Consultation document on proposed revisions to Federal Halocarbon Regulations: chapter 7
Consultation Topics: Schedule 1 and Schedule 2
This section is organized using the same headings as found in the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2003 (FHR 2003). For each heading, the purpose of the provisions is provided for context, followed by a summary of each issue, the proposed revision, and any targeted questions for which Environment Canada is seeking input.
Schedule 1
The purpose of Schedule 1 is to list the halocarbons that are subject to the FHR 2003. No changes are proposed to these provisions at this time.
Schedule 2
The purpose of Schedule 2 is to specify the information to be contained in each document required by the FHR 2003.
Issue 19 - Description of a System
The “description of system” required to be reported in Items 1(d), 2(d), 3(d), 4(d), 5(d), 6(d), 7(d) and 8(d), of Schedule 2 of the FHR 2003 is too vague and does not provide enough detail to identify each unique system.
Proposed Revision
- Replace the “description of the system” in Items 1-8 of Schedule 2 with:
- type of system (refrigeration, air-conditioning, fire-extinguishing, solvent)
- make of system
- model of system
- serial number of system
Issue 20 - Request for a Permit
The request for a permit to install or charge a system in items 9 and 10 of Schedule 2 do not adequately identify the system to be installed or charged.
Proposed Revision
- Add the following information to the request for a permit in items 9 and 10 of Schedule 2:
- type of system (portable fire extinguisher, fixed fire extinguisher)
- make of system
- model of system
- serial number of system
- location of system
Page details
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