24-02 – Cadet Instructors Cadre Individual Training and Education

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

1.  This order should be read in conjunction with the following references:

  1. CATO 24-01 -  Cadet Instructors Cadre Professional Development System;
  2. CATO 24-03 -  Cadet Instructors Cadre Training Organization;
  3. CATO 24-04 -  Conduct of Cadet Instructors Cadre Training;
  4. CCO/CIC Annual Business Plan;
  5. DAOD 5031-2 -  Individual Training and Education Management Framework;
  6. DAOD 5039-6 -  Delivery of Training and Education in Both Official Languages;
  7. DAOD 7023-1 - Defence Ethics Program;
  8. A-PD-055-002/PP-001 - Job Based Specification for the Cadet Instructors Cadre (MOSID 00232); and
  9. CATO 11-03 - Cadet Program Mandate.


2. The purpose of this order is to set forth the policies and procedures associated with Individual Training and Education (IT&E) within the Cadet Instructors Cadre Training Organization (CIC Trg Org).


3. The following definitions apply to this policy:

developmental period” (DP)

refers to a timeframe in a member’s career during which the member is trained, employed and/or given the opportunity to develop occupational and/or professional skills and knowledge. DPs are distinguished by a progressive increase in the levels of responsibility, authority, military leadership ability and knowledge; and

(période de développement (PD))

individual training and education” (IT&E)

refers to all instructional activities provided to CAF members that impart skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform assigned duties (training) as well as exercise sound judgement and correctly interpret information (education). Individual training and education normally results in a CAF qualification.

(instruction individuelle et éducation (II et E))

Canadian Armed Forces Individual Training and Education

4. The aim of the Canadian Armed Forces Individual Training and Education (CAF IT&E) system is to provide the necessary training and education, at the right time and in the most efficient and effective manner, to ensure that the required qualified personnel are ready and able to satisfy operational requirements and departmental objectives and goals. CAF IT&E operating principles, guidance on their application and the responsibilities of the agencies tasked to support training and education are outlined in DAOD 5031-2

5.   The CF ITES governs the training and education for all CAF members and guides the development and management of all IT&E activities.

CFITES Principles

6.   Proper employment of a trained person will ensure that formal individual training is capitalized upon. Together, IT&E and employment experience will produce self-confident and disciplined leaders who are well motivated and who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the duties assigned to them.

7.   The Quality Control Process consists of the following six phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Conduct, Evaluation, and Validation.  These phases allow the CIC Trg Org to:

  1. define the job’s training requirement (Analysis);
  2. design training to meet the requirement (Design);
  3. develop instructional materials (Development);
  4. deliver the required training (Conduct);
  5. evaluate all aspects of training (Program Evaluation and student achievement);and
  6. verify that training has prepared individuals to perform their jobs (Validation).

8. Quantity Control applies to the provision of IT&E programmes to the CAF. Its purpose is to ensure that IT&E is given to the right people at the right time for the right cost.  The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Military Individual Training and Education (MITE) module is designed to support the Quantity Control Process and help manage the production of personnel through IT&E.  All mandated training, education and professional development will be managed through MITE.

Training Objectives

9.   The primary purpose of CIC IT&E is to produce and maintain, in a cost effective manner, the number of CIC officers required, based on establishments, to implement the Cadet Program in accordance with CATO 11-03. The training objectives of CIC IT&E are to:

  1. produce CIC officers for the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO);
  2. educate CIC officers on the Canadian Armed Forces and the Cadet Leagues;
  3. develop the leadership and instructional skills required of a youth leader;
  4. provide CIC officers with the skills and knowledge needed to implement and administer the Cadet Program; and
  5. encourage CIC officers to develop sensible living habits, including physical fitness.

10. In order to achieve these objectives, training and education shall:

  1. be restricted to CIC officers who require specific qualifications to meet Cadet Program needs;
  2. optimize the use of training modules to accommodate:
    (1) training and education individualized to the specific learning requirements of the target population or, where possible, the requirements of individual CIC officers, and
    (2) distributed learning (DL) wherever appropriate and practicable; and
  3. be developed as qualification, job-based, and specialty training to be made available to CIC officers with prioritization based on need.

11. Members of COATS, Primary Reserves (PRes) and the Regular Force (RF) with a bona-fide requirement are authorized to attend Job Based or Specialty courses offered by the CIC Training Organization.  The requirement for determining if these personnel require training is a regional responsibility. COATS and PRes personnel are to be paid at their authorized IPC level and are entitled to compensation and benefits in accordance with existing Compensation and Benefits instructions for Reserve Force members, however are not eligible to receive specialist pay.  COATS, PRes and RF personnel attending any CIC training course will be counted against the allocated regional training quota for the specific course.

