on track to deliver its 2005 approved scope.

Cost: The CCMP Omnibus Project is operating within the 2017 approved budget.

Schedule: The schedule is dependent on the United States (U.S.) Cryptographic Modernization Initiative and the Key Management Infrastructure Program. Canada’s collaboration with the United States of America allows Canada to leverage U.S. research and development and maintain interoperability with its Allies. Completion dates for the sub-projects are regularly reviewed for alignment with the U.S. initiative/program.

The CCMP Omnibus Project originated as a 12-year program ending in 2016 but it has been extended to 2022 due to increased complexity and delays in the CSMI Project that relies on input from the United States Key Management Infrastructure (KMI) Program.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19

CSMI Phase 1A – The sub-project was completed in September 2018 and the Project Completion Report was approved in April 2019. CSMI Phase 1A is Closed.

CSMI Phase 2A – The sub-project was completed in September 2018; the Project Completion Report is under development.

CSMI Phase 2B – Deployment planning for Key Management Infrastructure workstations in the Canadian Central Facility environment is progressing.

DND Network Encryption Family (NEF) Sub-project – Completed Link, Network and Fleet Broadcast encryptor implementation on HALIFAX-Class ships.  Having completed all land based installations in 2016 and with only a few KINGSTON-Class ships remaining, the project is in a good position to reach Full Operational Capability (FOC) as planned in March 2020.

Combat Identification (IFF Mode 5) – Completed the delivery of all encryptors required for the modernization of land, air, and sea based Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Mode 5 systems. The project will continue to support IFF Mode 5 training and system certifications until its FOC in March 2020.

DND Secure Radio – Completed the delivery and fielding of selected backpack and handheld secure radios and received initial quantities of required end cryptographic units to start engineering, integration, and testing with legacy communication systems.

CNRE – Full rate production is proceeding on schedule.


The objective of the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) project is to acquire a new surface combatant capability that will replace the Iroquois Class destroyers and the Halifax Class frigates. This acquisition will provide the capability to monitor and defend Canadian waters and to make contributions to international naval operations.

Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Maritime equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority.

The CSC project has the following project outcomes:

  • Recapitalize the capability currently found in Canada’s frigates and recently retired destroyers;
  • Acquire associated Integrated Logistics Support;
  • Deliver associated infrastructure; and
  • Define and award In-Service Support contract(s).

Once the vessels are introduced into service they will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The CSC project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Navy:

  • a new fleet which will ensure effective operations and training within Canada, North America, and internationally; and
  • Maritime Forces Elements deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness.
Industrial benefits The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy of Canada’s Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) applies to the selection of an existing warship design and design team to design the Canadian Surface Combatant.  As such, a DPS value proposition was a weighted and rated aspect of the evaluation to select the bidder and design that provides the best overall value for Canadians. The Government of Canada will receive equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisition and the In-Service Support contracts.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISEDC) and its regional development agencies

Prime contractor Irving Shipbuilding Inc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Major subcontractors Lockheed Martin Canada
Project phase

DefinitionJune 2012

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition Phase 1)June 2012

Revised Project Approval (Definition Phase 1) December 2014

Request for Proposal Release October 2016

Project Approval (Definition Phase 2) June 2017

Contract Award (Definition Phase 2) February 2019

Project Approval (Implementation)Early 2020s

Implementation Contract - AwardedEarly 2020s

First Delivery Mid 2020s

Progress report and explanation of variances

The CSC project is achieving project objectives, notably:

  • Government officials announced in January 2015 that Irving Shipbuilding Inc. will be the Prime contractor for the Canadian Surface Combatant project;
  • Prequalification of bidders was completed in October 2015;
  • An initial reconciliation of requirements was completed in October 2015;
  • Over the summer of 2016, Canadian Industry and the pre-qualified short listed respondents were engaged on the draft Request for Proposals for ship design and design services. Irving Shipbuilding Inc. released the Request for Proposals on 27 October 2016.
  • Canada’s Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE), was released on 7 June 2017, citing the procurement of 15 Canadian Surface Combatants with an updated overall project budget:
  • November 30, 2017: Canadian Surface Combatant Request for Proposal closed and initial bids received;
  • October 19, 2018: Bid evaluation completed; Lockheed Martin identified as the preferred bidder and conditions precedent period of due diligence and negotiations commenced; and
  • February 07, 2019: Canada awarded a Definition Contract to Irving Shipbuilding Inc., and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. in turn, awarded a Definition Subcontract to Lockheed Martin Canada for work to finalize the CSC design.

Scope: Industry was engaged in early 2016 on a potential refinement to the procurement strategy to competitively select an existing warship design to modify rather than to develop a new design. Informed by this engagement, the Government of Canada announced the approval of this refinement on 13 June 2016. The project remains on track to achieve the scope as approved in May 2016.

Cost: The Definition Phase 2 will initially focus on further requirements reconciliation and then the ship design phases. Completion of the design phases will inform the costing of the project. This activity will be jointly undertaken by project staff, Irving Shipbuilding Inc., and its sub-contractors.

Schedule: Definition Phase 1 is complete and Definition Phase 2 started on 7 February 2019. It is estimated the project will be in Definition Phase 2 for three to four years to develop the CSC design prior to the award of an implementation contract for the build of CSC in the early 2020s. Delivery of the first ship is expected in the mid-2020s.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, Canada and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. concluded the bid evaluation and selected Lockheed Martin Canada to provide the design and design team for the CSC. On 7 February 2019 Canada awarded a Definition Contract to Irving Shipbuilding Inc. who, in turn, awarded a Definition Subcontract to Lockheed Martin Canada to finalize the CSC design. Design activities commenced upon contract award. 


Cormorant Mid-Life Upgrade (CMLU) project will extend the estimated life expectancy of the CH-149 Cormorant to at least 2042, address obsolescence issues, ensure compliance with emerging regulations, and address a search and rescue capability deficiency at the Trenton Main Operating Base. These objectives will be achieved by way of updates and upgrades to the existing CH149 Cormorant fleet, augmentation of the fleet, and improvements to maintenance regimes and training.

Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority.  

Once the aircraft have been modernized, they will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Air Force:

  • Provides modernized aerospace fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Air and Space forces Elements are meeting Force Posture and Readiness requirements remain ready; and
  • Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits The Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy, including Value Proposition, applies to this acquisition. The industrial analysis conducted to date reveals that this project is related to a number of areas of strategic interest to Canada, including rotary wing maintenance, repair and overhaul, systems upgrade, and training and simulation. The potential to leverage economic benefits will be a consideration in finalizing the procurement strategy.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

PSPC and Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)

Prime contractor Leonardo Helicopters Division (LHD)
Major subcontractors IMP Aerospace & Defence, CAE, GE Canada, Rockwell Collins, Canada
Project phase

DefinitionFebruary 2019

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition)7 February 2019

Project Approval (Implementation) Fall 2020

Contract Award (Implementation) Fall 2020

First Delivery 2022

Initial Operational Capability 2024

Final Delivery 2027

Full Operational Capability 2028

Effective Project Closeout 2028

Progress report and explanation of variances

The CMLU project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • 12 January 2018 – Government officials acknowledged the approach to upgrade the existing fleet and not to pursue a replacement aircraft;
  • 27 March 2018 – Government officials approved an industry engagement plan, which was to restrict the upgrade and augmentation to AW-101 aircraft only and to provide a forum for industry to discuss opportunities for collaboration with the CH-149 Original Equipment Manufacturer (Leonardo); and
  • 27 April 2018 - Government officials approved the release of a Letter of Notification on buy&


  • The project will upgrade the current fleet of 14 Cormorant aircraft and augment the fleet size to a minimum of 16 aircraft; and
  • The upgraded Cormorant fleet will be built from a combination of CH-149 and VH-71 assets as well as new AW-101 parts.

