Cadet365 Staff Guide for Volunteer Onboarding

Corps/Sqn Commanding Officers (COs) will play an important role in the onboarding and supporting of Volunteers on Cadet365.
How to get a Cadet365 Account for Volunteers
- Volunteers must be entered into Monitor MASS by your Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) to be eligible for a Cadet365 account.
- For this transaction you will require the Service Number of the volunteer from your Fortress staff list. Volunteer Employee Identification Numbers start with Z00 and source will read Non DND as shown in the image below.
- You can request an account for volunteers through the Virtual Orderly Room (VOR) using the Electronic Access Request (eAR) function. (You are now leaving Link accessible only on CCO Net)
- Once the account is created, the IT Service Desk will send the username and password (credentials) to the CO.

Text version
This is a screenshot taken from Fortress showing the Staff list. In this example, the first staff listed is highlighted in yellow and outlined in red with the following details:
- Employee Number: Z00123456
- DND HRMS Id: 123456
- Last Name: Lastname
- First Name: First name
- Source: Non DND
- Rank: blank
- CO: blank
- Unit: RCACC 9000
- Type of Assignment: Home
- Parent Unit: RCSU Central
Nine other example staff members are listed including five officers listed as COATS in the Source column.
Distribution of Credentials
- The CO is responsible to provide credentials to Volunteers.
- Credentials must be provided directly to the Volunteer.
- They can be submitted via e-mail, a slip of paper, or even over the telephone as long as you know the Volunteer is the only recipient of the information.
- The IT Service Desk will be unable to provide credentials to Volunteers and will refer them back to their CO.
Cadet365 Onboarding (activating the account)
- Once a Volunteer has their credentials, they need to activate their Cadet365 account following the onboarding instructions at Volunteer Onboarding Instructions.
Cyber Awareness Training
Volunteers must complete the online Cyber Awareness Course (You are now leaving Link accessible only on the Cadet365 SharePoint) once they have completed their initial login.
Adding the Volunteer to your Team
- Once a Volunteer has successfully onboarded and completed the Cyber Awareness Training, you can add them to your Corps/Squadron Team. Learn how to Add members to a Team in Microsoft Teams. (You are now leaving
- You can not add them to your Staff Team because their Cadet365 account is not authorized to access Protected A information.
Cadet365 Account Lifecycline Rules - Volunteers
Users are required to connect to Cadet365 at least once every 90 days (3 months). Failure to do so will result in the account being disabled.
- 90 days after the account is disabled, it will be flagged for deletion;
- 30 days after an account is flagged, it will be deleted; and
- Overall, this means that it takes 7 months of inactivity for an account to be deleted.
Until the account is deleted, the users will be able to contact the IT Service Desk to have the account enabled again if they still have a valid eAR on file. Users for which the account was deleted will be required to start the account creation process from the beginning, including resubmission of the eAR.
Keep your account active
- Log into (You are now leaving
- Open your email
- Log into Teams
- Use any Microsoft Application with your account
It is important for the safety and security of Cadet365 that volunteers are removed from Cadet365 once their volunteer service is over.
Common Issues and how to Resolve them
How long does the set-up process take? What do Volunteers need to be prepared?
Setting up the account only takes a few minutes. Note: Volunteers will need access to a phone or tablet in order to use the two-factor authentication login, even if they are accessing from a laptop or desktop; for Volunteers who do not have a secondary device they can use the Cadet365 onboarding guide with a PC without a second device for authentication.
Can Volunteers use Cadet365 outside of Canada?
Cadet365 can be accessed from the following countries: Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. If a Volunteer requires access while outside of these countries in support of cadets activities, please contact the chain of command.
Account, Login, Password (Cadet365/Teams)
What if a Volunteer's password is expired, forgotten, or doesn’t work?
Change a known/expired account password
Change a known/expired account password
Tip: The information below explains how to change a known/expired password. If you need to reset your password because you forgot it, see Reset a forgotten account password instead.
Change your account password. (You are now leaving If you’re not already signed in, sign in with your Cadet365 username and current password.
Enter your current password shown in the image as "Old password" then enter your new password and confirm your new password.
- Select Submit.
Note: you may be required to sign in again on other devices with your new password.
Reset a forgotten account password
Reset a forgotten account password
Tip: The steps below are for forgotten passwords. For a known account password, see Change a known/expired account password instead.
