16-07 – Repair or Replacement of Spectacles – Cadets, Cadet Instructors and Civilian Instructors
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. This order prescribes the policy and procedures relating to the repair or replacement of spectacles that have been damaged or lost in the course of duty at a Cadet Corps/Squadron or at a Cadet Summer Training Centre. It supplements QR (Cadets) article 6.11, 6.12, and 6.14, and is effective on receipt.
Definitions and Abbreviations
2. In this order, unless the context otherwise requires:
“Cadet unit” means a Sea Cadet Corps, an Army Cadet Corps or an Air Cadet Squadron.
“Cadet instructor” means an officer of the Cadet Instructors Cadre, and includes a member of another sub-component of the Reserve Force while he or she is instructing cadets or when he serves in a temporary position on the instructional or administrative staff of a school or other training establishment conducting training for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, the Royal Canadian Army Cadets or the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.
“Civilian instructor” means a person who is employed as an instructor to a cadet corps, school or other training establishment, but who is not a member of the Canadian Forces.
“Medical care” means medical and surgical treatment including necessary drugs and dressing, diagnostic and investigational procedures, hospitalization, preventive medicine procedures, transportation as a patient and the supply and maintenance of prosthetic appliances.
“Region Cadet Officer” means, as per CFOO 1.0.1, a person responsible to the Region Commander for all cadet matters within his area of responsibility.
“Spectacles” means a pair of corrective lenses in approved frames.
3. Cadets. For the purposes of determining entitlement to medical treatment, a cadet is entitled to the same medical care as a private of the Reserve Force who is performing Class “A” Reserve Service or Class “B” Reserve Service.
4. Cadet Instructors. A cadet instructor is entitled to medical care in accordance with QR&O article 34.07.
5. Civilian Instructors. A civilian instructor is entitled to the emergency medical care as prescribed in QR&O 34.30.
6. Members of the Reserve Force on long-term (181 days or greater) Class "B" Reserve Service shall be provided with optical supplies and services identical to Regular Force personnel. Cadets and Cadet Instructors on Class "A" and Class "B" short-term (180 days and less) Reserve Service may be provided with repair or replacement of spectacles when the spectacles have been damaged or lost in the course of duty. Procedures as outlined in paragraph 10 or 11 are to be followed.
7. When the spectacles of a Civilian Instructor are damaged, destroyed, or lost in the course of duty, he must pay for the repair or replacement and claim in accordance with the procedures contained in Annex A.
8. Replacement of spectacles should only be considered after confirmation that repairs are impossible or not economical.
9. Members are responsible for the safety of their spectacles and are expected to exercise due diligence in avoiding or preventing the damage or loss. The damage or loss must be directly attributable to training or duty and have been unavoidable. The following examples are given to assist in determining the validity of a claim:
- spectacles lost overboard while on the water, but not wearing retaining strap - DND not liable; and
- left on bed and subsequently sat on and broken - DND not liable.
10. Corps/Squadrons. When the spectacles of a cadet, civilian instructor, or cadet instructor have been damaged, destroyed, or lost in the course of duty, the cadet and/or his parent/guardian, cadet instructor, or civilian instructor must pay for the repair or replacement and submit a claim for loss or damage as per Annex A.
11. Cadet Summer Training Centres. When the spectacles of a cadet or cadet instructor are damaged, destroyed, or lost in circumstances that entitle the member to medical care under QR&O 34.07, repair or replacement may be affected as per procedures in Annex B. When the spectacles of a civilian instructor have been damaged or loss in the course of duty, the civilian instructor must pay for the repair or replacement and submit a claim for loss or damage as per Annex A.
Financial Guidelines
12. Financial allocations are distributed through the VCDS structure, with funding specifically identified and included in the yearly O&M allocation to each Regional Commander. Claims or invoices for repair or replacement of spectacles processed as per Annex A or B will be settled by the appropriate Region Cadet Comptroller and shall be charged to Regional funds using resource code 12109.
Annex A
Annex B
OPI: D Cdts 5
Date: Apr 97
Amendment: Original
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