Cost: The project budget will be refined during the definition phase and includes funding for additional aircraft, upgrades to the current fleet, simulators, related equipment, infrastructure, management costs, and contingency.

Schedule:  On 7 February 2019, the CMLU project completed the Option Analysis phase and entered Definition.

Year-end Results: In the Fiscal year 2018-19, project entered Definition phase in February 2019.


The combined objective of the CP-140 Aurora Incremental Modernization Project (AIMP) and the Aurora Structural Life Extension Project (ASLEP) is to modernize and extend the life of 14 of Canada’s 18 CP-140 Aurora aircraft in order to maintain the fleet’s operational capabilities until the fleet’s planned retirement date of 2030. This work will provide the capability to conduct Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) in order to detect threats to Canadian security as early as possible.

AIMP was originally an omnibus project consisting of 23 sub-projects. As of October 2013, the remaining on-going AIMP projects were consolidated under one project.

Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The AIMP has the following project outcomes:

  • Deliver Block I upgrades, which includes replacement/upgrade of high frequency radio gear, cockpit voice recorder, and flight data recorder;
  • Deliver Block II upgrades, which includes navigation and communications upgrades;
  • Deliver Block III upgrades, which includes mission computer and sensor upgrades; and
  • Deliver Block IV upgrades, which will add three new capabilities (Beyond Line of Sight Satcom, Link 16, and self-defence).

The ASLEP has the following project outcome:

  • Deliver structural upgrade on 14 of the 18 CP-140 Aurora aircraft.

This capability is being delivered to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).

Once the aircraft have been modernized they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The CP-140 Aurora Incremental Modernization/Structural Life Extension Projects will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the RCAF:

  • Provides a modernized aerospace fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Air and Space forces Elements are meeting Force Posture and Readiness requirements remain ready; and
  • Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy of Canada’s Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) applies to this project. Canada will receive ITBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value of the General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada acquisitions contract.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics – Marietta, Georgia, USA

Major subcontractors IMP Aerospace – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Project phase

ImplementationJune 2015

Major milestones


Block I Full Operational CapabilityJuly 2007

Block II Full Operational Capability March 2012

Block III Full Operational CapabilityJuly 2019

Block IV Project Approval (Definition) October 2013

Block IV Project Approval (Implementation) June 2015

Contract Award to General Dynamic

Mission Systems-Canada October 2015

Block IV Initial Operational Capability (IOC) June 2020

Block IV Full Operational Capability (FOC)September 2022

Project CloseoutDecember 2024


Project Approval (Implementation)May 2008

Initial Operational CapabilityApril 2012

Amended Project Approval (Implementation)October 2013

Full Operational CapabilityJanuary 2020

Project Closeout February 2020

Progress report and explanation of variances

The AIMP and ASLEP projects have achieved project objectives, notably:

  • AIMP:
    • Blocks I and II are complete and have delivered a modernized CP-140 navigation and communication capability to the RCAF ;
    • As of 1 April 2019, 13 of 14 aircraft have received updated mission computer and sensors under Block III;
    • Ground integration testing started on the Block IV prototype aircraft in December 2018; and
    • The Proof Fit aircraft (Prototype #2) was inducted for modification in October 2018.
  • ASLEP:
    • As of 1 April 2019, 12 of 14 aircraft have received structural life extension.

Scope:  Both projects are on track to deliver their implementation approved scope (AIMP: 2015, ASLEP: 2013), though AIMP Block IV is at risk due to the contractor’s capacity to meet modification schedule for all aircraft for planned Full Operational Capability (FOC). The modernized Aurora aircraft has restored Canada’s airborne maritime surveillance capabilities while providing significant enhancements to its overland surveillance capabilities with its world-class integrated mission systems capabilities as demonstrated during domestic and international surveillance missions. 

Cost: ASLEP is on track to deliver within the 2015 approved budget. Increased cost estimates for modification kits and aircraft modifications, and liability for retroactive contractor rate increases, are likely to require all available contingency for AIMP.

Schedule: As a result of delays in engineering and production, FOC dates for AIMP and ASLEP have been delayed from the 2015 approved schedule.

Year-End Results:  In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, two aircraft were delivered with updated Block III systems and the structural life extension, the Block IV Proof Fit aircraft (Prototype #2) was inducted for modification, and ground integration testing started on the Block IV Prototype aircraft.

Description The Government of Canada is acquiring 16 CC-295 aircraft equipped with advanced technology systems to support Canada’s search and rescue operations, replacing the current Buffalo and Hercules. The aircraft will be based where search and rescue squadrons are currently located, in Comox, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Trenton, Ontario; and Greenwood, Nova Scotia.  The acquisition contract is for 6 years of acquisition (aircraft, a training center, and in-service support items) and the first five years of in-service support. The contract also includes the opportunity for the supplier to earn contract extensions for in-service support in increments of one-three years, up to an additional 15 years.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue Aircraft Replacement (FWSAR) project has the following project outcomes, notably;

  • Acquire 16 new, sensor-equipped aircraft to replace the Search-And-Rescue fleets of CC-115 Buffalo and CC-130H Hercules;
  • Acquire long-term In-Service Support;
  • Deliver associated infrastructure; and
  • Reduce search times across Canada’s area of responsibility.

Once the aircraft have been introduced into service they will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The FWSAR project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Air Force:

  • Introduce a new fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensure Air and Space force Elements contributing to  Force Posture and Readiness requirements remain ready; and
  • Ensure the fleet is available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.

The primary beneficiary is the Canadian population who require Search and Rescue Services.

Industrial benefits The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy of Canada’s Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) applies to this project. Canada will receive ITBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisition and in-service support.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor Airbus Defence and Space S.A. – Madrid, Spain
Major subcontractors

AirPro – Ottawa, Ontario Canada: Canadian In-Service Support Integrator responsible for the delivery of In-Service Support Set-up, Transition and Steady State.

CAE – Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Lead for training systems development, the Operational Training Unit delivery and provision of all training services.

PAL Aerospace – St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada: Lead for all aircraft support.

Pratt & Whitney Canada – Longueuil, Quebec, Canada: Engines and engine maintenance, repair and overhaul.

Lockheed Martin Canada Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Surveillance Radar Subsystem and the associated In-Service Support.

L-3 WESCAM – Burlington, Ontario, Canada: Electro-Optical / Infra-Red sensor for the CC-295.

Accenture Inc. Canada – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Electronic Information Environment.

Project phase

ImplementationDecember 2016

Major milestones

Expenditure Authority – Definition phaseMarch 2012

Project Approval (Definition)March 2015

Project Approval (Implementation)December 2016

Contract Award December 2016

First Aircraft Delivery (in Spain) December 2019

Initial Operational Capability 2020

Final Aircraft Delivery2022

Full Operational Capability 2022

Effective Project Closeout2023

Progress report and explanation of variances

The FWSAR project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • The Request for Proposal was released on 31 March 2015;
  • A contract was awarded to Airbus Defence and Space on 1 December 2016; and
  • Ground breaking ceremony for the Comox Training Center occurred in January 2018.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver the 2016 approved scope.

Cost: The project is currently within the 2016 approved budget.

Schedule: The project is currently on track to deliver the project milestones in accordance with the 2016 approved schedule. The first aircraft is scheduled to be delivered and accepted in Spain in 2019 and is scheduled to arrive at 19 Wing Comox, British Columbia in Spring 2020.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the assembly of the first CC-295 aircraft began in September 2018. Critical design reviews were completed for aircraft, training devices and the in-service support solution. The first aircraft rolled off the production line in early March 2019 and commenced contractor ground testing in Spain in late March 2019.

