Task Requirements. Tasks listed in this Annex are either amplified or in addition to the tasks that remain extant from FRAG O 002.
Enduring Tasks. No Change.
Collective Tasks. All supporting commanders are directed to ensure the following tasks are completed:
Be prepared to (BPT) assist CSRT-SM in the delivery of new Operation HONOUR education and training initiatives when promulgated;
Provide the CDS a complete report of all Operation HONOUR related activities including a Commander's assessment as to the effectiveness of those activities undertaken for the period 1 Oct 17 through 31 Mar 18 NLT 15May 18. The previous report for the period 1 Apr 17 through 30 Sep 17, if not already submitted, is due NLT one month from the date of this order;
BPT to support the implementation and use of the Operation HONOUR Tracking and Analysis System (OPHTAS) for all HISB incidents. All L1 Operation HONOUR OPIs should already be familiar with the system. Those who are not are to contact the DG CSRT-SM PEM. DG CSRT-SM will liaise directly with the L1 OPIs for training and implementation timelines;
BPT provide CDS updates on L1/Comd Operation HONOUR initiatives at CDS Operations Weekly briefing;
Support positive cultural change in the CAF with persistent leadership engagement on the issues related to sexual misconduct, ensuring incidents are addressed swiftly and decisively, procedural fairness is rendered, and ensuring victims are provided the full and ongoing support of the Chain of Command (CoC);
Continue to utilize the Statistics Canada (StatCan) survey results and ongoing research as a means to target Operation HONOUR efforts across the four lines of effort - understanding, response, support and prevention - to address survey and research findings;
Ensure that products being developed independently have had legal and subject matter review prior to promulgation and implementation; and
Ensure respective Commanding Officers and leadership across all Commands understand and execute the new protocols regarding retention of CAF members affected by HISB at ref H and the CDS Directive.
Individual Tasks. In addition to the common tasks listed above, the specified L1s are to provide the following:
1). Institutionalize the CSRT-SM NLT end FY 17/18 ensuring that:
a). The CSRT-SM is moved from CMP and emplaced within the VCDS Group to ensure it becomes a permanent organization within the CAF;
b). The CSRT-SM is provided appropriate manning, leadership and oversight; and
c). The CSRT-SM be adequately staffed with experienced and knowledgeable personnel who are succession planned and possess appropriate skill-sets to challenge the tasks involving organizational behaviour.b).
2). With DG CSRT-SM as the lead and Chair, establish a permanent "Operation HONOUR Steering Committee" NLT 31 March 2018. The Steering Committee will be chaired by the DG CSRT-SM and comprised of Deputy Commanders or senior representatives (GO/FO) and CAF SMEs who will meet no less than once per quarter to ensure CAF-wide situational awareness, information sharing, and leadership focused on the elimination of HISB from the CAF. The intent of the committee is to ensure the CAF has strategic oversight of all culture change and related personnel initiatives to ensure efforts and resources are coordinated to achieve efficiency and effectiveness;
3). Develop and deliver a comprehensive "Operation HONOUR Compendium" that will provide leaders and members at every level of the CAF with a single resource package to communicate direction, policy, definitions, terminology, references, training, education, best practices, resources and calendar of deliverables aimed at eliminating HISB within the CAF;
4). Develop and issue an Initiating Directive to CAF IOT research, develop and deliver a Culture Change Model for the CAF NLT 30 July 2018 to holistically address the complexities of HISB, laying the groundwork for the broader Campaign Plan to be addressed by SJS;
5). Research and develop a HISB Prevention Strategy whose objective is to deliver consistent and effective prevention methods and programs as linked to the Operation HONOUR Campaign Plan for the CAF NLT 31 May 18;
6). Work with SMRC and key CAF stakeholders to continue to develop options and implement Victim Liaison Assistance Programs to ensure victims of sexual misconduct have the option of being supported by specially trained personnel NLT 31 May 18;
7). Ensure the Cultural Change Model addressing HISB is implemented as part of a broader CAF effort to ensure the successful planning and implementation of Defence Policy initiatives related to personnel and a workplace free from harassment and discrimination;
8). Develop and implement a Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) that aligns with the Departmental Results Framework to ensure every Operation HONOUR activity has a clear measure of performance and overall effect on the elimination of HISB within the CAF;
9). In cooperation with the DM, ensure SMRC mandate and services are clearly articulated and aligned with CAF victim support needs and work in collaboration to ensure:
a). There is an agreed upon governance construct that facilitates CDS engagement with the DM on the evolution of the SMRC and communications of CAF victim support needs;
b). CAF service and support requirements to be delivered by the SMRC are clearly articulated; and
c). Work with SMRC to develop a PMF that provides accountability for CAF service and support requirements and measures outcomes and impact for Operation HONOUR and SSE implementation.
