Applicant guide: Funding to establish a National Institute for People of African Descent under the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative

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Complete application

For us to consider your application complete, you must provide the following:

Note: It is important to submit a complete application. Make sure you have all the documents you need before you apply.

Proposal assessment

We will assess your application based on the following criteria.

Part 1: Organization

Section A. Organization identification

Question 1: Legal name

What is your organization's legal name? The legal name is usually:

Question 2: Operating name (if different from legal name)

What is the operating (or common) name of your organization (if it differs from the legal name)?

Question 3: Business or registration number

What is your 15-digit CRA business number? (For example, 123456789 RR 0001).

For registered charities and not-for-profit organizations, what is your registration number with the CRA?

You can find your CRA business number on tax-related documents or written communications from the CRA.

Find more information about your CRA business number or registration number

If you do not have a CRA business number or a charity or not-for-profit registration number, provide 1 of the following documents to show proof of provincial incorporation or registration:

Question 4: Organization type

Your organization must be a Black-led and Black-serving not-for-profit or charitable entity.

Note: For the purpose of this call for proposals, these following organizations are not eligible:

Question 5: Organization category

Choose 1 of the following.


Question 6: Year established

What year was your organization established?

Questions 7 to 11: Organization address

What is your organization's address? Give a complete address in a format recognized by Canada Post.

Find more information about Canada Post

Note: Your organization must be located in Canada.

Questions 12 to 14: Telephone, fax and email

What is your organization's telephone number, fax number (if it has one) and email address?

Questions 15 to 19: Mailing address (if different from organization address)

What is the mailing address of your organization (if it differs from your organization's physical address)?

Note: If different from the organization address, the mailing address must be in Canada.

Questions 20 and 21: Telephone and fax (if different from your organization's number)

Only if your organization has a different mailing address, what are your organization's telephone and fax numbers (if different from your organization’s main telephone and fax numbers)?

Question 22: Black-led Organization (This question is mandatory)

  1. Is your organization’s mandate to serve Black Canadian communities
  2. Are two thirds of the leadership positions, at all levels of your organization’s governance, held by people who self-identify as Black

All eligible organizations must be a Black-Led Organization, which is defined as:

Based on this definition, you must respond "Yes" to both parts A and B of this question in order to be deemed eligible.

An organization’s leadership and governance can include:

Section B. Organization contact

Primary contact

Question 23: First name and last name

Provide the name of the person in your organization who we can contact for the proposed project.

Question 24: Position title

What is the title of the contact person named in question 23?

For example:

Question 25: Preferred language of communication

What official language would your contact person prefer to use in written and spoken communications?

Question 26: Organization contact (address)

Does the address of your contact person differ from the organization address or the organization mailing address in Section A?

Questions 27 to 31: Contact address

If you answered “different” in question 26, what is the address of your contact person?

Note: The primary contact address must in Canada.

Questions 32 and 33: Telephone and fax

What are the telephone and fax numbers of your contact person?

Question 34: Email address

What is the email address of your contact person? We will send all communications to the contact person at this e-mail address.

Question 35 to 46: Secondary contact

If we cannot reach the main contact, who else can we contact? Provide the secondary contact’s full name, telephone number and email address.

Section C. Organizational capacity

Question 47: How many employees does your organization currently have

Indicate the total number of employees in your organization.

Question 48: Has your organization undergone any important transformations in the past 2 years

Important transformations or major changes can include, but are not limited to:

If you answer “yes”, tell us about the changes.

Question 49: Describe how your organization has the experience and expertise to carry out the proposed project activities

If your organization does not meet the capacity criteria but has a formal partnership where the partner meets this capacity criteria, please identify clearly:

You must also clearly:

In selecting an organization to expand their service offering to establish the institute, we will prioritize applications that:

Question 50: Does your organization owe any amount to the Government of Canada

If yes, how much? Use the spaces provided. Here is an example:

Question 51: If an amount is owing, is a payment plan in place

Have you set up a plan to pay back the money?