Description The objective of the Force Mobility Enhancement (FME) project is to acquire a Leopard 2-based Armoured Engineer Vehicle (AEV) and Armoured Recovery Vehicles (ARV) capability to replace the current Leopard 1-based AEV and ARV fleets. This acquisition will provide the capability to move earth and clear mines to ensure that troops have a clear, safe path. The FME project (phase 1) will replace the Leopard 1 AEV Badger with a new robust Leopard 2 Armoured Engineer Vehicle (AEV). In phase 2, the project will acquire Tactical Mobility Implement (TMI) to replace the old version of Dozer Blade, Track with Mine Plough (TWMP), and Mine Clearing Roller Systems (MCRS). Finally, the modifications of 82 Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks (MBT) to accept the new version of the implement.
Project outcomes

This project contributes currently to Program Inventory 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Land equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The FME project has the following project outcomes, notably;

      Phase 1:

  • Acquire 18 Leopard 2 AEVs; and
  • Acquire four Leopard 2 ARVs.

      Phase 2:

  • Acquire Tactical Mobility Implements (TMI); specifically, 18 Dozer Blades, 16 Track Width Mine Ploughs, and 16 Mine Clearing Roller Systems; and
  • Deliver modifications to the entire Leopard 2 tank fleet to accept TMI.

Once this modern fleet has been acquired, it will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, to the Canadian Army:

  • Ensures Land Forces Elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness;
  • Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Ensures operations in Canada, North America, and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.
Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value in Phase 1 only, with the exception of the government-to-government purchase of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks chassis.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft mbH (FFG) – Flensburg, Germany
Rheinmetall Defence – Kiel, Germany
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG (KMW) – Munich, Germany
Urdan Metal and Casting Industries Ltd – Tel Aviv, Israel
Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace – Norway

Major subcontractors

Flensburger Fahrzeugbau (FFG) Canada – Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada

Kongsberg Protech Systems Canada – London, Ontario, Canada

Project phase

CloseoutMarch 2020

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) - Phase 1June 2009

Request for Proposal released - Phase 1October 2010

Advanced Contract Award Notice (ACAN)

posted on MERX - Phase 2 July 2011

Request for Proposal released - Phase 2 June 2011

Revised Project Approval (Definition) - Phase 1March 2012

Contract Award - Phase 1April 2012

Project Approval (Implementation) - Phase 2November 2013

Contract Award - Phase 2December 2013

Initial Operational Capability (IOC) - Phase 1 December 2017

                                                      IOC - Phase 2 December 2017

Full Operational Capability (FOC)December 2018

Effective Project Closeout March 2019

Project Closeout March 2020

Progress report and explanation of variances

The FME project has achieved project objectives. As of 4 April 2019:

  • All 18 Armoured Engineer Vehicles (AEV) have been accepted by the Government of Canada;
  • All four of the and Armoured Recovery Vehicles (ARVs) have been delivered;
  • All 16 mine roller systems have been delivered;
  • All 18 dozer blades have been delivered;
  • Four of 16 mine ploughs have been delivered; and
  • Modifications to the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) fleets complete.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver its approved 2012 scope.

Cost: The project is currently within budget as approved in 2012.

Schedule. The project will incur a delay to the approved 2012 schedule of Project Closeout in September 2017, now anticipated in March 2020. Due to the limited availability of the Canadian Army to conduct training, the Initial Operational Capability (IOC) dates for Phases 1 and 2 were delayed. IOC for Phase 1 was achieved in December 2017. Full Operational Capability (FOC) for FME was delayed until December 2018 due to contractor delivery delays for outstanding spares.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19 the FME project delivered all AEVs, MBTs and Tactical Mobility Implements. Effective Project Closeout was achieved in March 2019.

Description The objective of the Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP) is to successfully acquire and transition into service 88 advanced fighter aircraft along with associated equipment, weapons, and sustainment capability that leverages Canadian capabilities and contributes to economic growth and creation of jobs.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The FFCP has the following project outcomes:

  • Deliver a fighter capability to execute the roles and missions asked by the Government of Canada.

Once the aircraft have been introduced into service they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The FFCP  will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Air Force:

  • Introduces a new fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Air and Space forces Elements meeting Force Posture and Readiness requirements remain ready; and Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits The Government of Canada continues to engage with stakeholders on advancing industrial and technological benefits for companies in Canada and promoting innovation, ensuring best value, and supporting Canada’s defence priorities.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor To be determined (TBD)
Major subcontractors TBD
Project phase

DefinitionNovember 2017

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) - Phase 1November 2017

Project Approval (Implementation)2022

Contract Award 2022

Delivery First Aircraft Mid 2020s

Initial Operational Capability Mid 2020s

Delivery Final Aircraft End 2020s

Full Operational Capability Early 2030s

Project CloseoutEarly 2030s

Progress report and explanation of variances

The FFCP has achieved project objectives, namely:

  • March to July 2018: Formal engagements with eligible suppliers were conducted in March and April 2018 and again in June and July 2018;
  • 26 October 2018: The draft Request for Proposal (RFP) was released to eligible suppliers for review and feedback;
  • 21 December 2018: Comments and Feedback on the Draft RFP were provided by the Supplier Teams; and
  • January to April 2019: Formal engagements with eligible suppliers continue to refine the draft RFP, to support a final RFP release in 2019.

Scope: DND is collaborating with PSPC and ISED to replace the fighter fleet, focusing on options that match Canada’s defence needs.

Cost: An acquisition budget of $15B-$19B was announced as part of Canada’s Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE). The project’s implementation budget will be informed by ongoing project definition work including engagement with governments and industry, and is contingent on approval as part of the Project Approval process for Implementation.

Schedule: While the schedule remains aggressive, the project has met its important milestones in 2018 and is working towards the release of the solicitation documents in 2019.

Year-End Results: In October 2018, the draft RFP was released to suppliers. Supplier engagements occurred from January to March 2019 to refine the draft RFP to facilitate the release of the final RFP in 2019.

Description The objective of the Halifax-class Modernization/Frigate Life Extension (HCM/FELEX) project is to modernize the combat systems and carry out a mid-life upgrade on the Royal Canadian Navy's fleet of 12 Canadian‐built Halifax-class patrol frigates. This work will ensure that the Halifax-class patrol frigates continue to operate effectively for at least 15 years after completion of their respective mid-life refits as the backbone of the Royal Canadian Navy fleet.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Maritime equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority.

The HCM/FELEX project has the following project outcomes:

  • Deliver 12 modernized HALIFAX-Class ships.

Now introduced into service these ships contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Navy:

  • Introduces a modernized fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Maritime Forces Elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness; and
  • Ensures fleets are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.

Canada will receive IRB’s equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisitions and the In-Service Support. 

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

In-Service Support Contractor (Class Design Agent):       
Fleetway Incorporated – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Internal Communications System:           
DRS Flight Safety and Communications. – Kanata, Ontario, Canada

Multi-Ship Contract (East):          
Irving Shipbuilding Incorporated Halifax Shipyard – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Multi-Ship Contract (West):       
SeaSpan Victoria Shipyards – Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Combat System Integration Contract:    
Lockheed Martin Canada – Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Harpoon/Advanced Harpoon Weapons Control System (AHWCS):           
The Boeing Company – St-Louis, Missouri, USA

Major subcontractors N/A
Project phase

Final Project CloseoutMarch 2022

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition)

          - FELEX February 2005

          - HCM/FELEXFebruary 2007

Refit Procurement Strategy ApprovalMarch 2007

Revised Project Approval (Definition) (Part 1) June 2007

Multi-Ship Contracts (MSC) Awarded (Docking Work

Periods and Refits)

          - West CoastMarch 2008

          - East CoastMarch 2008

Project Approval (Implementation) (Part 2) September 2008

Combat System Integration Contract AwardNovember 2008

Refits BeginOctober 2010

Initial Operational Capability (IOC)February 2015

Full Operational Capability (FOC)January 2018

Effective Project Closeout January 2019

Project CloseoutMarch 2022

Progress report and explanation of variances

The HCM/FELEX project has achieved project objectives:

  • December 2017:  12 modernized HALIFAX-Class ships were delivered;
  • January 2018: Full Operational Capability FOC achieved; and
  • January 2019: Effective Project Closeout declared.

