Air Quality Health Index classroom kit, grades 5 and 6, environment: chapter 22

Zap It! Answers

Lesson 1

1.C. Most clouds are formed in the troposphere, where weather takes place. Is good ozone above or below the clouds? What about bad ozone?
Good ozone is above the clouds. It is in the stratosphere, which is above the troposphere. Bad ozone is below the clouds. It is at ground-level.

1.D.Why are children considered an at-risk group?
Young children are included in the sensitive groups because on a per-body-weight basis they tend to inhale relatively more air than adults. Their elevated metabolic rate and young defence systems make them more susceptible to air pollution.

1.E. What would be the perfect source of energy?
1.E. Would it use a living or non-living resource?

Answers will vary. Students should consider the pros and cons of energy sources, such as current and future supply, cost, safety, environmental impact, emissions, and the ability to produce it within Canada (energy security).

Enrichment Activity

What is it called when the dye goes from a higher concentration (the dish) to a lower concentration (the ocean or tub)?
Labels from top to bottom: PM10, PM2.5.

Pollution can dissolve in water to form acid rain.


Lesson 2

2.A. How will you convince adults to turn off the key?
Answers will vary. Students should consider researching social marketing strategies, such as incentives, personal communication, and neighbourhood leaders. Students should also consider ways they regularly influence their parents.

2.B. Is it better to look for a new source of energy or a new technology?
Answers will vary. Most students will argue that it is easier to develop a new technology than to find a new source of energy. In fact, most energy research is probably a combination of both. For example, at the University of Calgary, a chemical engineer is working to develop new technologies to use deep oil from the oil sands. At the same time, she is leading a team to explore gasification from dead trees - a promising source of clean energy.

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