About Us

The Maritime Engineering Journal (MEJ) has been the principal publication of the Naval Technical Community since 1982. Instituted as part of the MARE “Get Well” program in 1982, it intended to instill a professional pride and esprit du corps among the Naval Technical Community.  More than three decades later, it still serves as a forum to discuss the work being done by its members, to discuss naval technical issues, and to serve as a living archive of the contributions made by the Naval Engineering community to the RCN. The MEJ has been fully bilingual since the publication of issue 16 in the spring of 1988. It is recognized as one of the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) premiere occupation publications, with a readership of 2300 across eight countries.

The Maritime Engineering Journal (ISSN 0713-0058) is an unofficial publication of the CAF published by the Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management. The contents do not necessarily reflect official policy and, unless otherwise stated, should not be construed as regulations, orders or directives.

Unless otherwise stated, articles may be reprinted with proper credit. A courtesy copy of the reprinted article would be appreciated.

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