Scope: The project is Effectively Closed. Some minor, low complexity and low risk activities will continue until Final Project Closure in 2022.

Cost: The project is currently within budget, based on September 2008 approval.

Schedule: The project has delivered in accordance with its September 2008 approved schedule. All refits are complete and all ships have been returned to the Royal Canadian Navy for operational employment.  The project was Effectively Closed on 17 January 2019, with low complexity and low risk activities continuing until Final Project Closeout in 2022.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, on 17 January 2019, Effective Project Close-out was declared.

Description The objective of the Halifax-class Point Defence Missile System Upgrade (PDMSU) project is to develop and acquire an evolution to the current Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM) Point Defence Missile System fitted in the Halifax-class ships. This work will sustain the Royal Canadian Navy’s Halifax-class ships’ ability to defend against current and future threats originating from surface, sub-surface, air, and land-based platforms.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to the Program Inventory - 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Maritime equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The PDMSU project has the following outcomes:

  • Develop an improved point defence missile as part of a 12-country initiative;
  • Acquire and integrate an upgraded Point Defence Missile System for the Halifax-class ships; and
  • Acquire stock of the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile Block 2.

Once introduced into service, the system will be an integral part of the Operations and Ready Forces objectives. The PDMSU project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Navy:

  • Provide improved capabilities which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; and
  • Acquire new capabilities to ensure Canada and North America are defended against threats and attacks.
Industrial benefits

The development work, performed under the ESSM Block 2 Engineering and Manufacturing Development Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), consists of Government work and industrial work. While the Government work will be performed primarily by the U.S. Government, the industrial work is shared among the contributing participants in accordance with their cost share percentages.

Work share for Implementation Phase is governed by the MOU for the Production of the ESSM Block 2, with work share based on the country’s percentage of total missiles acquired. As a result, the work share is 100% of the value associated with the production of the contracted missiles.

Canada’s Integrated Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy does not apply to this project.  

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor NATO SeaSparrow Surface Missile System Project
Major subcontractors Raytheon Missile Systems Company – Tucson, Arizona, USA
Project phase

ImplementationMarch 2017

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) November 2014


Initial ESSM Block 2 Engineering and Manufacturing

Development MOU PaymentNovember 2014

Project Approval (Implementation) March 2017

First Missile DeliveryLate 2020

Initial Operational Capability (IOC) December 2021

Full Operational Capability (FOC) December 2025

Project Closeout March 2028

Progress report and explanation of variances

The PDMSU project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • The Government of Canada signed the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM) Block 2 Engineering and Manufacturing Development Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 12 November 2014; and
  • The Government of Canada signed the ESSM Block 2 Production MOU on 29 March 2017.

Scope: The project delivered is on track to deliver on its 2018-19 approved scope.

Cost: The project is currently within its 2018-19 approved budget.

Schedule: The PDMSU project is on track to deliver the project milestones in accordance with its 2017 approved schedule.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the PDMSU project initiated the development of Combat Systems software upgrade to support the ESSM Block 2 capabilities, performed the in-field testing and evaluation of Block 2 transceiver, and initiated the first phase of Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation (PHS&T) testing.

Description The objective of the Interim Fighter Capability Project (IFCP) is to acquire 18 surplus Australian F/A-18A/B aircraft, spares and equipment to supplement Canada’s existing CF-18 fleet to address the fighter capability gap.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The IFCP has the following project outcomes:

  • Successful acquisition of F/A18-A/B aircraft and integration into the CF-18 fighter fleet; and
  • Help address the capability gap by having sufficient operational aircraft to support execution of the roles and missions asked by the Government of Canada.

Once the aircraft have been introduced into service, they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces.

Industrial benefits
The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy of Canada’s Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) does not apply to the purchase of military equipment from a foreign government where a prime contractor is not involved.  ITBs for the Canadian aerospace sector will be realized through opportunities for Canadian industry to provide additional In-Service Support to the additional F/A-18A/B aircraft.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor Acquired from the Australian Government through a Government to Government Purchasing Arrangement
Major subcontractors CF-18 Prime Air Vehicle (PAV) Optimized Weapons System Management Contractor (L-3 MAS), Avionics (AVS) Optimized Weapons System Management Contractor (Peraton), Propulsion Group System (PGS) Optimized Weapons System Management Contractor (Magellan)
Project phase

ImplementationNovember 2018

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) February 2017

Project Approval (Definition amendment) December 2017

Project Approval (Implementation) November 2018

Purchasing Agreement Signed November 2018

First Aircraft made available to the Government of Canada 21 February 2019

Introduction to Service Summer 2019

Project Closeout Spring 2023

Progress report and explanation of variances

The IFCP project has achieved project objectives, namely:

  • Work tasks for definition were submitted to L3 MAS for the integration of Australian F/A 18A/B aircraft into the CF 18 fleet, including the modification of the aircraft to ensure that they are functionally identical to the CF 18 aircraft.
  • Conducted initial Operational Flight Program software testing on Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F/A-18A/B aircraft in Australia;
  • Transitioned to the Implementation Project Phase after being granted Project Approval (Implementation), Expenditure Authority and Contract Approval in November 2018;
  • Signed Government to Government Purchasing Arrangement with the Australian Government for the purchase of aircraft, spare parts and support equipment on 9th November 2018; First two F/A-18 Aircraft were ferried by Australia to Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Cold Lake on 16th February 2019;
  • Aircraft were transferred from the Government of Australia to the Government of Canada; and
  • Started aircraft modification, acceptance and integration efforts on the first two aircraft.

Cost: The project is currently within its approved budget.

Schedule: The project is currently on its approved schedule.

Year End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, IFCP project entered Implementation Phase after being granted Project Approval (Implementation), Expenditure Authority and Contract Approval in November 2018.  The project also signed Government to Government Purchasing Arrangement with the Australian Government for the purchase of aircraft, spare parts and support equipment on 9th November 2018; and the first two F/A-18 Aircraft were ferried by Australia to CFB Cold Lake on 16th February 2019.

Description The objective of the Joint Support Ship (JSS) project is to deliver two new support ships to replace the Royal Canadian Navy’s Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment vessels that have reached the end of their service. The capabilities required of the Joint Support Ships are crucial to the Royal Canadian Navy. These new Protecteur-class ships will enable a Naval Task Group to remain at sea for extended periods of time. These vessels will provide core replenishment capabilities plus added capacity for limited sealift and limited support to operations ashore.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Maritime equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The JSS project will deliver two Joint Support Ships.

Once the vessels are introduced into service they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The JSS project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Navy:

  • Together with the Canadian Surface Combatants, the Joint Support Ships (JSS) will form the core of the future Royal Canadian Navy fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Maritime Forces Elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness; and
  • Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.
Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for the acquisition. In-Service Support of the vessels is managed separately under the AJISS (Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship and Joint Support Ship) In-Service Support contract which was awarded in 2017.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

Acquisition:  Vancouver Shipyards Co. – North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

In-Service Support:  Thales Canada Inc. and Thales Australia Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. A single long-term In-Service Support Contract (ISSC) to support the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) and Joint Support Ship (JSS) vessels is in place.

