Cadet365 Staff Guide for Cadet Onboarding
Adult staff will play an important role in the onboarding and supporting of Cadets on Cadet365.
Getting ready for Cadet Onboarding
As new cadets are enrolled, Corps/Sqn staff are asked to ensure the following 2 items are accurate in Fortress.
- Preferred Official Language
Verify and the cadet’s preferred official language. This will ensure that the each Cadet365 account properly matches the cadet’s preference. - Preferred First Name
This will be used to create each Cadet365 account and be used as the primary name in the Cadet365 contact card.

Text version
This is a screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Cadet Personal File identification section. In this example, the First Name(s) displayed are: Marie Juliette Catherine and the Preferred First Name is: Catherine.
Other fields in this example include: CIN (Cadet Information Number), Official Identification Document, Preferred Official Language, Staff Cadet Service Number, Status, Gender, Date of Birth, Age and Element.
How to get Credentials for your Cadets
In the Fortress Dashboard, click Reports and Forms.
The "Cadet365 - Account Follow-up" Report is available as shown in the image below:

Text version
This is a screenshot taken from Fortress. In this example Reports and Forms is selected from the Corps/Sqn Menu. The Report List is displayed on the right side with 10 reports listed. The Cadet365 - Account Follow-up report is the last shown in the screenshot.
How to read the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report
- The information on the "Cadet365 - Account Follow-up" Report is displayed in 7 columns:
- CIN (Cadet Information Number);
- Last Name, First Name (Preferred);
- Rank;
- Program;
- Username;
- Cyber; and
- Cadets with a check mark under the Cyber column have completed the Cyber Awareness Course.
- Initial Password.
- If the "initial password" column is blank, it means that the cadet has already logged into Cadet365 and changed their initial password.
- If the password does not work, double check similar looking characters: (e.g. iI, o0O, B8, s5).
- It helps to copy paste the password into a Word document and change to a serif font and size, such as “Times New Roman”, size point 14.
- The report is updated daily.
An example of the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report is below:

Text version
This is a screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Cadet365 - Account Follow-up Report. The information is displayed in 7 columns: CIN (Cadet Information Number); Last Name, First Name (Preferred); Rank; Program; Username; Cyber; Initial Password.
Note 1: If the "Initial Password" column is blank, it means that the cadet has already logged into Cadet365 and changed their initial password.
Note 2: Cadets with a check mark under the Cyber column have completed the Cyber Awareness Course.
Distribution of Credentials
- Must be provided directly to the cadet, do not send the entire list to your Corps/Sqn.
- The information can be transmitted via e-mail, a slip of paper, or even over the telephone as long as you know the cadet is the only recipient of the information.
- The IT Service Desk will be unable to provide credentials to cadets and will refer them back to their Corps/Sqn staff.
Note: As cadets’ accounts are created, they will be automatically added to Corps/Sqn Teams and will be able to start using Cadet365 upon receiving their credentials from their Corps/Sqn staff.
Cadet365 Account Lifecycling Rules - Cadets
This is an overview of the Cadet365 account timeline for cadets.
Taken on Strength (TOS) Updated
- New account credentials will be available the week following cadet official TOS date, ready for the next regular training night. (approximately 7 days turn around) New
- Based on license availability the 7 days delay could go up to 30 days. Staff will be informed if this change in timelines is required. New
- Cadets are added to the Team of the Corps/Sqn.
- Cadets with previous accounts, the account will be reactivated when possible. If not possible, a new account will be created.
Struck off Strength (SOS)
- The account is disabled the same day the cadet is SOSed from the Corps/Sqn.
- Cadets are removed from all Teams.
- 30 days after SOS, the Microsoft license is removed, except from 1 June to 1 October.
- 60 days after SOS, the account is deleted, except from 1 June to 1 October.
- It is important for the safety and security of Cadet365 that cadets are SOSed in a timely manner from a security standpoint.
Transfer to another Corps/Sqn
- The new unit must contact the old unit as soon as possible to arrange the transfer.