12. In exceptional cases, training may be provided for Civilian Instructors (CIs) as detailed in CATO 23-05.

Functional Areas

13. The common goal of the CIC is to provide supervisory and administrative support to the Cadet Program.  This involves providing leadership for the programs in all three functional employment areas, ensuring the safety and well being of cadets, managing and allocating resources, planning and conducting cadet activities, and developing and implementing programs and policy.  CIC officers will be employed within three functional employment areas, defined as follows:

Corps / Squadron

a. the community level delivery of the Cadet Program occurs at the corps / sqn.  CIC officers will supervise, administer and train cadets and interface with the cadet leagues, local sponsors and community organizations.  Officers employed at the corps / sqn provide for and maintain the quality of instruction delivered to cadets and plan, conduct, lead and supervise cadet activities;

Summer Training

b. summer training is delivered at cadet training centres (CTCs) located across the country.  Officers employed at a CTC provide for and maintain the quality of instruction delivered to cadets and plan, conduct, lead and supervise the activities of the cadets, fellow CIC officers or other instructors and staff at the CTC; and


c. the support and administration of the Cadet Program are carried out by staff that may serve at a Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) or at National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ).  Depending on the type of position they are in, they may:

(1) provide corps / sqns or training establishments with direct training, administrative or logistical support,

(2) manage quality and quantity control processes, to include being responsible for the implementation, conduct, evaluation, administration or support of the cadet programs, and

(3) prepare plans and forecast, manage and approve support requirements and resources.

Occupational Development

14. The CAF requires officers to expand their capabilities to meet greater demands and broader responsibilities as they progress in rank.  There are three Development Periods (DPs) for CIC officers. During each DP individuals are trained, employed and / or given the opportunities to develop specific occupational skills and knowledge.  The DPs for CIC officers are as follows:

DP 1 (NCdt / OCdt to SLt / Lt)

a. to train to the necessary standard for effective performance as an entry level officer and to provide the opportunity to develop functional leadership, occupational and environmental skills;

DP 2 (Lt(N) / Capt)

b. to prepare for continued effective service in their current and future positions of employment;

DP 3a (LCdr / Maj)

c. to prepare for increased levels of responsibility within the occupation; and

DP 3b (Cdr / LCol)

d. to prepare for the increased level of responsibility associated with senior staff and command appointments.

15. The operationally functional point (OFP) is the point at which a member has been trained and gained sufficient experience to be functional within an occupation. CIC officers enter the occupation upon entry into the CAF and reach the OFP upon completion of the CIC Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC) and the CIC Occupational Training Course (CIC OTC).

Employment Qualifications

16. Employment Qualifications define the various competencies and experiences that an individual must have in order to successfully perform a specific occupational job. For any given job, the required employment qualifications may include a combination of:

Rank Qualification (RQ)

a. this qualification, which is normally obtained through formal training, enables a member to perform one or more entry level occupational jobs where required on attainment of a new rank (formerly known as occupation qualification level QL3, 5 etc).  The CIC has eight distinct rank qualifications;

Experience Qualification (EQ)

b. this qualification is granted to an individual when they are deemed proficient in a specific job that is a prerequisite to do a higher level job normally at the same rank.  The CIC has 26 experience qualifications;

Specialty Specification (SS) / Unique Specialty Qualification (USQ)

c. a qualification that is unique to one occupation and allows an individual occupying (or about to occupy) a certain job in the occupation to perform the work associated with that job;    

Specialty Specification (SS) /Common Specialty Qualification (CSQ)

d. a qualification that is common to more than one occupation and allows an individual occupying (or about to occupy) a certain job to perform the work associated with that job.  These qualifications are usually specific to an environmental or CAF requirement; and

Academic Qualification (AQ)

e. a specific academic qualification normally at the post graduate level that allows an individual occupying (or about to occupy) a certain job to perform the work associated with that job. 

17. The qualifications for each job within the CIC occupation, including rank, experience, unique specialty and common specialty, and academic qualifications are contained in the Qualification Requirements Assessment (QRA) results that can be obtained by contacting the Director Personnel Generation Requirements – Requirements and Analysis Section. The QRA results are vital to the successful conduct of the Qualification Standard Board(s) for this occupation.

Performance Priorities

18. The performance priorities that have been established for the CIC Trg Org are as follows:

  1. training safety:
    (1) conduct the training safely, and
    (2) model training safety practices for CIC officers that can be employed at the corps / sqn;
  2. quality:
    (1)  ensure client satisfaction (both trainee and employer),
    (2) meet organizational requirements, and
    (3) strive for continuous improvement; and
  3. excellence in delivery:
    (1) train to need – just in time, and
    (2) ensure economy of effort and effective use of resources.

Language of Instruction

19. In accordance with DAOD 5039-6 the CIC Trg Org is committed to ensuring that members have equal opportunities to receive training in their first official language (OL).

20. Training establishments (TE) shall provide course sessions in English or French as directed by the National CIC Training Directive.  Enabling and performance checks as well as supporting materials shall be provided in the language of instruction.

21. In the case where a course is not available in the individual’s primary OL in their region, they will be given an opportunity to attend the equivalent course in another region.

22. In the case where the candidate is required to attend a course where the training is only available in their second OL, the Nominator shall ensure candidates are functional in their second OL before beginning the course.

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OPI:   D Cdts & JCR 6
Date:  2015-02-13
Amendment:  Ch 1/15

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