Scenario: Double Standard
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Group Size: 4-15
You are the head cashier on a small base. The Base Commander (B Comd) has endorsed a base policy drafted by the Pay Accounting Officer (PAO) on issuing cash advances. The policy is clear: no cash advance will be issued to individuals in possession of a government issued individual travel credit cards. If cash advances are required, the member must approach his/her branch head through the chain of command.
One day, a senior service member holding such credit card, requests a $500.00 CAD advance from public funds for his upcoming Temporary Duty (TD). You remind him of the B Comd’s policy and apologetically deny the advance. In return, he reminds you of his position and your duty as a subordinate not to challenge his authority. While you state that you have no power to authorize the advance, he demands to speak to the PAO.
You overhear their conversation and the reason for the advance. The senior service member has recently used his government issued credit card for personal use and has reached the card’s credit limit. You are surprised when the PAO tells you to proceed with the advance.
- Principles: Obey and Support Lawful Authority, Serve Canada before Self
- Values: Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence
- Cultural themes: Service, Identity, Leadership
- Misconduct types: General Misconduct
- GBA Plus themes: Rank
- Audience: Canadian Armed Forces
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principles to of “Obey and Support Lawful Authority” and “Serve Canada before Self” in the workplace.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity, loyalty, courage, stewardship, and excellence.
Facilitation Questions
- What would you do in this situation? What are the considerations?
- Allow open discussion from the group.
- Ethical concerns: The senior service member and the PAO are sending a clear message that they can bend the policy to suit certain individuals.
- Personal factors: As a subordinate, you feel intimidated by the senior service member’s behaviour.
- Environmental factors: You know that the policy has been drafted by the PAO and endorsed by the B Comd and you expect that the senior service member and the PAO will set an example and follow the policy. You now see a double standard in the application of that policy.
- What is the ethical dilemma in this situation?
- You have done the right thing by consulting the PAO and asking him to deal with the situation. The PAO has given an order to issue the advance and you must proceed with it.
- However, the order does not take away the personal dilemma that might arise from this situation. It appears that the PAO overlooked the senior service member’s lack of accountability and responsibility regarding the use of his corporate card. Your trust in the PAO might be in jeopardy.
- What are some potential courses of action that could be taken in this scenario?
- Option 1: Talk to the PAO in private and explain your concerns. You understand the policy and have heard that the senior service member has misused his corporate card. You let the PAO deal with the situation.
- Option 2: Follow the order. The PAO has given you legitimate direction. You have little choice in this matter; you must follow the order.
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