Appendix A: Example of Syllabus for Initial Human Factors Training
1. General/Introduction to Human Factors
- Need to address human factors
- Statistics
- Incidents
2. Safety Culture/Organizational Factors
3. Human Error
- Error models and theories
- Types of errors in maintenance tasks
- Violations
- Implications of errors
- Avoiding and managing errors
- Human reliability
4. Human Performance and Limitations
- Vision
- Hearing
- Information-processing
- Attention and perception
- Situational awareness
- Memory
- Claustrophobia and physical access
- Motivation
- Physical and mental health
- Stress
- Workload management
- Fatigue
- Alcohol, medication, drugs
- Physical work
- Repetitive tasks / complacency
5. Environment
- Peer pressure
- Stressors
- Time pressure and deadlines
- Workload
- Shift work
- Noise and fumes
- Illumination
- Climate and temperature
- Motion and vibration
- Complex systems
- Hazards in the workplace
- Lack of manpower
- Distractions and interruptions
6. Procedures, Information, Tools and Practices
- Visual Inspection
- Work logging and recording
- Procedure – practice / mismatch / norms
- Technical documentation – access and quality
7. Communication
- Shift / task handover
- Dissemination of information
- Cultural differences
8. Teamwork
- Responsibility
- Management, supervision and leadership
- Decision making
9. Professionalism and Integrity
- Keeping up to date, currency
- Error provoking behaviour
- Assertiveness
10. Organization’s Human Factors Program
- Effective reporting of errors and successes
- Disciplinary policy
- Error investigation
- Action to address problems
- Fatigue risk management
- Feedback
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