If you answer “yes”, your application can continue. However, please tell us what you owe and how you are paying back the money.

Part 2: Project

Section A. Project identification

Question 52: Project title

Give a short title that describes your project.

Questions 53 and 54: Planned project: start and end dates

When do you plan to start and end your project?

We expect to make funding decisions in late 2021. You must start your project activities after we approve your project and a signed funding agreement is in place. We can only pay for activities that have started after we sign the agreement.

We expect that the organization will start once the funding agreement is in place. We will fund this project until March 31, 2024 at which point the institute should be financially sustainable.

Section B. Project description

Question 55: Project objectives (must clearly link to the program goals)

You must describe how your organization will to expand its current service offering to:

Question 56: Project activities (give clear steps for each one)

You must prepare these plans separately and attach them to your application. In the question box, write “see attached”.

Your application must include the following 4 plans:

Operational business plan

Operational business plan that has milestones for how you will implement the institute. At a minimum, you should include in this plan:

You can find reference information in Part 2: Section 5 (starting on page 60) of the feasibility report.

Governance plan

Governance plan that has milestones for how you will implement and maintain the institute’s leadership. At a minimum, you should include in this plan:

You can find reference information in Part 3: Appendix D of the feasibility report.

Engagement and research plan

Engagement and research plan that has milestones to support the activities of the institute in supporting policy and program development at all orders of government. At a minimum, you should include in this plan:

You can find reference information in Part 3: Appendix E of the feasibility report.

Financial sustainability plan

Financial sustainability plan with milestones and approach to ensure the continued operations of the institute beyond March 2024. At a minimum, you should include in this plan:

You can find reference information in Part 3: Appendix I of the feasibility report.

You must ensure that as part of these plans:

Note: We may consider other activities as eligible if needed to complete the project.

Ineligible activities may include:

Note: We may consider other activities as ineligible.

Obtaining a copy of the feasibility report

Your project will need to align with the Caribbean African Canadian Social Services (CAFCAN’s) feasibility report of a Canadian Institute for People of African Descent. Please contact us by email at to get a copy in the language of your choice.

Please note: All applicants should read Part 2 and Part 3: Appendices K to R of the feasibility report.

Question 57: Expected results of the project

You must clearly describe the results of your project. The results of the project must clearly link to your project objectives. Define your results as outputs and outcomes. You should include:


Outputs are the things that you will produce in your project to get the outcomes you want. Think of, “What will the project produce?" An example of an output is a report. Other examples include:


You should refer to the changes you expect to occur because of the project.

Think of, “How do we know the project is successful?” and “How do activities lead to benefits for Black Canadian communities?”

You should identify individual, community, and/or systemic changes that result from your project.

Outcomes are the effects of your outputs and should show direction, such as an increase or a decrease.

Examples of outcomes include:

Question 58: Does the project include indicators to measure results

You must outline how you plan to collect, gather, measure and report on your project’s results.

Describe how you will meet and track the expected results of your project.

You must include a list of indicators with at least 1 indicator for each results (outcomes) in question 57.

You must identify how you will show the data for each indicator.

You could use reports, surveys, interviews, focus groups, attendance and verbal feedback.

For your indicators, you must ensure that:

Examples of key performance indicators:

Expected results and outcomes example

A result should be that the institute is financially sustainable. The indicator may be amount of fundraised dollars.

A result may be that government is more informed of Black issues in programs. The indicator may be a study provided to any level of government.

Question 59: Does this proposed project fit with your organization's other activities

If “yes”, describe how your proposed project relates to the work your organization is doing now.

Question 60: Will your project benefit or involve people in English or French language minority communities

We commit to enhance the vitality of the English and French linguistic minorities in Canada. We support and assist their development and foster the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society. Official language minority communities are English-speaking communities established within the province of Québec and French-speaking communities established outside the province of Québec.

Answering “No” to this question will not invalidate your application.

