Scenario: Too Much Information
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to sexual situations, including sexual violence which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, you can contact the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) at 1-844-750-1648 (24/7/365) or have access to services for Canadian Armed Forces members and Defence Team employees.
Group Size: 4-15
“See you tomorrow, buddy,” Master Corporal (MCpl) Dan Nikko says as he passes by the cubicle of his colleague, MCpl Barry Woodline.
A few seconds later, he returns to MCpl Woodline’s cubicle. “Hey, Barry, I almost forgot. You know I’m off tomorrow for my operation?”
Their civilian co-worker Pierrette Rocher shares the same small orderly room (OR) with the two men, so she can’t help but overhear.
“Here we go again,” she thinks. “What’s it going to be this time?” Both men have booming voices, and they often discuss personal matters at the office, at full volume.
“Yep,” MCpl Nikko says to MCpl Woodline. “I’ve decided to get the plumbing fixed, for good. You know, a vasectomy. We’ve got all the kids we want, and I sure don’t want to ‘slip one past the goalie,’ if you know what I mean.”
“Wow, that’s a big step,” MCpl Woodline says.
“Nah, it’ll be fine,” MCpl Nikko says. “The main thing is that Linda and I won’t have to worry anymore; we have a very active sex life, you know.” He goes into a little more detail on the subject, then leaves with a promise to give MCpl Woodline what he calls, “the full post-op wrap-up” on Monday.
After MCpl Nikko leaves, Pierrette thinks about what she has just heard. Well, that was awkward and way too much information. I’ve spoken to the warrant officers before about these guys and their personal chats, but nothing comes of it. Plus, it looks like Dan will have more fun facts to share with his buddy on Monday. I’m not sure I can take another conversation like that one.
- Principles: Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority
- Values: Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence
- Cultural themes: Service, Leadership, Teamwork
- Misconduct types: Sexual Misconduct
- GBA Plus themes: Sex
- Audience: Defence Team
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principles of “Respect the Dignity of all Persons” and “Obey and Support Lawful Authority” in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of loyalty, courage, stewardship, and excellence in this scenario.
- Discuss harassment and how it pertains in this setting.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the problem in this scenario? What are the considerations?
- Open group discussion.
- What considerations are at play with respect to Defence Ethics and the military ethos?
- Open group discussion.
- Discuss the ethical principles of “Respect the Dignity of all Persons” and “Obey and Support Lawful Authority” in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical value of loyalty, courage, stewardship, and excellence in this scenario.
- Does a conversation between two people overheard by a third party constitute harassment? Why or why not?
- Open group discussion.
- Office / cubicle environment versus talking with buddies in the Mess, for example.
- What course(s) of action could Pierrette take in this scenario? What would you do? Why?
- Open group discussion.
- Option 1: Speak to the warrant officers again and express her concerns. She could express that she may file a harassment complaint if nothing is done about it. The Chain of Command should respond to this.
- Option 2: Talk to both MCpls about their conversations and let them know that it is not suitable for the work environment. Again, if they choose to ignore the situation, she could follow up with a formal written harassment complaint.
- Option 3: Ignore the situation and see if it resolves itself.
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