Volunteers can reset their password themselves at: (You are now leaving
This only applies if the Volunteer has completed onboarding.
If a Volunteer attempts to login too many times with an incorrect password, they will be locked out for 15 minutes.
Locked account
Locked account
If a Volunteer attempts to sign in too many times with an incorrect password, they will be locked out for 15 minutes.
If a Volunteer is locked out of their account, a request must be made by a member of the corps/squadron staff to the IT Service Desk at (email)
The request must include the following information:
- Reason of request: for example: request MFA and password reset
- Volunteer username:
- Unit shared mailbox address
- Corps/Sqn name and region
The temporary new password will be sent to the Corps/Sqn shared mailbox.
If you do not have your Corps/Sqn shared mailbox set-up in your Cadet365 email (Outlook), refer to the Microsoft user guide. (You are now leaving
Password help and tips
Password help and tips
Note: The new password must meet the following security criteria:
- 8 characters minimum;
- Must have an uppercase & lowercase;
- Must have a number;
- Must have a special character;
- Cannot be a previous password used in the last six months; and
- Contains no personal identifiers example: name, rank or address.
We recommend that you use passphrases, as they are longer yet easier to remember than a password of random, mixed characters. A passphrase is a memorized phrase consisting of a sequence of mixed words with or without spaces. Your passphrase should be at least 4 words and 15 characters in length. For example, you might create a passphrase by using association techniques, such as scanning a room in your home and creating a passphrase that uses words to describe what you see (e.g. “Closet lamp Bathroom Mug”).For more information about why and how to change your password safely, visit Get Cyber Safe.
If a Volunteer already has a Microsoft account from school or work, can they use it to access Cadet365 MS Teams?
No, Volunteers cannot use a school (or personal or work) Microsoft account or applications to access Cadet365. They require a Cadet365 account.
Can a Volunteer log into Cadet365 if they are already logged in with another MS 365 account?
- Using more than one Microsoft 365 account is possible but can cause some problems.
- We recommend dedicating one browser (Microsoft Edge) for cadet-related work and another one (Chrome) for personal browsing.
- Clear the cache of the "cadet browser" before connecting to Cadet365.
- How to clear the cache in Google Chrome (Windows) (You are now leaving
- How to clear the cache in Microsoft Edge (Windows) (You are now leaving
In Teams, you can now log into multiple work, school, and personal accounts.
- Select your profile picture in the top right of the Teams desktop client.
- Select Add another account.
- Choose an account you've previously signed in with.
- Select Create or use another account.
To switch to a different account, select your profile picture and choose a different account at any time.
A Volunteer is getting an error message trying to log into, what might the issue be?
If they have already logged in using another MS account, they need to logoff and flush the browser cache. Then they should try logging in again with cadet credentials.
- How to clear the cache in Google Chrome (Windows) (You are now leaving
- How to clear the cache in Microsoft Edge (Windows) (You are now leaving
Make sure they are using a compatible browser (Edge or Chrome).
What if I need to remove a Volunteer’s access from Cadet365?
Should the need arise to remove a Volunteer's access from Cadet365, contact the IT Service Desk at (email)
The request must include:
- Reason of request
- Volunteer username:
- Unit shared mailbox address
- Corps/Sqn name and region
The confirmation email will be sent to the corps/squadron shared mailbox.
If you do not have your corps/squadron shared mailbox set-up in your Cadet365 email (Outlook), refer to the Microsoft user guide:
- Open and use a shared mailbox in Outlook on the web. (You are now leaving
- Add a shared mailbox to Outlook mobile (phone or tablet) (You are now leaving
Computer requirements/web browser
What if a Volunteer has an old computer with Windows 7. Can they use it for Cadet365?
No, support for Windows 7 was discontinued by Microsoft and makes it vulnerable to threats.
Learn more about the system requirements for Cadet365. (You are now leaving
Which web browser should Volunteers use?
For access to full functionality on Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome are the recommended browsers.
Unsupported browsers may be missing certain functionalities - see more. (You are now leaving
Cadet365 Quick Links
Forgotten Password reset:
- Questions? Contact us!
- Call us toll-free at
1-855-252-8082 - Email us at
E-mail is preferred for requests, and telephone for technical support.
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