Scenario: All Equal

This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Group Size: 4-15


You are the 2IC of a section that is preparing for deployment. As the deployment date approaches, martial status and dependants determine the priority for Leave Travel Assistance (LTA). Your immediate supervisor has determined the list based on members’ Military Personal Record Resume (MPRR) information and has posted the leave dates before the deployment, permitting members to make arrangements.

One of your augmentees has completed the work-up training with the unit for the past five months. Her MPRR indicates her marital status as common-law with two children. However, when the final list was distributed, she was surprised to see her name at the bottom of the list, amongst the single members, meaning that she will be one of the last picked for leave.

When she asked your supervisor why she was not higher on the priority list, she was told that, since her common-law partner is a woman, she does not have ‘real kids’ or a ‘real family’. He told her to either accept the position on the list or return to her home unit and not deploy over seas.

She comes to you and is very upset by this approach. What do you do?


Facilitator’s Guide

Learning Objectives

Facilitation Questions

  1. How does the CAF ensure that members in common-law partnerships have the right to enjoy the same recognition and benefits as persons in marriages, including those of same gender?
  2. On which possible grounds of discrimination do the supervisor’s comments fall into?
  3. Which principles of the Department of National Defence (DND) and CAF Code of Values and Ethics have not been followed?
  4. What influence has the new hateful conduct policy on that situation?
  5. How does the harassment policy come to play in that situation?

Other points to consider:

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