Major subcontractors

Alion Science and Technology (Canada) Corporation – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Thales Canada Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Det Norske Veritas - Germanischer Lloyd Canada (DNV-GL) – Montreal, Quebec, Canada
VARD Electro – Tennfjord, Norway
VARD Electro Canada Inc. – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Trident Maritime Systems – Crozet, Virginia, USA
L-3 Communications MAPPS Inc. – St. Laurent, Quebec, Canada
Hepburn Engineering Inc. – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
MAN Diesel and Turbo, Augsburg, Germany
Lockheed Martin Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Indal Technologies, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Project phase

DefinitionJune 2010

Major milestones

Revised Project Approval (Definition) 1June 2010

Revised Project Approval (Definition) 2 April 2014

Revised Project Approval (Definition) 3 Decemeber 2014

Revised Project Approval (Definition) 4 June 2015

Revised Project Approval (Definition) 5 August 2016

Revised Project Approval (Definition) 6April 2018

Project Approval (Implementation) Spring 2020

Award of Implementation Contract Spring 2020

Delivery of first ship 2023

Initial Operational Capability 2024

Full Operational Capability 2024 (under review)

Project Closeout 2025 (under review)

Progress report and explanation of variances

The JSS project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • Under the National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS) announcement on 19 October 2011, SeaSpan’s Vancouver Shipyards Co. Ltd (VSY) is to build the JSS;
  • The selection of the Military-off-the-Shelf (Berlin Class) design was announced on 2 June 2013;
  • The permanent design license for the Military-off-the-Shelf design was procured in September 2014;
  • Initial Design Review (IDR) work started on 23 September 2014;
  • SeaSpan’s Vancouver Shipyards Co Ltd was awarded the Joint Support Ship long lead items contract in December 2015;
  • The Design and Production Engineering (D&PE) Contract was awarded to the shipyard in December 2016 and design work is progressing;
  • The Project received Revised Project Approval for additional Long Lead Items authorities and for Early Block Construction in April 2018; and
  • The Early Block Build Contract was awarded and the JSS construction was started in June 2018.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver its April 2018 Revised Project Approval scope, which includes culmination of the D&PE contract, securing the procurement and delivery under the Long Lead Items Contract, and the early construction of JSS blocks to mitigate a gap in production between the lead Canadian Coast Guard vessel projects.

Cost: Updated Project Definition authorities were granted in April 2018 and the project is operating within these authorities. “Pre-Implementation” authorities were also granted in April 2018, authorizing the start of construction of JSS blocks commencing in June 2018.

Schedule: A new project schedule was established in support of the approvals achieved in April 2018.  With the recent approval to start construction of JSS blocks in June 2018, the project is working to achieve first ship delivery in 2023. The JSS schedule remains dependent on the progress of the other NSS projects preceding JSS at the same shipyard.

Year-End Results: In Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 the JSS project has progressed both definition phase and pre-implementation phases activities. (See project report above for details).

Description The objective of the Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) III upgrade project is to upgrade a significant portion of the LAV III fleet. The LAV III upgrade project will capitalize on existing and evolving technology to provide a highly protected, yet highly mobile Light Armoured Vehicle capability which will protect the soldiers and equipment of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in current and future operations.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Land equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority.

The LAV III upgrade project has the following project outcomes:

  • Deliver 550 LAV III vehicles upgraded in the areas of mobility, protection and lethality.

These vehicles will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The LAV III upgrade project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the CAF - specifically, the Canadian Army:

  • Provides modernized land fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Land Forces Elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness; and Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.
Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value from General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada for both the acquisitions and In-Service Support.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada – London, Ontario, Canada
Major subcontractors N/A
Project phase

ImplementationOctober 2011

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) June 2009

Project Approval (Implementation) October 2011

Contract Award October 2011

First Vehicle Delivery December 2012

Initial Operational CapabilityJune 2014

Revised Project Approval (Implementation) November 2016

Final Vehicle Delivery December 2019

Full Operational Capability Spring 2020

Project Closeout 2021

Progress report and explanation of variances

The LAV III upgrade project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • Initial Operational Capability (IOC) occurred in June 2014; and
  • As of 1 July 2016, the Commander of the Canadian Army (CA) accepted the upgraded LAV III as the CA deployable LAV fleet. Exercise "Maple Resolve 16", held in Wainwright in May 2016 successfully tested more than 110 upgraded LAV III.

Scope: In November 2016 the project received the additional authority to deliver the full upgrade to the 141 LAV III Operational Requirements Integration Task (LORIT) vehicles which were originally only to receive a partial upgrade under the scope of the project approved in October 2011.

Cost: The project is within the budget established in November 2016 as part of the amended scope approval.

Schedule: The project remains on schedule as established in November 2016 as part of the amended scope approval.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the LAV III upgrade project, accepted delivery of another 72 vehicles to reach a total of 540 of 550 upgraded vehicles as of 31 March 2019.

Description The Logistics Vehicle Modernization (LVM) project will acquire new fleets of light and heavy logistics vehicles with associated trailers, vehicle modules, armour protection kits, initial in-service and logistics support, and associated infrastructure upgrades. 
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Land equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

Once the fleet have been modernized, they will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, to the Canadian Army:

  • Ensures fleet available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Provides modernized fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations in Canada, North America and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy will apply to the LVM project. The ITB obligation will be equal to the value of the contract.  Economic impact assessment may apply.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor To be determined (TBD)
Major subcontractors TBD
Project phase

Definition 7 February 2019

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) 7 February 2019

Project Approval (Implementation) 2022-23

Contract Award (Implementation) 2022-23

First Delivery 2025-26

Initial Operational Capability (IOC) 2026-27

Full Operational Capability (FOC) 2029-30

Project Closeout 2029-30

Progress report and explanation of variances

The LVM Project has achieved project objectives, namely:

  • 7 February 2019: Project Approval (Definition) was received; and
  • 29 April 2019: The Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) was posted on

Scope: The LVM project will acquire new fleets of light and heavy logistics vehicles with associated trailers, vehicle modules, armour protection kits, and initial in-service and logistics support. The project will also provide funding for associated infrastructure upgrades and construction requirements. Improvements to payload, functionality, mobility, and heavy protection are expected. 

Cost: The project is currently within its approved budget.

Schedule: The project has met its Project Approval (Definition) milestone in 2019 and remains on track to issue the initial solicitation documents (Draft Request For Proposal) in spring/summer 2020.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the LVM project entered Definition phase. A draft ITQ was published on 29 April 2019 to obtain feedback prior to the release of the final ITQ with a view to qualify suppliers who will be eligible to propose solutions for the LVM capability.

Description The objective of the Maritime Helicopter Project (MHP) is to acquire a new maritime helicopter capability to replace the CH-124 Sea King. This acquisition will address the operational deficiencies of the current CH-124, eliminate the supportability difficulties of the older helicopter, and provide a sufficient fleet size of multi-purpose shipborne Maritime Helicopters for operations well into the 21st century.
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority.

The MHP has the following project outcomes:

  • Acquire 28 fully equipped Maritime Helicopters;
  • Deliver long-term In-Service Support; and
  • Modify the HALIFAX class ships to accommodate the new Maritime Helicopters.

Once the fleet are introduced into service, they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, being delivered to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and will support the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN):

  • Ensures Maritime Forces and Air and Space Forces Elements remain ready and are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness;
  • Ensures fleet available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Contributes towards ensuring operations in Canada, North America, and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.

Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 106% of the contracted value for the acquisitions and 80% of the contracted value for the In-Service Support portion from Sikorsky Aircraft.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor Sikorsky International Operations Incorporated – Stratford, Connecticut, USA
Major subcontractors General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
L-3 MAS – Mirabel, Quebec, Canada
Project phase

Implementation November 2004

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition)June 2003

Project Approval (Implementation) November 2004

Contract Award November 2004

Revised Project Approval (Implementation) June 2014

First Delivery (Block 1 Maritime Helicopters) June 2015

First Delivery (Block 2 Maritime Helicopters) April 2018

Initial Operational CapabilityMay 2018

Final Delivery 2021

Effective Project Closeout2022

Full Operational Capability2025

Full Project Closeout 2025

Progress report and explanation of variances

The MHP has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • As of April 2019, 17 CH-148 Cyclone helicopters have been delivered. Of the 17 helicopters:
    • 13 are in domestic and international operation on the East and West coasts; and
    • Four are back with the contractor for retrofit and re-delivery in the Block 2 configuration.
  • 7 June 2018: the RCAF declared Initial Operational Capability;
  • 8 August 2018: Patricia Bay commenced flight operations;
  • February 2019: Two east and west coast based Cyclones embarked on the RCN ships for a six-month concurrent deployments; and
  • February 2019: The ninth Block 2 helicopter was accepted, bringing the total owned by the Government of Canada to 17.

