Operation REASSURANCE and Operation PRESENCE

  • Canada is playing an important role in the world by undertaking missions abroad that promote peace, security, and the international rules-based order.
  • In these Estimates, National Defence is requesting $132.6 million to support military operations in Europe and Africa.
  • $95.5 million of these funds will help support Operation REASSURANCE, where we are contributing to NATO land, maritime, and air activities in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • The remaining $37.1 million will go towards supporting UN-related missions in Africa.
  • This includes funds to help finalize payments for the completion of our one-year mission in Mali, which ended in August 2019.
  • It also supports ongoing UN operations in Uganda where Canada provides tactical airlift to help sustain UN operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.
  • Canada will continue to work with NATO and the United Nations to enhance our collective security and promote peace and stability around the world.

Key Facts

  • In 2019, through Operation REASSURANCE, the Canadian Armed Forces:
    • Led a Battle Group in Latvia;
    • Contributed to a Maritime Task Force in the Mediterranean; and
    • Contributed an Air Task Force in Romania.
  • Canada committed to “Smart Pledges” and provided specialized military capabilities to UN peacekeeping when needed, including:
    • Aviation Task Force;
    • Tactical airlift support; and
    • Quick Reaction Force.



  • The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) support assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe through Operation REASSURANCE. The CAF is contributing to NATO land, maritime, and air deterrence measures.
  • Canada is leading a NATO Battle Group in Latvia with military members from eight other nations, including: Albania, the Czech Republic, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
  • Approximately 540 members are deployed on an ongoing basis as part of this Battle Group, including headquarters staff, an infantry company with light armoured vehicles, military police, and logistical and communications support. The Battle Group conducts collective training and exercises, serving to bolster Latvian territorial integrity, defence capabilities, and interoperability among NATO Allies.
  • Canada contributes one frigate to Standing NATO Maritime Groups, conducting assurance measures and surveillance in the Mediterranean and Baltic areas. Canada commanded Standing NATO Maritime Group Two in the Mediterranean from June to December 2019.
  • Canada is also contributing to a peacetime collective air policing mission to safeguard the integrity of NATO airspace. Five CF-188 Hornets and approximately 135 Royal Canadian Air Force personnel served on its fourth deployment in Romania since 2014. On January 3, 2020, Air Task Force Romania completed its four-month enhanced Air Policing mission in Romania.
  • In July 2018, the Prime Minister announced that Canada is extending its NATO commitment in Latvia by another four years to March 2023 and would boost the number of troops in the country to 540 (from 455) in a show of ongoing solidarity with the Alliance.

Operation PRESENCE

  • From August 2018 to August 2019, Canada delivered on its first “Smart Pledge” by providing two Chinook and four Griffon helicopters, as well as 250 personnel, to conduct aeromedical evacuations and tactical airlift in support of United Nations (UN) forces in Mali. During this period, Canada provided intra-theatre airlift to deploy its personnel into theatre and a CAF transition team to assist them in their operational preparations.
  • The CAF is currently delivering on another pledge by providing a Hercules aircraft that is conducting tactical airlift out of Entebbe, Uganda, to help sustain UN operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. This is currently an episodic mission up to 30 hours per month.

Version 5: 2020-02-25 – Source: Director Budget draft tab

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