Archived: Integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan 2014-2015: chapter 2

Appendices C


  1. Detailed Internal Audit Plan - 2014-15 to 2016-17
  2. Detailed Evaluation Plan - 2014-15 to 2018-19
  3. Branch and Project Resources

Appendix C. Branch and Project Resources

1. Human Resources

The AEB's ability to deliver on its plans and priorities, and to provide value-added services and advice to senior management, is dependent foremost on the capacity of its staff.  This capacity is largely determined by the AEB's success at recruiting, developing and retaining an effective mix of professionals with the education, knowledge, expertise, experience and competencies required to support the Branch's mandate and complex projects.  The AEB is taking a number of steps to ensure it will maintain and increase its capacity.

HR Strategy and Plan

The AEB is redeveloping its HR Strategy to better define the Branch’s capacity requirements to support its longer term needs, as well as its key objectives in related areas such as succession planning, professional development and professional designations/certification.  Based on its HR Strategy, the AEB will update its HR and engagement plan, in consultation with staff, to better reflect current operating context and challenges.

Succession Planning

The AEB will continue to implement succession plans and deliberate actions to ensure it maintains key personnel and expertise in selected specialised areas that are at higher risk.  Particularly in this context, the Branch will continue in 2014-15 its initiatives to reinforce capacity in areas of strategic planning, quality assurance and practices, and external audit liaison. 

Professional Development and Designations

An essential AEB priority is to ensure that staff has the necessary professional qualifications, expertise and skills to carry out their responsibilities, and that ample opportunities are provided for training and development to maintain and develop their competencies.  The AEB will maintain a basic training and development budget for each employee, as well as provide additional funding based on specific needs and requests (where appropriate).  Also, AEB will strive to ensure that every employee has a personal learning and development plan to help him/her acquire and maintain the competencies related to their functions and career aspirations. 

Training is also made available to support professional accreditation and designations.  Particularly in the internal audit group, there are requirements to acquire and maintain a range of professional accounting and auditing designations.  Currently, almost half the professional staff of the internal audit group has either a professional auditing or accounting designation.

Performance Management

In concert with government-wide and departmental objectives, the AEB will enhance its approach to staff performance management in 2014-15, so as to better ensure that all employees are well supported and are provided the necessary tools and training.

2. Branch Budget

The AEB's 2014-15 initial budget on which this plan is based totals $3,650K and reflects a total staff complement of 29 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs), as detailed in the following table.   

AEB Budget Summary ($ in 000)
Directorates 2013-14 Initial BudgetFootnotea
2013-14 Initial BudgetFootnotea
2013-14 Initial BudgetFootnotea
2013-14 Initial BudgetFootnotea
2014-15 Initial BudgetFootnoteb
2014-15 Initial BudgetFootnoteb
2014-15 Initial BudgetFootnoteb
2014-15 Initial BudgetFootnoteb
DG Office $ 220 $ 20 $ 240 2.0 $ 195 $ 50 $ 245 2.0
SPC 511  141 652 6.0 519  93 612 6.0
Internal Audit 993 192 1,185 11.0 1,071 201 1,272 11.0
Evaluation 841 152 993 9.0 864 148 1,012 9.0
Total Directorates 2,565 505 3,070 28.0 2,649 492 3,141 28.0
EAAC 85 20 105 - 85 20 105  
Sub-Total $ 2,650 $ 525 $ 3,175 28.0 $ 2,734 $ 512 $ 3,246 28.0
Predetermined ProjectsFootnotec   $ 140 $ 140   77 $ 327 $ 404 1.0
TOTAL BRANCH ($000) $ 2,650 $ 665 $ 3,315 28.0 $ 2,811 $ 839 $ 3,650 29.0

The following key points should be considered to properly interpret the AEB’s budget and financial situation:

3. Project Resources 

The initial Branch budget and staff complement includes a total of 21 FTEs in the internal audit and evaluation directorates, which translates into approximately into 2,690 person-days available to undertake internal audit and evaluation projects, and related activities.  The resources available for AEB projects - both person-days (PD) and professional services budgets - are summarized in the following table. 

Note that the project resources pertain only to the audit and evaluation Directorates, and do not reflect the requirements for SPC, DGO, EAAC and general management and administrative functions.  The summary demonstrates that there is a small deficit between the total resources available and planned for projects (2,690 and 2,735 person-days).  This relates mainly to the advancement of the evaluation plan as addressed in the preceding section.

Project Resources Summary (person-days)

Resources Available
2014-15 Project Resources Notes (ref.) Internal Audit Evalua-tion Total A&E


1. Directorate Resources for the Audit and Evaluation Directorates correspond to budgeted FTEs (Full Time Equivalents) converted to PDs (person-days) and adjusted for staff’s estimated statutory holidays and leaves. 

2. Resources Available represents total PDs (person-days) directly available to undertake audit and evaluations projects.  It is based on estimated Directorate Resources adjusted for support staff and non-project related time (e.g. management, training, conferences, support staff’s time and general administration and support).

Total Directorate Resources   (incl. support staff) 1 2,310 2,100 4,410
Less:  Management, Training, Admin support and other   820 720 1,540
Less: Estimated long term disability or leave   100 80 180
Total Resources Available (person-days) 2 1,390 1,300 2,690
Resources Planned
2014-15 Project Resources Notes (ref.) Internal Audit Evalua-tion Total A&E


3. Resources Required are the PDs required for A&E projects per the detailed plans presented in Appendices.  Minor differences between Project PD Available or Required represent small shortfalls or excesses (i.e. Contingency).

4. Total Resources Planned are the total PDs required to meet the plans (item 3) and the Audit Directorate’s resources planned for Audit Liaison and Coordination with external assurance providers such as the CESD.

5. Average Salary Cost per PD is the initial salary budget of the Directorates divided by the Total Directorate Resources.

Resources Required per Plans   (Appendices A & B) 3 1,060 1,355 2,415
External Audit Liaison and Coordination   320 Nil 320
Total Resources Planned       (person-days) 4 1,380 1,355 2,735
Average Salary Cost per person-days  5 $ 464 $ 448 $ 456 
Professional Services ($ 000)
2014-15 Project Resources Notes (ref.) Internal Audit Evalua-tion Total A&E


6. Professional Servicesis the budgeted cost of professional services planned in support of projects as detailed in the plans presented in appendices.  The evaluation professional services include predetermined amounts for evaluation.  As well, portions of these costs are to be recovered from other departments or EC branches.

Project Prof Services per Plans (Appendices A & B) 6 $157K $705K $862K

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