Scope: On 18 June 2014, following a revised Project Approval (Implementation), the Government of Canada and Sikorsky International Operations Incorporated signed a contract amendment. This amendment extended the In-Service Support Agreement out to 2038 and re-baselined the project schedule.

Cost: The MHP is currently within the 2004 approved budget.

Schedule: The MHP is on track to deliver the project milestones in accordance with its approved schedule, as re-baselined in the revised Project Approval (Implementation) of June 2014.

Year-End Results: In FY 2018/19, nine Block 2 helicopters were delivered.  Three helicopters went on separate international deployments with the RCN, officially replacing the now retired CH-124 Sea King as Canada’s Maritime Helicopter.

Description The objective of the Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS) project is to acquire a new medium-weight truck capability that will replace the Medium Logistic Vehicle Wheeled (MLVW) fleet. The acquisition will provide the capability to transport troops, cargo, and equipment; and to perform combat services support functions.
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Land equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule and expenditure authority.

The MSVS project has the following project outcomes, divided in phases:

  • Phase 1
    • 1,300 Militarized Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (MilCOTS) trucks delivered and are in-service.
  • Phase 2
    • 994 shelters delivered and are in-service.
  • Phase 3
    • 846 – kitted shelters (also referred to as “Shelter Kitting”) completed to specific kitting configurations and are in-service.
  • Phase 4
    • 1,500 Standard Military Pattern (SMP) Trucks in five variants: Cargo, Cargo with Material Handling Crane, Load Handling System, Mobile Repair Team, and Gun Tractor;
    • 150 integrated Armoured Protection Systems (APS);
    • 300 Load Handling System trailers; and
    • In-Service Support.
  • Phase 5
    • Infrastructure.

Once the fleet are introduced into service, they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces.

Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) applies to Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 4 of this project.
The Government of Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisitions and In-Service Support. The IRB Policy does not apply to Phase 3, the “Shelter Kitting” contract.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

MilCOTS :           
Navistar Defence LLC, Warrenville, Illinois, USA

DEW Engineering and Development ULC, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

DEW Engineering and Development ULC, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Mack Defence LLC, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA

Major subcontractors
  • Renault Trucks Defense, Bourg, France – Standard Military Pattern Truck and integration of sub-systems
  • Prevost, Saint-Nicholas, Québec, Canada – Sub-systems integration, and communication equipment’s integration on trucks and Field Service Representatives for support
  • Dumur Industries, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada – Armoured Protective Systems (Armoured cabs) and communication equipment’s integration
  • Link Mfg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Load Handling System trailers
Project phase

Implementation May 2015

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition)June 2006

MilCOTS – Revised Project Approval (Definition)December 2008

MilCOTS – Contract AwardJanuary 2009

MilCOTS – First DeliveryJune 2009

MilCOTS – Delivery CompleteMarch 2011

Shelter – Revised Project Approval (Definition)June 2009

Shelter – Contract AwardJuly 2009

Shelter – First DeliveryMay 2012

Shelter – Delivery CompleteFebruary 2015

Kitting – Revised Project Approval (Definition)November 2012

Kitting – Contract AwardDecember 2012

Kitting – First DeliveryJanuary 2014

Kitting – Delivery CompleteNovember 2016

Project Approval (Implementation)May 2015

Standard Military Pattern (SMP) – Contract Award

(Acquisition and In-Service Support)June 2015

SMP – First Delivery April 2018

SMP - Delivery CompleteFall 2020

Infrastructure – Project Approval (Implementation) May 2015

Project Closeout 2021

Progress report and explanation of variances

The MSVS project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • Phase 1 – The MilCOTS trucks are in-service;
  • Phase 2 – Shelters are in-service;
  • Phase 3 – Shelter Kitting are in-service;
  • Phase 4 – Standard Military Pattern (SMP) Trucks, trailers, and Armoured Protection Systems are being delivered; and
  • Phase 5 – Infrastructure work is in progress.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver Phase 4 and Phase 5.

Cost: The project is currently within the approved budget.

Schedule: Following the resolution of technical issues affecting production, truck deliveries achieved projected production rates in March 2019.  The trailers are expected to be delivered by summer 2019, and the Armoured Protection Systems are expected to be delivered by spring 2020.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the MSVS project successfully delivered the first SMP trucks and trailers to Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Edmonton in April 2018. In November 2018, the first Armoured Protection Systems were delivered to Montreal. By March 2019 the following equipment was received 262/1587 trucks; 230/318 trailers; and 19/161 Armoured Protection Systems.

Description The objective of the Medium-to-Heavy Lift Helicopters (MHLH) project is to establish a new transport helicopter capability based in Petawawa, Ontario to support land-based domestic and international operations and to acquire 15 CH-147F Chinook medium to heavy lift helicopters.
Project outcomes

This project currently contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The MHLH project has the following project outcomes, notably:

  • Acquire 15 Chinook CH-147F helicopters;
  • Deliver the associated infrastructure and support elements to create a new helicopter unit in Petawawa; and
  • Deliver aircrew training through the Operational Training Systems Provider initiative.

Once the aircraft have been acquired, they will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, the Royal Canadian Air Force:

  • Provides modernized aerospace fleet which will contribute towards ensuring operations within Canada, North America, and internationally are effective; 
  • Ensures Air and Space forces Elements are meeting Force Posture and Readiness requirements remain ready; and
  • Ensures fleet is available to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to this project.
Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisitions and the integrated In-Service Support.

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

Aircraft and In-Service Support:
The Boeing Company – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Aircrew Training:
CAE – St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada

Petawawa Infrastructure:
Ellis-Don Corporation – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Major subcontractors N/A
Project phase

Effective Project Closeout June 2019

Closeout (expected) 2020

Major milestones

Preliminary Project Approval June 2006

Advanced Contract Award Notice Posted on MERX July 2006

Effective Project Approval June 2009

Boeing Acquisition Contract Award June 2009

CAE Contract Amendment to include MHLH March 2010

Operational Training October 2010

Ellis-Don Contract AwardJune 2013

First Aircraft Delivery June 2013

Boeing Contract Amendment – In-Service Support

(first five years) June 2013

Last Aircraft DeliveryJune 2014

Initial Operational Capability February 2015

Full Operational Capability 30 June 2018

Effective Project Closeout June 2019

Project CloseoutJune 2020

Progress report and explanation of variances

The MHLH project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • All 15 aircraft have been delivered on time, with the final aircraft being delivered in June 2014;
  • 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron is operating from a brand new purpose-built facility located in Garrison Petawawa;
  • Initial Operational Capability was declared in February 2015; and
  • Full Operational Capability was declared on 30 June 2018.

Scope: The MHLH project is on track to deliver its 2009 approved scope.

Cost: The MHLH project is currently within the 2009 approved budget.

Schedule: The Full Operational Capability and Project Closeout were delayed relative to the 2009 approved schedule due to pilot production and Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) system integration and delivery. Full Operational Capability was effective as of 30 June 2018 and the new Closeout date is June 2020.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, three CH-147F were deployed under Operation PRESENCE - Mali in support of the United Nations mission in July 2018. Full Operational Capability declared in June 2018.

