Share your thoughts: Proposed Regulations amending the Products Containing Mercury Regulations

Current status: Closed

The proposed Regulations amending the Products Containing Mercury Regulations was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 156, No. 52, on December 24, 2022. It is open for a 75-day public comment period ending on March 9, 2023.

The comments received during this period will be considered when developing the final Regulations.

On February 4th, 2023 an Erratum was published addressing errors in the English version of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement.


The Products Containing Mercury Regulations (PCMR) prohibit the manufacture and import of products containing mercury or any of its compounds. There are limited exemptions for essential products that have no technically or economically viable alternatives, such as dental amalgam, lamps and certain scientific instruments.

The proposed Regulations amending the Products Containing Mercury Regulations will allow Canada to fully align with all the requirements of the Minamata Convention on Mercury for mercury-containing products. Furthermore, to accelerate the transition to LEDs, which are mercury-free and more energy efficient, the manufacture and import of most lamps containing mercury will be prohibited in December 2023.

Join in: How to participate

You are invited to review and submit your comments on the proposed Regulations amending the Products Containing Mercury Regulations.

Canada Gazette

You can provide your comments on proposed regulations directly in the Canada Gazette publication. For more information on how to comment, please visit our Comment on propose regulations site.

By email

Send an email with your ideas or comments using the contact information below.

By mail

Send a letter with your ideas or comments to the address in the contact information below.

Please include “Consultation – PCMR Amendments” in the subject line of your email or letter. 

Any person who provides information to the Minister of the Environment may request that it be treated as confidential under section 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Please read our privacy statement for this consultation.

Who is the focus of this consultation

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By mail

Products Division, Industrial Sectors and Chemicals Directorate
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard 9th floor
Gatineau QC  K1A 0H3

By email

Environment and Climate Change Canada inquiry centre:
Telephone: 819-938-4483 / 1-888-391-3426 (in Canada only)

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