Compassion connects us all | A message from your Mental Health co-Champions

May 6, 2024 – Defence Stories

A message from your Mental Health co-Champions

This year’s Mental Health Week runs from May 6-12, and its theme – Healing through Compassion – encourages us to continue creating a culture of understanding and acceptance that supports everyone’s well-being.

Compassion is a skill we can learn to develop. It can mend relationships, foster emotional intelligence, and improve mental health. It isn’t just a way to help others – it is also about being kind to ourselves. Remember to prioritize self-care and get help when it’s needed, whether that means reaching out to a friend or seeking professional support.

As you think about the role of compassion in mental health and well-being this Mental Health Week, we also encourage you to explore the resources and supports that are available to you as a Defence Team member. There are many helpful services you can access through the Employee Assistance Program and the Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program.

Remember: achieving wellness is not an individual journey, but a collective effort of kindness, support and understanding. Together, we can continue to create a workplace culture where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to prioritize their mental health and well-being.

Your Mental Health co-Champions,

Bill Matthews

Deputy Minister

LGen Frances Allen

Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

Wanda Boudreau

President of the Federal Government Dockyard Chargehands Association

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