Description The objective of the Mercury Global (MG) project is to acquire assured access capabilities to around-the-world wideband satellite communications (SATCOM), which will provide the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with secure, reliable, and high availability wideband communications. The MG project will deliver military satellite communications (SATCOM) wideband capabilities that address beyond line of sight communications deficiencies globally (between 70 degree N and 70 degree S) by enabling SATCOM connectivity for domestic or international operations to meet the command and control needs of the CAF.
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.4 Defence Information Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Information Technology capabilities address a capability gap or deficiency.

The MG project has the following project outcomes:

  • Phase 1
    • Acquire access to the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite constellation via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United States (US) Department of Defence (DoD) and other international partners (Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and New Zealand). The MOU is the vehicle used to fund the construction and launch of the ninth WGS satellite and, thereby, provide access to the US DoD WGS constellation to the Department of National Defence and other international partners to at least the year 2031; and
    • Acquire early access terminals.
  • Phase 2
    • Design, build and support seven permanent antennas at three sites across Canada.
  • Phase 3
    • Acquire deployable terminals for strategic use to operate specifically with the WGS constellation.

Once this new system is in place, it will be contributing to various Program Inventories under Operations, and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces:

  • Ensures fleet available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Ensures Operations in Canada, North America, and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits

Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to the first two phases of this project. In Phase 1, Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value on a separate agreement between Boeing and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) for the ninth WGS space vehicle (satellite). In Phase 2, the Government of Canada will receive IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisition and the In-Service Support.

In Phase 3, The Government of Canada will receive ITBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the capital acquisition and the In-Service Support as part of the Defense Procurement Strategy (DPS).

Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor

Space segment:
United States Department of Defense (DoD) via a Memorandum of Understanding

Anchor Segment:
General  Dynamics Mission Systems –  Canada;  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Strategic Deployment Terminals:
General  Dynamics Mission Systems –  Canada;  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Early Access Terminals:
Telesat Canada – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Major subcontractors Satellite Manufacturer – Boeing, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Project phase

ImplementationOctober 2014

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) October 2011

Initial Operational Capability May 2013

Project Approval (Implementation) October 2014

Project Approval (Terminal Segment Implementation) January 2018

Anchor Segment Acceptance September 2019

Terminal Implementation Complete August 2020

Full Operational Capability November 2020

Project Closeout December 2020

Progress report and explanation of variances

The MG project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • Phase 1 – Definition
    • Preliminary Project Approval was attained in October 2011; and
    • The Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) MOU was signed in January 2012.
  • Phase 2 – Implementation
    • Expenditure and Contract Authority for Phase 2 was achieved in October 2014;
    • General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada was awarded contracts for both the installation of the anchor stations and In-Service Support of the system for a period of seven (7) years, with options for support up to an additional ten (10) years; and
  • Construction, installation and integration at all 3 MG Anchor Segment sites are substantially complete. WGS certification is in progress, with the third and final phase starting in May 2018. Acceptance testing is set to begin in June 2018.
  • Phase 3 – Implementation
    • A Request for proposals for 67 Strategic Deployable Terminals (SDTs) closed on 31 January 2017;
    • Approval for Expenditure Authority was achieved 10 January 2018; and
    • Contract Award for the Terminal segment, i.e. 67 SDTs, took place 22 February 2018.
  • MG project has directly supported Operation IMPACT, Operation UNIFIER, Operation CARIBBE, Operation NANOOK, Operation REASSURANCE, and Operation RENNAISSANCE 15-1.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver the 2014 and 2018 approved scope. In addition, WGS satellites eight (8) and nine (9) have completed the Wideband Digital Channelizer upgrade, which will almost double their current bandwidth. This satellite modification was undertaken by the U.S. Department of Defense; International Partners will not share the cost, in part or in total, for this upgrade. These satellites have been launched and are currently operational.

Cost: The project is currently within the 2014 and 2018 approved budgets.

Schedule:  The project has experienced a delay against the 2014 approved schedule. The schedule has been re-baselined in 2018.

Year-End Results:  In the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19, the MG project received

  • Anchor stations have been WGS certified and acceptance testing is underway. They are anticipated to be operational in FY 2019-20;
  • Delivery and acceptance of the X-band and MIL Ka-band Medium (17) and Heavy (5) SDTs are underway. These are anticipated to be completed in FY 2019-20; and
  • The WGS certification for the Light SDTs is underway. Delivery and acceptance of these terminals are anticipated to be completed in FY 2020-21.
Description The objective of the Protected Military Satellite Communications (PMSC) project is to acquire guaranteed access to an Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) Military Satellite Communications System which will provide the capability for near-worldwide assured, secure, and jam-resistant communications for the command and control of deployed Canadian commanders and forces as well as interoperability with some of our principal allies, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. The PMSC project is providing the Canadian Armed Forces with a protected, global MILSATCOM capability. The project includes MILSATCOM terminals for ships and submarines, strategic communications units, and deployed land, sea and air forces.
Project outcomes

This project contributes Program Inventory 5.4 Defence Information Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Information Technology capabilities address a capability gap or deficiency.

The PMSC project has the following project outcomes:

  • Phase 1 – Definition (Complete)
    • Procure access to the US DoD AEHF Military Satellite Communications System via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); signed in November 1999.
  • Phase 2 – Implementation
    • Acquire AEHF satellite terminals in multiple variants: ground stations, naval, land transportable, and deployable;
    • Install AEHF (advanced extremely high frequency) satellite terminals, where necessary; and
    • Deliver associated Infrastructure.

Once this new system is in place, it will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces:

  • Ensures fleet available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Ensures Operations in Canada, North America and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits The US Department of Defence (DoD) committed to a work share with Canadian Industry under the completed Phase 1 portion. Canada’s Industrial and Benefits (IRB) Policy was applied to Phase 2 of this project and an IRB agreement was negotiated with Raytheon. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada will seek IRBs equivalent to 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisitions and the In-Service Support.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor United States Department of Defense (DoD) via Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
Major subcontractors Raytheon – Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
Project phase

ImplementationNovember 2003

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) August 1999

Project Approval (Implementation)November 2003

First Terminal Delivery November 2011

Initial Operational CapabilityNovember 2013

Final Terminal Delivery January 2022

PMSC System Full Operational Capability June 2026

Project Closeout September 2026

Progress report and explanation of variances

The PMSC project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • Phase 1 – Definition (Complete)
    • Preliminary Project Approval (PPA) was provided in August 1999; and
    • System access was procured via a Military Satellite Communications Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the US DoD for development and fielding, signed in November 1999.
  • Phase 2 – Implementation
    • Project Approval (Implementation) was received in November 2003;
    • A Military Satellite Communications Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with the US DoD for operations and support was signed in November 2009;
    • Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases were established starting in March 2006 for procurements of terminal equipment; and
    • The PMSC Initial Operational Capability was achieved 12 November 2013.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver the 2003 approved scope.

Cost: The project is currently within the 2003 approved budget. Risk mitigation strategies have been identified to minimize future costs due to installations that exceeded budgeted estimates. These strategies have included awarding installation activities to the supplier with the lowest overall cost structure. The feasibility of proceeding with firm-fixed price contracts has also been explored and implemented.

Schedule: Installation of the PMSC system on Halifax-class Frigates is complete with the 12th ship completed in March 2018. 

Due to slippages in the US DoD overall satellite launch schedule and Victoria-class Submarine (VCS) installations, the PMSC System Full Operational Capability has moved to June 2026 from the original (2003 approved) expected date of November 2017.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the PMSC project established a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case with the US DoD for the In-Service Support of the installed Naval Mast Terminals and completed testing of the Land Based Test Facility in the United States of America, which became operational in May 2018.

Description The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) project will procure a new fleet of armed medium altitude, long endurance, remotely piloted aircraft systems capable of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and precision strike, in support of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations. 
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Aerospace equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority. 

The RPAS project has the following project outcome:

  • Deliver a mature long range, long endurance RPAS capability that meets the requirements of the CAF.
  • The successful acquisition and entry into service of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System capability along with the associated equipment, munitions, infrastructure, and in-service support.

