Air Quality Health Index classroom kit, grades 5 and 6, health: chapter 8

Station 5: Air Qualitopoly


Students use cooperative learning to design a board game that will focus on air quality and sun health in Canada.

Real-World Connection

Curriculum Themes

A complete set of provincial and territorial curriculum links can be found at the end of the stations.




Dodge, B.J. (2003-09-22). Board Game Design First Steps. Retrieved April 04, 2009, from Exploratory Learning Through Educational Simulation & Games website.

Lin, E. (2006). Cooperative Learning in the Science Classroom. The Science Teacher, 73(5), 34-39.

Station 5: Student Instructions

Do you know how to play the game MonopolyTM? Your group is going to design an air quality and sun health board game like MonopolyTM. You will consider how the AQHI can be used to make decisions about going outside, what sports or activities you do, and how air quality affects the health of you, your friends, and family.

You will need to work as a team to plan a few things that make a board game unique, such as how many spaces you need, what your game pieces will look like, and (of course) how you will win!

Each group is going to design its own game. You won’t have a lot of time, so this version is just your first rough draft of your game. We call it a “mock-up.” When the mock-ups are complete, each group will present to the class, and the class will vote on the one you like best. The entire class can then create a more permanent game and present it to the entire school.

Co-operative Roles

Reader (Reads the instructions)

Task manager (Makes sure members fulfill their roles)

Illustrator (Sketches group ideas)

Timekeeper (Keeps the group on-task so it finishes in time)

Materials manager (Collects and manages materials for the group)

Presenter (Presents group ideas to the class)


  1. Select a large piece of construction paper or cardboard and use that as your game board.
  2. Decide how you will lay out the spaces for the game (e.g., Around the edge? In a circle?) Be as creative as you want!
  3. Decide where the Start and Finish of the game will be and mark them on the game board.
  4. Find the sheet with the cards. Cut them out and stack them. As a group, use the blank squares to create at least five (5) new impacts that you can add to your game. Add the cards to your stack, mix them up and place them on the board.
  5. Choose 3 or 4 special spaces. Decide what you want to happen when someone lands there. They may have to: sing a song, miss a turn, not talk for one minute, etc. Don’t forget to write it on the space!
  6. Select game pieces from whatever you have available in the cl assroom ( e.g., chalk, pencils, pennies, or whatever you can find).
  7. Decide how to start the game. Will it be the person whose birthday is closest or who ever rolls the highest number on the dice?
  8. Pick a name for your game. The winner of the game will be the players who makes it around the board first, after learning about air quality and sun health from the Impact Cards he or she has drawn, so the name has to reflect air quality health in some way.
  9. Get ready to present your game to the rest of the class by filling in the Student Handout Sheet.


Teacher Notes:

Station 5: Student Handout

Student Handout Form

Station 5: Air Quality Impact Cards

Quality Impact Card 1
Description of Air Quality Impact Cards 1

Card 1
Image: Smoke stacks.
The AQHI is 6 in your community. Move back 2 spaces to wait for better air quality.

Card 2
Image: Bottle of sunscreen
It is a very sunny day and you applied sun screen 30 minutes before going outdoors. Move forward 3 spaces!

Card 3
Image: Blue butterfly
You have learned how to use the AQHI!Congratulations! Move forward 2 spaces.

Card 4
Image: Do not enter symbol
The AQHI is 4 in your community, but you have asthma so you are at risk if you play outdoors. Move back 1 space to represent staying indoors for the day.

Card 5
Image: Ignited fuse
You were planning on going cycling with your grandparents, but you need to reschedule because your grandmother has a cough and the AQHI is 7!

Card 6
Image: Cloud of smoke or dust
You have a soccer game today and the AQHI is 8! The soccer club decides to wait until the AQHI goes down to 3. Move back 1 space.

Card 7
Image: Soccer ball
The AQHI is 2, and you have another soccer game. Move forward 2 spaces because risk is low!

Card 8
Image: Poison symbol
There is a strong, toxic odour in the air. Move back 1 space.

Quality Impact Card 2
Description of Air Quality Impact Cards 2

Card 1
Image: Bright green plus symbol.
You convince your principal to have the AQHI reading included as part of the morning school announcements. Move forward 3 spaces!

Card 2
Image: Green deciduous tree
Your class and teacher work together to create a YouTube video about air quality in your community. Move forward 3 spaces!

Card 3
Image: Compact fluorescent lightbulb
You and your class organize an air quality awareness presentation for the entire school! Move forward 3 spaces.

Card 4
Image: Red and orange flames
You and your family go to the beach and forget the sunscreen. Move back 2 spaces.

Card 5
Image: Green leaf
Congratulations, you choose to ride your bike to school instead of driving, to help improve air quality. Move ahead 2 spaces.

Card 6
Image: Bright yellow sun
You encourage your teacher to check the AQHI before your class goes outside for recess. Move forward 2 spaces!

Card 7
Image: Radioactive waste canister

Card 8
Image: Blue solar panel

Air Quality Impact Card 3
Description of Air Quality Impact Cards 3

Card 1
Image: Brown sunglasses.

Card 2
Image: Grey garbage can

Card 3
Image: Radioactive symbol

Card 4
Image: Bright green plus symbol

Card 5
Image: Purple daisy

Card 6
Image: Gas pump

Card 7
Image: Green battery showing positive terminal

Card 8
Image: Red x

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