- The information is kept for two months to make sure the cadet is SOSed with the old unit and TOSed with the new unit.
- Once an account is deleted it can't be recovered.
Unused Accounts
Unused Cadet accounts that are older than 180 days and that have never been used will have the Office365 license removed.
- The account will remain active. If a cadet logs in to their account, a license will be re-applied within 30 minutes.
- This will have no effect on any account that has already been used, no existing data will be affected.
Onboarding and Cyber Awareness Training
There are specific onboarding pages for Cadets with instructions on how to onboard on a variety of devices, FAQs, and training to get them started with Cadet365. These pages are linked from
Cadets must complete the online Cyber Awareness Course (link accessible only on the Cadet365 SharePoint) once they have completed their initial login. The deadline for completion is not yet set; however, any cadet attending CTC 2023 will be required to complete the course before summer.
Youth Leading Youth
Remember that your Senior Cadets can be of great use mentoring junior cadets through their onboarding.
Common Issues and how to Resolve them
How long does the set-up process take? What do cadets need to be prepared?
Setting up the account only takes a few minutes. Note: cadets will need access to a phone or tablet in order to use the two-factor authentication login,even if they are accessing from a laptop or desktop; for the cadets who do not have a secondary device they can use the Cadet365 onboarding guide with a PC without a second device for authentication.
Can cadets use Cadet365 outside of Canada?
Cadet365 can be accessed from the following countries: Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. If a cadet requires access while outside of these countries in support of cadets activities, please contact the chain of command.
Account, Login, Password (Cadet365/Teams)
What if a cadet already has a Cadet365 account?
If they have a Cadet365 account, it’s even easier! They can go to (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) and log into their account.
What if a cadet forgets their Cadet365 password?
Cadets can reset their password themselves at (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website). This only applies if the cadet has completed onboarding.
If a cadet attempts to login too many times with an incorrect password, they will be locked out for 15 minutes.
Note: The new password must meet the following security criteria:
- 8 characters minimum
- Must have an uppercase & lowercase
- Must have a number
- Must have a special character
- Cannot be a previous password used in the last six months
- Contains no personal identifiers example: name, rank or address.
For more information about why and how to change your password safely, visit Get Cyber Safe website.
What if a cadet forgets their Cadet365 username?
Look them up in Cadet365 and their e-mail (the username) will be on their contact card.
If a cadet already has a Microsoft account from school, can they use it to access Cadet365 MS Teams?
No, cadets cannot use a school (or personal) Microsoft account or applications to access Cadet365. They require a Cadet365 account.
Can a cadet log into Cadet365 if they are already logged in with another MS 365 account?
- Using more than one Microsoft 365 account is possible but can cause some problems.
- We recommend dedicating one browser (Microsoft Edge) for cadet-related work and another one (Chrome) for personal browsing.
- Clear the cache of the "cadet browser" before connecting to Cadet365.
- How to clear the cache in Google Chrome (Windows) (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
- How to clear the cache in Microsoft Edge (Windows) (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
Teams for PC does not support two accounts. However, the mobile app does.
What if a cadet already has the Teams application on their PC. Can they use it with Cadet365?
Yes, but they will need to sign off from existing account beforehand. Teams supports only one work/school account (such as Cadet365) and one personal account. At time of writing (February 2022), it does not support two work/school accounts.
A cadet is getting an error message trying to log into, what might the issue be?
If they have already logged in using another MS account, they need to logoff and flush the browser cache. Then they should try logging in again with cadet credentials.
- How to clear the cache in Google Chrome (Windows) (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
- How to clear the cache in Microsoft Edge (Windows) (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
Make sure they are using a compatible browser (Edge or Chrome).
What if a cadet is locked out of their account (too many failed password changes, they had problems with the multi-factor authentication (MFA))?
If a cadet is locked out of their account, a request must be made by a member of the corps/squadron staff to the IT Service Desk at (email)
The request must include the following information:
- Reason of request: for example: request MFA and password reset
- Cadet username:
- Unit shared mailbox address
- Corps/Sqn name and region
The temporary new password will be sent to the Corps/Sqn shared mailbox.