Once this new system is in place, it will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the CAF - specifically, to the Royal Canadian Air Force - and will support the Canadian Army, the Royal Canadian Navy, and the Commanders of the Special Operations Forces and Joint Operational Commands.

  • Ensures fleet are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Ensures operations in Canada, North America and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits Canada will continue to engage with stakeholders on advancing industrial and technological benefits for companies in Canada and on promoting innovation, ensuring best value and supporting Canada’s defence priorities.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor To be determined
Major subcontractors TBD
Project phase

Definition April 2019

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) 4 April 2019

Project Approval (Implementation)2022-23

Contract Award2022-23

First aircraft delivery2024-25

Initial Operational Capability2025-26

Full Operational Capability 2029-30

Project Closeout 2030-31

Progress report and explanation of variances

The RPAS Project has achieved project objectives, namely:

  • 4 April 2019: Project Approval (Definition) was received; and
  • 2 May 2019: The Invitation to Qualify was posted on

Scope: The RPAS Project includes the acquisition of remotely piloted aircraft, ground control stations, integrated logistic support, munitions, and new and/or modified infrastructure.

Cost: The project is currently within its approved budget.

Schedule: While the schedule remains aggressive, the project has met its important Project Approval Definition milestones in 2019 and remains on track to issue initial solicitation documents (Draft Request for Proposal in spring/summer 2020.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the project prepared the documentation and received approval to enter into the Definition Phase (April 2019).

Description The objective of the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV) project is to procure a modern fleet of tactical vehicles for use in domestic and expeditionary operations that are highly mobile and provide a very high degree of protection. Replaces the RG-31, part of the Coyote fleet, and complements the G-Wagon fleet.
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Land equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule and expenditure authority. 

The TAPV project has the following project outcomes:

  • Procurement and delivery of essential Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) to sustain the fleet for the first two years;
  • An initial purchase of 500 TAPV, with an option for 100 more;
  • Acquisition of an operational stock and two years of training stocks of ammunition;
  • Construction of required infrastructure at bases; and
  • Implementation of a long-term (25-year) through life In-Service Support Contract to be funded through Army National Procurement funds.

This modern fleet will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces - specifically, to the Canadian Army:

  • Ensures Land Forces Elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness;
  • Ensures fleet available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements; and
  • Ensures operations in Canada, North America, and internationally are effective.
Industrial benefits Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) Policy applies to the acquisition and support contracts, with requirements for IRB equal to 100% of the contract value.
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor Textron Systems Canada Incorporated – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Major subcontractors

Textron Marine and Land Systems – Louisiana, USA

Kongsberg Protech Systems Canada – London, Ontario, Canada

Rheinmetall Canada – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Engineering Office Deisenroth Canada – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Project phase

Implementation June 2012

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) June 2009

Project Approval (Implementation)June 2012

Contracts AwardedJune 2012

First Vehicle DeliveryAugust 2016

Initial Operational CapabilityAugust 2017

Final Vehicle DeliveryDecember 2018

Full Operational Capability December 2019

Effective Project CompletionDecember 2019

Project Closeout March 2021

Progress report and explanation of variances

The TAPV project has achieved project objectives, notably:

  • As of December 2018, all 500 vehicles were delivered:
  • Initial Operational Capability achieved in August 2017; and
  • In May 2017 and 2019, TAPVs have been effectively used to respond to flooding in Quebec as part of Operation LENTUS.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver the 2012 approved scope.

Cost: The project is within its 2012 approved budget.

Schedule: In August 2014, a first round of testing identified design challenges associated with reliability. The project returned to the contract design phase in order to allow the complex, inter-related designs for the vehicle’s structure, suspension and steering to be improved. A second round of reliability testing was successful, and qualification activities were completed by June 2016.

The project has experienced a delay of over two years against the 2012 approved schedule, primarily as a result of the need to return to the design phase following identification of the design challenges. The schedule is now progressing as planned.

Year-End Results: In the Fiscal Year 2018-19, the project took delivery of the last vehicle.

Description The objective of the Underwater Warfare Suite Upgrade (UWSU) project is to upgrade the underwater warfare sensor suite currently installed in the Halifax-class frigates. The work will address deficiencies, improve ship underwater sensor performance in the challenging littoral environment, and provide a system design to enable continual improvement in a cost-effective manner to modernize the underwater warfare sensor suite that is currently installed on the Halifax-class frigates. The UWSU project will improve the performance of the underwater sensors through the upgrade and/or replacement of the components of the underwater warfare sensor suite. The UWSU In-Service Support Contract (ISSC) will provide long-term, full-spectrum support to the UWSU systems. 
Project outcomes

This project contributes to Program Inventory 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition of the Departmental Results Framework. Its outcome is to ensure Maritime equipment projects remain in approved scope, schedule, and expenditure authority.

The UWSU project has the following project outcomes:

  • Acquire six full-up ship-sets that will include a new passive array and low frequency active towed sonar, a new sonobuoy processing system, an upgrade to the hull mounted sonar and a new active intercept capability; and
  • Fit all twelve Halifax-class ships with the required infrastructure to allow for the transfer of equipment and sensors between ships as required for operational requirements, if all equipment upgrades are not permanently fitted on all ships.

Once vessels are outfitted with the required upgrades, they will contribute to various Program Inventories under Operations and Ready Forces. The project will deliver the following capabilities to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces -  specifically, to the Royal Canadian Navy:

  • Ensures Maritime Forces elements are deployable in support of Force Posture and Readiness; and
  • Ensures fleets are available as planned to meet training and operational readiness requirements.
Industrial benefits The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy of Canada’s Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) applies to this project. Canada will receive ITBs equivalent of 100% of the contracted value for both the acquisition and In-Service Support. 
Sponsoring department

Department of National Defence (DND)

Contracting authority

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and its regional agencies

Prime contractor
 General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada (GDMS-C), Ottawa, Ontario and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Major subcontractors

Ultra-Electronics Marine Systems, for UWSU, predominantly Dartmouth Nova Scotia, Canada

Nautelm, Hackett's Cove, Nova Scotia and Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Jasco Research, Halifax, Nova Scotia and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Omnitech, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Prime contractor (In-Service Support)  General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada (GDMS-C), Ottawa, Ontario and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Project phase

Implementation June 2018

Major milestones

Project Approval (Definition) May 2015

Issue of Request for Proposal (RFP)April 2017

Project Approval (Implementation) June 2018

Contract Award June 2018

Initial Operational Capability2022

Full Operational Capability 2027

Project Closeout 2027

Progress report and explanation of variances

The UWSU project is achieving project objectives, notably:

  • Approval for Implementation phase was received 14 June 2018 ;
  • Contract Award occurred 28 June 2018;
  • Project Kick-off occurred in September 2018; and
  • System Requirements Review occurred in November 2018.

Scope: The project is on track to deliver the implementation phase approved scope. The contract is flexible, permitting for options of up to all 12 ships to be fully fitted should sufficient funding be available within the Capital Investment Fund.

Cost: The implementation phase expenditures are within authorized budget, which currently covers six full-up ship-sets only. Additional funding will be required if project is to deliver six additional ship-sets to fully fit all 12 ships.

Schedule: Although early implementation phase activities with the prime contractor are challenging the schedule, key milestones for the first ship installation towards Initial Operational Capability in 2022 remain on track.

In the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20, the UWSU project will aim to achieve the following:

  • complete Preliminary Design Review;
  • complete Critical Design Review;
  • significant progress towards pre-production build and integration; and
  • significant progress towards shipboard installation specifications

Year-End Results: In the FY 2018-19, the project achieved the following:

  • transition from Definition to implementation phase;
  • contract award;
  • completed Kick-Off;
  • completed System Requirements Review;
  • achieved an initial requirement and design baseline; and
  • achieved significant progress towards preliminary design.

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