Scenario: Time Off for Good Behavior
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Group Size: 4-15
“Hi, Jorge. When do you think these hours will let up?” asks Master Corporal (MCpl) Lin Zhong.
“I haven’t had much time off in the last several months,” MCpl Jorge Delgado replies. “I’m getting really tired, and it’s difficult for my spouse and I to balance work and having a young family.”
Both master corporals work in a large Army supply depot. The pace of work has been intense over the last several months and morale is low.
“Why don’t you take some leave, Jorge, and get away for a while with your family?” asks MCpl Zhong. “Your kids aren’t in school full-time yet so they wouldn’t miss much.”
“I would love to, but I only have a couple of days of annual leave left and it’s not really enough time to get away,” says MCpl Delgado.
The following week, MCpl Zhong overhears MCpl Delgado talking with another work colleague a few rows behind them in the warehouse.
“Jorge, I heard you’re heading down south with your family!” says Rick Steele, who was hired to help with the heavy workload. “Mexico is really nice this time of year! You must have a lot of vacation time saved up over the last year, with the depot being so busy.”
“Well, actually, I had to take almost all of my annual leave early last summer for a special trip we had planned in the family,” answers MCpl Delgado. “But, guess what? I checked online to confirm how many days I had left this year, and the computer shows seven days. I’m taking them!”
“What if you get caught?” asks Rick.
“Unless an audit catches it, I’m okay,” responds MCpl Delgado. “And if they do, I’ll plead ignorance.”
MCpl Zhong is surprised. They haven’t known each other for very long, but MCpl Delgado seems to be a pretty nice person. MCpl Zhong is a little frustrated that MCpl Delgado is planning to scam extra leave.
“Sure, they are pretty tired,” MCpl Zhong says to themself, “but that’s no excuse for what they are doing. On the other hand, so what? Is it really any of my business?” MCpl Zhong wonders what, if anything, they should do.
- Principles: Obey and Support Lawful Authority
- Values: Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship
- Cultural themes: Service, Identity
- Misconduct types: General Misconduct
- GBA Plus themes: Not Specific
- Audience: Canadian Armed Forces
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principle of Obey and support lawful authority in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity, loyalty, stewardship, and courage in this situation.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the problem in this scenario?
- Allow for open group discussion.
- What considerations are at play with respect to Defence Ethics?
- Allow for open group discussion.
- Discuss the ethical principle of Obey and support lawful authority in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity, loyalty and courage in this scenario.
- MCpl Delgado knows that they have already used their allocated annual vacation time, and attempting to manipulate the leave system, as they are planning to do, goes against the ethical values of integrity. How honesty could be at play in this scenario with ethical principle and values? Attempting to manipulate the leave system to take extra vacation days without proper authorization is a violation of regulations or orders, since annual leave is controlled and regulated. Claiming ignorance after the fact also goes against the ethical values of integrity and loyalty.
- How could this scenario further degrade team morale? Which values can be affected when a team’s morale is low?
- What possible action(s) could MCpl Zhong take in this scenario?
- Allow for open group discussion.
- Option 1: Discuss the issue and ethical concerns with MCpl Delgado. They can consider having a private and non-confrontational conversation with MCpl Delgado to express their concerns. This may help MCpl Delgado reconsider their decision or consider other ways to alleviate their tiredness and concerns at home.
- Option 2: Seek guidance from colleagues or with the chain of command. MCpl Zhong could seek guidance on how to handle the situation and determine whether reporting the scenario is necessary.
- Option 3: Report the incident. Reporting the situation to the appropriate authorities might be the responsible course of action. However, it will conflict with the ethical value of loyalty to a colleague versus the organization. What take precedence with regards loyalty (ie the colleague or the organization)? Allow discussion over that topic if time permit.
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