16-02 – ​​Application of Cadets with Medical Conditions – Summer Training and NDHQ Directed Activities

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)


1. This order describes the CF policy to consider when cadets with existing medical conditions, apply for summer training or NDHQ directed activities.

2. This order has been developed in conjunction with the office of the Director of Health Services Delivery (DHSD) and is effective on receipt.


3. For the purposes of this Order:

NDHQ Directed Activities

“NDHQ Directed Activities” includes international exchanges conducted under the authority of CATO 34-02, CATO 42-05 or CATO 54-25, ship deployments conducted under the authority of CATO 34-04, 34-05 or 34-06 and expeditions conducted the authority of CATO 41-05.

Summer Training

“Summer Training” includes courses conducted under the authority of CATO 34-01, 42-01, 54-20 or staff cadet advanced training conducted under the authority of CATO 13-28 in CSTCs and Regional Gliding Schools as directed by Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (D Cdts & JCR).


4. The Canadian Cadet Organization (CCO) strives to provide training and development opportunities to cadets in a manner that is fun, challenging, well organized and safe. Annually only a portion of the cadet population is selected to take part in summer training or NDHQ directed activities conducted at Cadet Summer Training Centres, Regional Gliding Schools, CF establishments, aboard ships at sea, or at various other locations in Canada and abroad. Inevitably, Some cadets applying for these activities will have existing medical conditions. The process outlined below will allow a means of screening suitable candidates to meet training requirements without undue risk to health and safety.. Special consideration may be given to adapting the training program to specific medical conditions. This process requires the cooperation and collaboration of cadets and their parents/guardians, the Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS), and the CCO.


5. The National Cadet Medical Liaison Officer (NCMLO), in cooperation with Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Officers (RCMLO) is responsible for producing and maintaining task statements, using input provided by the Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (D Cdts & JCR) as well as RCSU COs, for summer training and NDHQ directed activities outlined in Annex A. The task statements are created to summarize the physical and psychological demands placed on cadets participating in particular programs and in varying locations. It will serve as a guide to cadets, parents/guardians as well as medical staff, in making appropriate decisions regarding cadet fitness, especially with respect to medical status. Even if a cadet with a medical condition is deemed capable of meeting the program’s physical and psychological demands, this is no guarantee he or she will be selected.

6. Parents/guardians and cadets are responsible for the provision of timely, complete, and accurate medical information. This is achieved with completion of the CF 51 for each cadet applying for summer training and NDHQ directed activities. It also gives authority to release any needed medical or psychiatric information to the CF. Parents/guardians and cadets may be required to complete additional medical questionnaires when applying for unique and/or exceptionally demanding training opportunities.

7. RCMLOs, with the assistance of the supporting medical headquarters, are responsible for reviewing all completed CF 51s generated within their geographical area of responsibility, that indicate the presence of a medical condition. In such cases, the RCMLO will initiate an assessment for potential Medical Training Limitations. Additional medical information will be requested from the parent/guardian or the cadet’s physician using the applicable Generic Task Statement form at Annex A. The form is focused on elucidating parent/guardian and physician opinion of which activities or conditions of training may pose an unacceptable health risk to the cadet. The form and all pertinent attachments are returned to the RCMLO for comments and passed immediately to the Formation Surgeon.

8. The applicable Formation Surgeon is responsible for the review of all cases referred by the RCMLO. The Formation Surgeon will consider each case and determine medical training limitations if required. This will ensure safety and well being for the cadet and others. These limitations could relate to either activities or conditions of training. Annexes B to E provide general guidance to some common medical conditions found in the cadet age group; Annex F provides information on the proximity of summer training and NDHQ directed activity locations to medical resources.

9. The completed CF 51 must be reviewed by the Formation Surgeon. If applicable, additional medical questionnaires, together with any Medical Training Limitations are to be returned to the RCMLO who will forward it to the appropriate cadet selection authority of the particular cadet summer training and/or NDHQ directed activity. If, following an applicant’s file review, a cadet with Medical Training Limitations is ranked high enough to merit selection, the loading authority will strive to identify a suitable training opportunity, taking into consideration both the individual cadet’s limitations and the ability of the training organization to adapt its program. In some cases, there may be no such opportunity suitable due to the nature of the training limitations and the cadet’s qualifications and preferences. In cases that require a very individualized solution, the loading authority is encouraged to liaise freely with the RCMLO/CFHS, the cadet’s home unit, the cadet, and the parents/guardian to ensure that the decision made is in the best interest of the cadet and all others concerned.

10. Should a situation arise where the cadet, parents/guardian, the Formation Surgeon, and the cadet organizations are unable to reach an agreement on the medical training limitations for that cadet, the case shall be referred to the NCMLO for resolution with consultation with DHSD and D Cdts & JCR.

11. There will be instances where cadets will arrive at training centres or other training locations with medical conditions not identified by the screening process as described. In these instances the cadet will be medically assessed and Medical Training Limitations assigned as indicated. The CO of the CSTC or the OIC in the case of NDHQ directed activities, will then decide, based on the assigned Medical Training Limitations, the disposition of the cadet involved. When a medical assessment is not possible, specifically in the case of NDHQ directed activities, the OIC may decide to return the cadet to his/her own unit if it is believed that the medical condition could impact the cadet’s well-being or that of others. COs/OICs have no authority to alter or overrule Medical Training Limitations in this process. Should further medical assessment be required, the CO/OIC is directed to contact the appropriate CF medical authority for guidance.

12. There is no instance that a cadet will be denied the opportunity to apply for training, solely on the basis of a medical condition, without the benefit of the assessment process as outlined above. However, a medical condition could still exclude a cadet from being selected. Each cadet is to be considered individually and a decision made based on all relevant facts and circumstances.


Annex A

Example Training Limitations Assessment Form

Annex A - Appendix 1

Example Generic Task Statement – Cadet Activity (Employment-Course-Exchange)

Annex B


Annex C


Annex D

​​Seizure Disorders

Annex E

Allergic Reaction

Annex F

CSTC Medical Level of Care Available

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OPI: D Cdts 5

Date: Sep 07 

Amendment: 21/07

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