Archived: Code of Practice for management of air emissions from pulp and paper mills: appendix 2

Appendix 2: Characterization of Sulphur Dioxide and Total Particulate Matter Air Emissions

Characterization of the emissions should include the following emission sources:

  1. The following formula should be used to calculate the mill total annual SO2 and TPM emissions:

    Equation 1

    Description of Equation

    The annual quantity of pollutants (SO2 or TPM) emitted by the mill, expressed in tonnes, is equal to the sum of all annual quantity of pollutants emitted by each type of emission source.


    Qtotal is the annual quantity of SO2 or TPM emitted by the mill, expressed in tonnes.
    Qi is the annual quantity of SO2 or TPM emitted by each type of emission source in the mill, "i", expressed in tonnes.
    n is the number of type of emission sources in the mill.

  2. The following formula should be used to calculate the annual SO2 and TPM emissions for each type of emission source:

    Equation 2 - Formula to calculate the annual SO2 and TPM emissions from each emission source

    Description of Equation

    The annual quantity of pollutants emitted (SO2 or TPM) by each type of emission source, expressed in tonnes, is equal to the characterization of an emission source, times the sum of the annual quantity of input or output or energy content used by each emission source, divided by the rate of input or output or energy content of fuel consumed by each emission source during the characterization. The total is divided by 1,000,000 to get tonnes unit.


    Qi is the annual quantity of SO2 or TPM emitted by each type of emission source in the mill, expressed in tonnes.
    Ei is the characterization of the type of emission source, “i” expressed in grams of SO2 or TPM per hour(g/h).
    “k” is a an emission source (a unit) of the type of emission source
    z” is the total number of emission source of the type of emission source
    Fk is the annual quantity of input or output or energy content of fuel consumed for the emission source, “k”, as follows:

    • Boiler:  total annual energy content of fuel consumed, expressed in gigajoules (GJ)
    • Recovery boiler:  annual quantity of black liquorprocessed, expressed in metric tonnes of black liquor dry solids
    • Dissolving tank:  annual quantity of black liquor sent to the recovery boiler, expressed in metric tonnes of black liquor drysolids
    • Lime kiln:  annual quantity of lime produced, expressed in metric tonnes of CaO
    • Thermal oxidizer:  total annual energy content of all fuel combusted,expressed in gigajoules (GJ)
    • Other combustion sources:  annual energy content of fuels consumed or quantity of fuels consumed, expressed in gigajoules (GJ), metric tonnes or cubic meter (m³)   

    fk is the rate of input or output or energy content of fuel consumed for the emission source, “k”, during the characterization period, as follows:

    • Boiler:  rate of energy content of fuel consumed, expressed in gigajoules per hour (GJ/h)
    • Recovery boiler:  input rate of black liquor, expressed in metric tonnes of black liquor dry soilds per hour
    • Dissolving tank:  rate of black liquor sent to recovery boiler, expressed in metric tonnes of black liquor dry soilds per hour
    • Lime kiln:  rate of lime output, expressed in metric tonnes of CaO per hour
    • Thermal oxidizer:  rate of energy content of fuel combusted, expressed in gigajoules per hour (GJ/h)
    • Other combustion sources:  rate of energy content of fuel combustedor quantity of fuel combusted, expressed in gigajoules per hour (GJ/h), metric tonnes per hour (tonne/h) or cubic meter per hour (m³/h)

    1/1000,000 is conversion factor from grams to tonnes.

  3. Sampling of emission sources

    All emissions should be sampled downstream of any emission control devices. Each source test should be done on a minimum of three separate samples. The arithmetic average of the samples is the result.

    All sampling should be done in the same year, during the mill’s regular hours of operation (in other words, no sampling is to be done during an interruption or when there is a problem with the equipment that could impact atmospheric emissions from the source). The sampling for each source should be performed under the operating conditions specified by the method used or at a minimum of 90% of its nominal capacity if it is not specified.

    If a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) is used to assess compliance, the emission reported should be calculated, using hourly average, with a rolling average of 720 hours over the year. The greatest rolling average should be reported.
  4. Emissions from stationary combustion sources subject to the Code of Practice and the parameters required to characterize emissions should comply with one of the following methods:
    • Any methods authorized by a provincial permit or regulation could be considered by the federal Minister of the Departemtn of the Environment.
    • Any source with SO2 and TPM emissions not subject to a provincial regulation or permit could use AP-42 emission factors to calculate SO2 and TPM emissions.Footnote2
    • Environment Canada, Reference Method for Source Testing: Measurement of Releases of Particulate from Stationary Sources, EPS 1/RM/8.
    • Environment Canada, Standard Reference Methods for Source Testing: Measurement of Emissions of Sulphur Dioxide from Stationary Sources, EPS 1-AP-74-3.
    • Environment Canada, Reference Method for the Monitoring of Gaseous Emissions from Fossil Fuel-fired Boilers, EPS 1/RM/15, September 1990.
    • If a continuous measurement device is used, the facility should comply with the applicable provincial requirements, or in the absence or requirements to Environment Canada's Protocols and Performance Specifications for Continuous Monitoring of Gaseous Emissions from Thermal Power Generation (EPS 1/PG/7). The device should also be maintained and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
  5. The measurement devices used to measure the quantities of fuel, raw materials or any other quantities specified in this Code of Practice should be installed, operated, maintained and calibrated in accordance with the device manufacturer's instructions.

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