If your proposed project involves official language minority communities, you should answer “yes” to this question. Complete the question following the instructions in the application form.

Find more information about official language minority communities

Question 61: Will any other organizations, networks or partners be involved in carrying out the project

If you secure 1 or more formal partnership(s), you must provide a copy of a formal partnership agreement and attach it your application:

In this question, please provide:

Question 62: Does your project include activities that are listed in Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) Regulations Designating Physical Activities established under the Canadian Impact Assessment Act 2019

Not applicable for this funding. Answer “no” to this question.

Part 3: Funding

Section A. Anticipated sources of funding

Contributions from other sources other than the Government of Canada are not required for this call for proposals.

However, if you receive cash or in-kind contributions from sources other than the Government of Canada, give details in your application for funding. See instructions below.

Question 63: Source name

List Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) as the first source name and include amount requested.

If you are receiving contributions from other sources, include the names of all the organizations that provide cash or in-kind contributions to this project.

Question 64: Source type

For each organization providing contributions to your project, indicate the type of organization using the following list:

Question 65: Cash contributions

Tell us how much you will receive in cash contributions.

Question 66: In-kind contributions

If you are getting a donation (in-kind), tell us how much it is worth.

To be eligible as a donation:

Donations are goods or services that people or organizations give for free. Your organization, other organizations or partners can donate. Donations include equipment, services or labour that you receive for free.

We will recognize in-kind donations only if we can estimate what a person would pay for the contribution.

 Question 67: Confirmed cash and in-kind

Check the box if you have confirmed the contributions.

Note: If we select your organization, we will ask you to provide a letter from the other source confirming the contribution.

Section B. Budget

List each activity and its associated cost in your application form and budget detail template. The amounts must be the same in both document. Your costs must be reasonable and support your project activities.

Question 68: Cost category

Use the budget detail template to provide necessary details to costs categories.

List each activity and its associated cost. Costs must be reasonable and directly relate to your project activities.

Eligible costs include:

Note: We may consider other costs as eligible if needed to complete the project.

Ineligible costs include:

Note: We may consider other costs as ineligible.

Questions 69 to 71: Planned spending (dollar)

Give the total planned spending from all sources, including Employment and Social Development Canada. The amounts should align with those that you put in “Section A: Anticipated sources of funding” of your application.

“Other” means a cash or in-kind contribution from other sources other than Employment and Social Development Canada.

Section C. Budget details

Question 72: Associated businesses or individuals

Check all statements that apply to your planned spending of the funding from Employment and Social Development Canada.

In carrying out the project, you may have to buy goods or services you need to carry out the project from contractors. You may also contract out to third parties (outside providers) to carry out part of the project activities.

“Associated businesses or individuals” means:

We must approve contract work awarded to contractors outside of Canada. You must provide proof that no Canadian contractors can do similar work.

Question 73: Capital assets: Will capital assets be among your planned expenditures with Employment and Social Development Canada funding

Answer “yes” or “no”.

If “yes”, explain how your project will benefit from buying capital assets.

A capital asset is any single or composite asset that costs more than $1,000 (before taxes). A capital asset is not part of another product and you can still use at the end of the project.

A composite asset is a group of assets that form one unit, where you need everything for the asset to work. A group of assets is a single capital asset if the total cost is more than $1,000 (before taxes).

For example, a composite capital asset is:

As another example, 4 chairs that each cost $300 are not capital assets because each chair works on its own. The chairs cost less than $1,000 (before taxes).

Question 74: Further budget details

Include a breakdown of your total costs per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31), by project activity and cost category.
As an example, this could be the breakdown for a 3-year project with $7,250,000 in eligible costs:

Part 4. Attestation

To be considered eligible, an official representative who has the authority to submit proposals on behalf of your organization must attest that:

 To do this, the official representative must:

As this is an attestation, no signature is required.

Appendix A

Use this section to add information to previous sections of the application, and specify the question number.

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