10). Continue to facilitate the alignment of IC2M development and expansion with SMRC and CSRT-SM initiatives;
11). Continue to investigate the implementation of enhanced victim reporting protocol(s) by ensuring CAF Provost Marshall (CFPM) resources are in place to implement NLT 31 May 18;
12). Continue to provide the enduring services of a dedicated MP advisor to the CSRT-SM/SMRC and evaluate an increase in the PY requirements as CSRT-SM/SMRC operations expand beyond their current levels, being cognisant of the need to succession plan and expand bilingual services;
13). Continue to support CFPM's ongoing review of capacity, capability, structure and organization with the goal of enhancing sexual assault investigation capacity and victim services;
14). Facilitate the provision of statistics related to sexual misconduct complaints reported to Canadian Forces National Investigative Service (CFNIS) for reports and returns on a quarterly basis;
15). Continue to support the Natl CJCR Sp Gp in the development and delivery of programs related to Operation HONOUR to supplement existing Cadet and JCR programs for youth participants and adult leaders;
16). Ensure continued cooperation and engagement between Natl CJCR Sp Gp HQ and the CSRT-SM on a comprehensive awareness and prevention campaign for COATS; and
17). Coordinate the development of a comprehensive Operation HONOUR Campaign Plan to replace the previously published "CAF Action Plan" issued in April of 2015. This plan will:
a). Address inconsistencies and clearly articulate measurable, short, medium, and long-term objectives for Operation HONOUR; and
b). Serve as the vehicle for focussing and coordinating the CAF effort and expertise, increasing both understanding of all aspects of HISB and support while increasing transparency.
1). IAW collective tasks.
1). IAW collective tasks;
2). Continue to advise CMP/DGMPRA on the means by which surveys and common performance measurement tools can be administered to TFs and deployed CAF members;
3). Continue to collaborate with the SMRC and CSRT-SM on ways to support, engage and inform deployed CAF personnel; and
4). Continue to develop protocols to ensure victim support services are provided to all deployed CAF members and coordinate these efforts with the SMRC, CSRT-SM and other CAF member services as required.
1). Promulgate revised policies and procedures pertaining to release and/or AR/MEL of both Regular and Reserve Force members affected by HISB;
2). Update the CDS Guidance to Commanding Officers and their Leadership Teams to reflect their duties and responsibilities in relation to their members known to be affected by HISB. Specific direction is required in this updated guide to reflect my intention regarding release of members affected by HISB, once the CDS Directive on retention has been issued. Additionally, this new amended document shall include the new questionnaire that all COs and release stakeholders shall abide by in relation to PCAT and/or exit interview;
3). Examine the feasibility of Sexual Assault Examination Kit (SAEK) standardization at CAF units;
4). Surg Gen to review and propose best clinical practices for treating CAF members affected by HISB;
5). Seek advice from CFPM on cases and individuals of interest in order to inform relevant CAF authorities as required to ensure broader understanding of whether a medical release may have a HISB connection;
6). Align personnel initiatives and policies closely with the IC2M project as the centralized agency for harassment complaints and investigations;
7). Assist VCDS in the ICCT of CSRT-SM to the VCDS group;
8). Continue to assist in the development of an enhanced victim reporting protocol in coordination with JAG and CFPM to be presented to AFC NLT 31 May 18;
9). Assist in developing a Victim Liaison Assistance Program to ensure victims of sexual misconduct have the option of being supported by specially trained personnel during their interactions with the police, medical personnel and legal entities as their case progresses through the civilian or military systems (as required);
10). Continue to support the development of a national peer support program for victims, families and bystanders affected by HISB;
11). Ensure the CSRT-SM is provided with statistics related to Administrative Reviews and releases related to Offences of a Sexual Nature on a quarterly basis;
12). Assist in the development of a Cultural Change Model by prioritizing research and analysis activities to determine the scope of HISB within the CAF, including the development of surveys and tools to understand the nature of the problem; and
13). Use the Defence Team Human Resource Committee as the body for collaboration and discussion of common areas related to respectful and healthy workplace programs, policies and resources including support and training.
