Air Quality Health Index classroom kit, grades 5 and 6, health
Table of Contents
- Introductory Activity: Silent Fact or Fiction?
- Introductory Activity: Silent Fact or Fiction? - Overhead
- Tips: How to Use Learning Stations
- Station 1: Science in the News
- Station 2: Behind the Scenes: Canada’s Next Top (AQHI Model!)
- Station 3: Jumping to Conclusions
- Station 4: Getting Ready for Work!
- Station 5: Air Qualitopoly
- Station 6: Kids Know Best!
- Background Information for Teachers
- Grade 5 Curriculum Outcomes
- Grade 6 Curriculum Outcomes
Learning stations to explore weather and health in today's world.
Educators can choose from six 30-minute learning centres for their grade 5 or 6 students, building skills in literacy, communication, reflection, and problem-solving. Developed directly from provincial and territorial curriculum documents, topics include: ways to prepare for and predict various weather and/or air quality conditions, how media, peers and family affect decisions, outdoor safety, and environmental health issues. See the Quick Reference Guide.
Project Management: Thera Ip (Environmental Program Officer; Air Quality Forecasting Program)
Update: Chantal Duhaime (Outreach Officer; Health and Air Quality Forecast Services)
A special thanks is extended to the teachers throughout Canada who reviewed the Air Quality Health Index Learning Stations. Appreciation is expressed to Ian Khan, Meteorologist at Environment Canada Atlantic, Halifax, N.S., for his technical expertise.
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