Cadet365 Staff Guide for Cadet Onboarding

Adult staff will play an important role in the onboarding and supporting of Cadets on Cadet365.

Getting ready for Cadet Onboarding

As new cadets are enrolled, Corps/Sqn staff are asked to ensure the following 2 items are accurate in Fortress.

  1. Preferred Official Language
    Verify and the cadet’s preferred official language. This will ensure that the each Cadet365 account properly matches the cadet’s preference.
  2. Preferred First Name
    This will be used to create each Cadet365 account and be used as the primary name in the Cadet365 contact card.
Screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Cadet Personal File identification section.
Text version

This is a screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Cadet Personal File identification section. In this example, the First Name(s) displayed are: Marie Juliette Catherine and the Preferred First Name is: Catherine.

Other fields in this example include: CIN (Cadet Information Number), Official Identification Document, Preferred Official Language, Staff Cadet Service Number, Status, Gender, Date of Birth, Age and Element.

How to get Credentials for your Cadets

In the Fortress Dashboard, click Reports and Forms.

The "Cadet365 - Account Follow-up" Report is available as shown in the image below:

Screenshot taken from Fortress. In this example Reports and Forms is selected from the Corps/Sqn Menu.
Text version

This is a screenshot taken from Fortress. In this example Reports and Forms is selected from the Corps/Sqn Menu. The Report List is displayed on the right side with 10 reports listed. The Cadet365 - Account Follow-up report is the last shown in the screenshot.  

How to read the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report

  1. The information on the "Cadet365 - Account Follow-up" Report is displayed in 7 columns:
    • CIN (Cadet Information Number);
    • Last Name, First Name (Preferred);
    • Rank; 
    • Program;
    • Username;
    • Cyber; and
      • Cadets with a check mark under the Cyber column have completed the Cyber Awareness Course.
    • Initial Password.
      • If the "initial password" column is blank, it means that the cadet has already logged into Cadet365 and changed their initial password.
      • If the password does not work, double check similar looking characters: (e.g. iI, o0O, B8, s5).
      • It helps to copy paste the password into a Word document and change to a serif font and size, such as “Times New Roman”, size point 14.  
      • The report is updated daily.

An example of the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report is below:

Screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report.
Text version

This is a screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report. The information is displayed in 7 columns: CIN (Cadet Information Number); Last Name, First Name (Preferred); Rank; Program; Username; Cyber; Initial Password.

Note 1: If the "Initial Password" column is blank, it means that the cadet has already logged into Cadet365 and changed their initial password.

Note 2: Cadets with a check mark under the Cyber column have completed the Cyber Awareness Course.

Distribution of Credentials

Note: As cadets’ accounts are created, they will be automatically added to Corps/Sqn Teams and will be able to start using Cadet365 upon receiving their credentials from their Corps/Sqn staff. 

Cadet365 Account Lifecycling Rules - Cadets

This is an overview of the Cadet365 account timeline for cadets.

Taken on Strength (TOS) Updated

Struck off Strength (SOS)

Transfer to another Corps/Sqn

Unused Accounts

Unused Cadet accounts that are older than 180 days and that have never been used will have the Office365 license removed.  

Onboarding and Cyber Awareness Training

There are specific onboarding pages for Cadets with instructions on how to onboard on a variety of devices, FAQs, and training to get them started with Cadet365. These pages are linked from 

Cadets must complete the online Cyber Awareness Course (link accessible only on the Cadet365 SharePoint) once they have completed their initial login. The deadline for completion is not yet set; however, any cadet attending CTC 2023 will be required to complete the course before summer.

Youth Leading Youth

Remember that your Senior Cadets can be of great use mentoring junior cadets through their onboarding.

Common Issues and how to Resolve them


Account, Login, Password (Cadet365/Teams)

Computer requirements/web browser

Multi-factor Authentication, Personal Information, Security

Cadet365 Quick Links

E-mail is preferred for requests, and telephone for technical support.

Page details

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