Scenario: The Bug Out
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Group Size: 4-15
Lieutenant (Lt) Smith is a new commander of Number One Rifle Platoon for the Second Lord’s Dragoon Regiment. As the lieutenant waits with the other officers for fitness parade form-up, he observes Sergeant (Sgt) Schnell arrive short of breath and already sweating. Sgt Schnell is the newly promoted section commander and has been identified as a ‘streamer’. The sergeant falls in line just as the Regimental Sergeant-Major takes his position on parade. He does not see Sgt Schnell arrive late.
Following an intense fitness session leading the platoon, Lt Smith overhears a conversation between the platoon warrant officer and Sgt Schnell. It appears that Sgt Schnell did not escape the notice of the hard-nosed second-in-command. Sgt Schnell explains that he was stopped by the local police for speeding and avoided a ticket by lying to the officer, claiming he had to rush to the base because he had been called out in support of an international operation. The warrant officer (WO) laughs it off and dresses Sgt Schnell down for being late. The WO strongly advises the sergeant to be on time for all future parades. Lt Smith cannot believe the WO does not address the lie that Sgt Schnell told the police.
Following unit coffee, Lt Smith invites the WO for another hit of caffeine and a chat.
- Principles: Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority
- Values: Integrity, Courage
- Cultural themes: Service, Leadership
- Misconduct types: General Misconduct
- GBA Plus themes: Not Specific
- Audience: Canadian Armed Forces
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principles of “Serve Canada before Self” and “Obey and Support Lawful Authority” in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity and courage (moral courage) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Ethos of accountability, duty, leadership, and discipline in this scenario.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the problem in this scenario? What are the considerations?
- Open group discussion.
- What considerations are at play with respect to Defence Ethics and the CAF ethos?
- Open group discussion.
- Discuss the ethical principles of “Serve Canada before Self” and “Obey and Support Lawful Authority” in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity and courage.
- Discuss the CAF ethos of accountability, duty, leadership, and discipline in this scenario.
- The platoon command team has the responsibility to ensure that it creates and promotes a fair and ethical climate within the organization. What type of message does inaction set for the members of the platoon?
- Open group discussion.
- Sgt Schnell’s blatant lie brings discredit upon himself and the organization. It does not support the CAF ethos or the organization’s commitment to creating a positive ethical climate.
- If you were Lt Smith, what actions would you take in this situation?
- Open group discussion.
- Option 1: Ignore the situation. This will discredit the Sgt, along with the Command Team.
- Option 2: Speak with the WO. Corrective action against the Sgt.
- Sgt Schnell’s lie certainly disregards the ethical value of integrity and its expected behaviours of “always act with integrity” and “communicate and act with honesty”.
- Creating, fortifying, and maintaining an ethical climate within the workplace, whether in a field platoon or an office, should be a constant consideration for all Defence Team members. The leadership group of each organization is responsible for its organization’s ethical climate. This includes positive and ethical interaction with the public.
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