Departmental Support Requirements. Critical to the success of this mission is the support of the integrated Defence Team. As such, support is sought from the following:
1). Continue to review aspects of the military justice system to ensure that any proposed changes to military justice legislation, policies and practices are consistent with the policy approaches developed by the CSRT-SM;
2). Maintain an accurate and up-to-date database containing all statistics for summary trials and courts martial for all offences with an Operation HONOUR nexus and provide them to the CSRT-SM on a quarterly basis; and
3). Support the creation of an enhanced victim reporting protocol in coordination with CSRT-SM and CFPM.
ADM HR (Civ):
1). Continue to provide advice on HR practices and opportunities to coordinate and align military and civilian policy, education, training, and performance measurement;
2). Use the Defence Team Human Resource Committee as the body for collaboration and discussion of common areas related to respectful and healthy workplace programs, policies and resources including support and training; and
3). Dedicate staff to assist in the development and harmonization of military and civilian policies and programs to address HISB and a prevention strategy from the whole of government approach.
1). Continue the development and support to the CAF HISB Tracking & Analysis System (TAS), including the supporting eBI tool to ensure a robust common data warehouse that will facilitate the collection and integration of complaint data available to the CAF on sexual harassment and sexual offences, coordinating with JAG and CFPM given their respective independent roles within the military justice system; and
2). Continue to assist CSRT-SM in the development, delivery and maintenance of HISB intranet and internet webpages.
1). Provide dedicated Communications Advisors and/or Public Affairs Officers to support CSRT-SM's activities;
2). Provide specialized Public Affairs support to CSRT-SM activities, to include media monitoring and analysis, marketing, graphic design, exhibits and displays, web, social media and internal communications support, and media and stakeholder outreach;
3). Provide support to the communication strategy for the new retention directive;
4). Provide support to SSE Initiative # 21 across the institution to ensure openness and transparency regarding the progress towards eliminating harmful and inappropriate behaviours in the CAF; and
5). In keeping with sub-para (2), under the direction of CSRT-SM, liaise with and develop a marketing plan and products that would further the awareness and prevention lines of operation in the support of Operation HONOUR.
I will continue to collaborate with the DM to ensure synchronization of all matters WRT the SMRC. With this in mind, it is requested the DM consider the following services and activities as essential to the SMRC in meeting its Charter mandate and the needs of the CAF for sexual misconduct victim support:
Continue to ensure a broader understanding of victim support related to HISB through the provision of advice / guidance and SME support to the chain of command;
Continue developing the SMRC service and support delivery model to ensure the provision of the best possible victim support to CAF personnel to include the following requirements;
Provide 24/7 access to specialized support for all CAF members affected by HISB and enhance awareness of the SMRC services and support to CAF members;
Ensure protection of victim anonymity and privacy;
Facilitate victim access to both CAF and non-CAF required services when requested;
Ensure the development and provision of specialized support for both male and LGBTQ+ victims of HISB in addition to support for female victims;
Collaborate with the CAF to ensure appropriate consistent information and advice to the CoC on HISB;
Collaborate with the CAF to ensure counsellors are informed of and updated on CAF policies, procedures, orders and regulations as related to HISB as well as processes, procedures and support available for reports, complaints or grievances in order to support fully informed decision-making;
Collaborate with CAF to ensure access to and provision of support to members on deployed operations;
Continue to develop and foster links with regional/local HISB victim support services (both CAF and non-CAF) and advise CAF where no services exist or where there is a perceived gap in service for CAF members;
Continue to compile and provide information and reports to the CAF regarding use of the SMRC by CAF members, trends, service gaps, victim and chain of command concerns related to CAF processes, policies or procedures, lessons learned, victim barriers to reporting to CAF, and areas to be addressed by the CAF;
Continue to provide advice and subject matter expertise to the CAF for the development of training and education, policies, programs, tools and resources;
Collaborate with key CAF stakeholders in the development and implementation of expanded enhanced victim support services;
Ensure the CAF is provided timely advice and information including contact analysis, reporting trends, victim barriers to reporting to CAF, and victim service gaps (both perceived and identified), on a routine basis; and
Assist and advise the CAF in developing reporting mechanisms that will reduce barriers to seeking help.
In cooperation with VCDS, I will work with the DM to ensure the SMRC mandate and services are clearly articulated to the CAF and work in collaboration to ensure:
There is an agreed upon governance construct that facilitates CDS engagement with the DM on the evolution of the SMRC and communications of CAF victim support needs; and
Work with SMRC to develop a PMF that provides accountability for CAF service and support requirements and measures outcomes and impact for Operation HONOUR and SSE implementation.