Cadet365 Staff Guide for Volunteer Onboarding


Corps/Sqn Commanding Officers (COs) will play an important role in the onboarding and supporting of Volunteers on Cadet365.

How to get a Cadet365 Account for Volunteers

Fortress staff listing with sample data, the first example is highlighted in yellow, showing Non DND as the source.
Text version

This is a screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Staff list. In this example, the first staff listed is highlighted in yellow and outlined in red with the following details:

  • Employee Number: Z00123456
  • DND HRMS Id: 123456
  • Last Name: Lastname
  • First Name: First name
  • Source: Non DND
  • Rank: blank
  • CO: blank
  • Unit: RCACC 9000
  • Type of Assignment: Home
  • Parent Unit: RCSU Central

Nine other example staff members are listed including five officers listed as COATS in the Source column. 

Distribution of Credentials

Cadet365 Onboarding (activating the account)

Cyber Awareness Training

Volunteers must complete the online Cyber Awareness Course (You are now leaving Link accessible only on the Cadet365 SharePoint) once they have completed their initial login.

Adding the Volunteer to your Team

Cadet365 Account Lifecycline Rules - Volunteers

Users are required to connect to Cadet365 at least once every 90 days (3 months). Failure to do so will result in the account being disabled.

Until the account is deleted, the users will be able to contact the IT Service Desk to have the account enabled again if they still have a valid eAR on file. Users for which the account was deleted will be required to start the account creation process from the beginning, including resubmission of the eAR.

Keep your account active

It is important for the safety and security of Cadet365 that volunteers are removed from Cadet365 once their volunteer service is over.

Common Issues and how to Resolve them


Account, Login, Password (Cadet365/Teams)

Computer requirements/web browser

Cadet365 Quick Links

E-mail is preferred for requests, and telephone for technical support.

Page details

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