If you do not have your Corps/Sqn shared mailbox set-up in your Cadet365 email (Outlook), refer to the Microsoft user guide:
- Open and use a shared mailbox in Outlook on the web. (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
- Add a shared mailbox to Outlook mobile (phone or tablet) (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
What if I need to remove a cadet’s access from Cadet365 due to disciplinary or other issues?
Should the need arise to remove a cadet's access from Cadet365 due to disciplinary or other issues, contact the IT Service Desk at (email)
The request must include:
- Reason of request
- Cadet username:
- Unit shared mailbox address
- Corps/Sqn name and region
The confirmation email will be sent to the corps/squadron shared mailbox.
If you do not have your corps/squadron shared mailbox set-up in your Cadet365 email (Outlook), refer to the Microsoft user guide:
- Open and use a shared mailbox in Outlook on the web. (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
- Add a shared mailbox to Outlook mobile (phone or tablet) (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
A cadet is transferring to another corps/squadron, what is the process for transferring their Cadet365 account?
If a cadet is transferring to another corps/squadron, do not end the cadet’s membership in Fortress until the gaining corps/squadron is ready to complete the transfer in Fortress.
Once a cadet's membership has ended in Fortress (Dashboard > Cadets > Personal Files > Membership > End of Membership), accounts are kept in a disabled state for a maximum of 60 days.
Gaining corps/sqn staff must contact the service desk to request to have the account enable again once the cadet has been reactivated in FORTRESS.
If the delay between the end of membership at the losing corps/sqn and the reactivation at the gaining corps/sqn is longer than 60 days the cadet will end up receiving a NEW Cadet365 account and the content (emails, personal documents) of the previous one will be lost.
Between June 1st and October 1st, no cadets account are deleted to account for summer down time at the corps/sqn level. Accounts will still be disable if a cadet is SOS, but the deletion will not happen until October 1st of the next training year.
Computer requirements/web browser
What if a cadet has an old computer with Windows 7. Can they use it for Cadet365?
No, support for Windows 7 was discontinued by Microsoft and makes it vulnerable to threats.
Learn more about the system requirements for Cadet365. (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
Which web browser should cadets use?
For access to full functionality on Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome are the recommended browsers.
Unsupported browsers may be missing certain functionalities - see more. (You are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
Can cadets use Internet Explorer (IE) with Cadet365?
Internet Explorer lacks some modern features that are required for Cadet365 to work properly. We strongly encourage using Microsoft Edge.
Multi-factor Authentication, Personal Information, Security
What are the security obligations, do cadets need any special antivirus installed?
There are no specific requirements other than ensuring that their device is kept up to date, for both its operating system and browser application. They can consult and follow guidance from Get Cyber Safe to limit the risk of compromise of their device.
Are there any security risks to the cadets' personal devices?
Microsoft Office 365 products are reputable and tested for security. Additional security measures required by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) are also in place. However, users are advised to always follow best practices for cyber security, including ensuring personal device's operating system and web browser are up to date. For shared family computers, cadets are asked to create a separate, dedicated user account and lock their sessions with a password when they are away. For more details on security best practices Get Cyber Safe.
The sign-on procedure is asking for personal information such as a cell number, do cadets have any other options?
The personal information requested is limited to only what is required to enable multifactor authentication and for them to reset their password themself. If they do not wish for their cellphone number to be used, there is an Authenticator Application which they can install. Under no circumstances will a service desk technician contact them requesting their personal information. Please be mindful of social engineering attempts (using psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information), phishing and other scams!
How does a cadet change the multi-factor authentication (MFA) for their Cadet365 account?
Refer to the Cadet365 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Guide.
Cadet365 Quick Links
Password reset:
- Questions? Contact us!
- First, visit the FAQs page to see if we already answered your question.
- Call us toll-free at
1-855-252-8082 - Email us at
E-mail is preferred for requests, and telephone for technical support.
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