14-19 – Small Craft Operator Program
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. This order should be read in conjunction with the following references:
- A-CR-CCP-030/PT-001 Water Safety Orders;
- A-CR-CCP-920/PG-001 Qualification Standard and Plan, Small Craft Operator Program;
- A-CR-CCP-920/PF-001 Instructional Guide, Small Craft Operator Program;
- A-CR-CCP-920/PW-001 Module 1 – Boating Safety Candidate Workbook Small Craft Operator Program;
- CATO 24-06 MITE Course Management System;
- CATO 24-12 CIC Certification / Re-certification of Speciality Training Qualifications;
- Memorandum of Understanding with the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CPS) for Industry Canada’s Approved Restricted Operator Certificate (Maritime) Course;
- A-CR-050-834/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Powerboat Operator;
- A-CR-050-820/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Safety Boat Operator;
- A-CR-050-863/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Whaler / Cutter Coxswain;
- A-CR-050-876/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Instructor;
- A-CR-050-878/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime) Instructor;
- A-CR-050-879/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Small Craft Rescue Instructor;
- A-CR-050-877/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Powerboat Instructor;
- A-CR-050-880/PC-001Qualification Standard, Cadet Instructors Cadre – Whaler / Cutter Instructor;
- A-CR-CCP-603/PG-001Qualification Standard and Plan, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets – Phase Three;
- A-CR-CCP-604/PG-001Qualification Standard and Plan, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets – Phase Four;
- A-CR-CCP-616/PG-001Qualification Standard and Plan, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets – Ship’s Boat Operator;
- A-CR-CCP-613/PG-001 Qualification Standard and Plan, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets – Intermediate Sail; and
- A-CR-CCP-614/PG-001 Qualification Standard and Plan, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets – Sail Coach.
2. This order governs the application of the Small Craft Operator Program (SCOP) within the Canadian Cadet Organization’s (CCO). SCOP is the CCO training program for qualifying persons to operate small craft in support of Sea, Army, and Air Cadet, and Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) on-water training activities in accordance with (IAW) reference A.
Training Delivery
3. The conduct of SCOP is the responsibility of the Regional Cadet Support Units (RCSUs) through authorized Training Establishments (TEs), IAW cadet Qualification Standard and Plans (QSP) and CIC Qualification Standards (QSs). These TEs may include:
- Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC);
- Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC);
- Regional Cadet Instructor Schools (RCIS); and
- Technical TEs, such as:
(1) Regional Cadet Sailing Schools (RCSS) or Sail / Nautical Centres; and
(2) Other zone, detachment or regional TEs as authorized by the RCSU Commanding Officer (CO).
SCOP Modules
4. SCOP training is generally delivered through modules to allow personnel to complete only the training required to be qualified to operate a specific small craft in support of CCO on-water training activities. Annex A details the training modules, general topics of instruction, any required prerequisites and the certificate or card issued upon completion of training.
Operator Qualification
5. SCOP operators (cadets or officers) are qualified to operate specific small craft in support of cadet on-water training. Requisites for operator qualifications are detailed in Annex B.
6. To obtain an operator qualification, an individual must:
- successfully complete all the listed requisite training and certification for the particular operator qualification; or
- successfully complete all the listed requisite certification by challenging the assessment for each of the specific requisites.
7. Some operator qualifications require certification. Certification and re-certification is detailed in CATO 24-12.
8. Training data for officers qualified as SCOP operators shall be entered into MITE IAW CATO 24-06. Training data for cadets qualified as SCOP operators shall be entered into FORTRESS.
Instructor Qualification
9. SCOP instructors (cadets or officers) shall be qualified to instruct personnel in SCOP to support CIC and cadet on-water training. Requisites for Instructor qualifications are detailed in Annex C.
10. To obtain an instructor qualification, an officer or cadet must successfully complete an authorized On-The-Job Evaluation (OJT/E) as detailed in the Test Instructions of the applicable instructor qualification.
11. Some instructor qualifications require certification. Certification and re-certification is detailed in CATO 24-12.
12. Training data for officers qualified as SCOP instructors shall be entered into MITE IAW CATO 24-06. Training data for cadets qualified as SCOP instructors shall be entered into FORTRESS.
Issuing of Certificates / Cards
13. In order to issue individual cards/certificates for successful completion of SCOP modules 1-7 as detailed in Annex A, Regional Sea Cadet Staff Officers or their OPIs are to:
- record the module 1 information on to the PCOC Cardholder Datasheet, as provided by D Cdts & JCR, and submit IAW par 15;
- ensure that instructors submit successful module 2 candidate information to Regional HQ, who will in turn pass along a consolidated list to the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron (CPS), who will then issue cards directly to the individual; and
- issue certificates to candidates who successfully complete the requirements for modules 3-7.
Responsibilities for SCOP
14. Responsibilities for SCOP within the CCO are assigned as follows:
- Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (D Cdts & JCR) is responsible for establishing the standards and policy for SCOP operators and instructors.
- Director Cadets 3 Youth Programs Development (D Cdts 3) is the:
(1) Officer of Primary Interest (OPI) for development of SCOP training control and support documents;
(2) liaison with Transport Canada for the maintenance of CCO training accreditation. - Director Cadets 4 Cadet Program Delivery (D Cdts 4) is:
(1) responsible for national policy governing SCOP;
(2) Point of Contact between the CCO and Transport Canada; and
(3) the national OPI for the coordination of SCOP training for cadets;
(4) responsible for oversight for the control, distribution and recall of the PCOC testing instruments; and
(5) responsible for coordination, printing and distribution of the PCOC cards. - Director Cadets 6 Personnel Policy and Training (D Cdts 6 – Pers Pol & Trg) is the OPI for:
(1) development of SCOP instructor training control and Test Instructions;
(2) coordination of SCOP training for officers; and
(3) is the point of contact between the CCO and Industry Canada / Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons for ROC(M) training. - Commanding Officer Regional Cadet Support Units (CO RCSU) is responsible for delivery of SCOP operator and instructor qualification and certification;
- Regional Sea SO is responsible for:
(1) program implementation within their region;
(2) adherence to the PCOC test protocols as approved by Transport Canada;
(3) administration, distribution and recall of tests IAW D Cdts directives;
(4) communication of program updates within their region;
(5) collaboration with regional training staff from the three elemental cadet programs and RCIS on program implementation / delivery and present regional concerns to D Cdts & JCR;
(6) liaise with the regional offices of other government departments and non-government organizations; and
(7) assign a regional OPI to mange the PCOC test download, distribution and recall. The OPI may also be delegated the regional management and execution of the program.
15. At the end of each of month, Regional Sea SOs or their OPIs are to submit to D Cdts 4‑3-2 the PCOC Cardholder Datasheet, as provided by D Cdts & JCR. Regions are also required to submit ‘nil’ reports in the case of no new data in the reporting month.
16. On a monthly basis D Cdts 4-3-2 is required to upload card holder information to the TC PCOC Database system.
17. On a minimum quarterly basis, the Regional Trainer or their OPIs are to submit to CPS a listing of successful module 2 candidate information. Nil returns are not required.
18. RCSUs are required to forward to D Cdts 6-4, not later than 15 May, the CIC training End Year Report.
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
OPI : D Cdts 4
Date: Jun 12
Amendment: Ch 3/12
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