Sexual misconduct
Learn about sexual misconduct and how the Defence Team is addressing it. Get advice on dealing with an incident; information on how and where to access resources and support; and downloadable tools and educational products.
The SMSRC is continuing to contact all members of the CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action who expressed interest in the Restorative Engagement program, by email or phone as we were not able to reach all members before the end of year 2023. This will allow you to confirm if you are still interested or if you need more information. If you are not sure that you expressed interest on your claim form or need to update your contact information, please contact the Claims Administrator. We look forward to onboarding more class members. If you have any questions regarding the program, please email us at or call the SMSRC’s 24/7 line at 1-844-750-1648.
Services and information
Get help following an incident of sexual misconduct
Health care and counselling services, self-care materials, and how to file a formal complaint.
Support someone affected by sexual misconduct
Guidance on how to support someone who has been affected by sexual misconduct.
Victims and Survivors of Service Offences
Victims and Survivors of service offences find support within Canada’s military justice system.
Training and educational materials
Presentations, educational and promotional materials, and links to workshops and courses about sexual misconduct.
Orders, policies and directives
Orders, policies and directives related to sexual misconduct
Research, data and analysis on sexual misconduct
Sexual misconduct research, surveys, articles and statistics, such as the Statistics Canada Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the CAF.
Provide Feedback
Send us your comments, suggestions, and ideas or request information or training materials related to our efforts to address sexual misconduct.
Understanding Sexual and Gender-based Violence
Principles, contextual factors, definitions and concepts related to sexual and gender-based violence, as well as a spectrum of conduct, clearly identifying behaviours from acceptable to criminal.
What we are doing

Respect in the CAF mobile application
Download a support tool for those affected by sexual misconduct. Includes a tool for locating resources in your area.

DND/CAF Sexual Misconduct Apology
Find details about the DND / CAF Sexual Misconduct Apology
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