Scenario: Standing Up for a Transgender Soldier

This scenario contains explicit language and references to sexual situations, including indecent exposure which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, you can contact the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) at 1-844-750-1648 (24/7/365) or access the services for Canadian Armed Forces members and Defence Team employees.

Group Size: 4-15


Corporal (Cpl) Marc Bédard is on patrol duty with his platoon, when he notices that one of the new recruits, Private (Pte) Riley Downes, who is transgender and identifies as a man, is lagging behind the rest of the group. Marc asks him what’s wrong, and Riley tells him that he is feeling sick. Riley looks pale and sweaty, and Marc wonders if he ate something bad.  Bédard tells Riley to stay close to him, and then he radios the sergeant to report Riley’s condition.

The sergeant doesn't seem to care. “That Downes,” he says, “is a weakling and a freak, and should never have been allowed to join the army. She’s not a real man anyhow. She’s a confused, little girl. I never wanted a transgender person in my platoon to start with. Don’t worry about it, Bédard. I’m going to make sure that Downes either quits or gets kicked out.”

Marc is shocked and angry by the sergeant's words. He knows that Riley is transgender, but it certainly doesn't take away from his value. Riley is a good soldier and a decent person. He deserves respect and support, not hatred and abuse.  Marc wants to stand up for him, but he is afraid of the consequences due to the rank difference between him and the sergeant. The sergeant has a lot of influence and authority, and he could make his life a living hell. Marc doesn't know what to do. 


Facilitator’s Guide

Learning Objectives

Facilitation Questions

  1. What is the ethical dilemma in this scenario?  
    • Open group discussion.
    • The ethical dilemma in this scenario is whether Cpl Marc Bédard should confront or report the sergeant for his discriminatory and abusive remarks towards Pte Riley Downes or remain silent to avoid conflict and retaliation. 
  2. What considerations are at play with respect to the Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) code of values and ethics? 
    • Open group discussion.
    • Respect the dignity of all persons: Pte Riley Downes has the right to be treated with respect.  
    • Courage: Cpl Marc Bedard will need to show moral courage to act on the unacceptable conduct of the Sgt. 
  3. What possible courses of action could take in this scenario? Which is the best option? Why?
    • Option 1: Marc could report the unacceptable conduct of the Sgt. Marc could also offer support to Pte Downes. 
    • Option 2: Ignore the incident. Marc could ignore the words of the Sgt. This would avoid any negative retaliation from the Sgt but would leave Riley open to future harassment and potentially negative career implications.  
    • Option 3: Seek advice. Marc could speak to her unit’s ethics officer or his chain of command to better understand what he should do.  
    • Note: In accordance with DAOD 9005-1, CAF members have a duty to report incidences of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes: “actions or words that devalue others on the basis of their sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
  4. How can we foster a culture of respect, diversity, and professionalism in the CAF workplace? Keeping in mind this scenario with Marc and Riley, what do you think are some of the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive team that, perhaps, this Sgt has not considered?
    • Open group discussion.

Note to facilitators: 

*Note to facilitators: Please review DAOD 9005-1: Sexual Misconduct Response and discuss the “duty to report” as it applies to CAF members in relation to this scenario.   

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