Indigenous Leadership Fund

Important notice

Due to high demand and limited funding, the First Nations and Designated funding streams are currently closed and not accepting new applications. If you have already submitted an Expression of Interest or project proposal, you will be contacted directly with an update on the status of your application.

About the program

The Indigenous Leadership Fund is a program under the Low Carbon Economy Fund. It provides up to $180 million by 2029 to support climate action by Indigenous peoples. The program funds Indigenous-owned and led renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-carbon heating projects. These projects will help meet Canada’s 2030 emissions reduction target and net-zero emissions by 2050. This is a key part of the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan.

Recognizing the unique rights, interests, and circumstances of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis governments, communities, and organizations, the Indigenous Leadership Fund uses a distinctions-based approach to deliver funding to support projects that:

As announced in Budget 2022, up to $32.2 million will go to the Atlin Hydro Expansion project, which will provide clean electricity to the Yukon and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Funding streams

Environment and Climate Change Canada is delivering the program using a distinctions-based approach and is working and communicating directly with Indigenous governments, communities, and organizations to deliver funding to support projects. The three distinctions-based funding streams are:

A designated funding stream for eligible applicants not already included in the funding streams for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis is also available.

First Nations

Important notice

Due to high demand and limited funding, the First Nations funding stream is currently closed and not accepting new applications. If you have already submitted an Expression of Interest or project proposal, you will be contacted directly with an update on the status of your application.

The First Nations funding stream is spending up to $73.9 million. It was developed in collaboration with First Nation representatives and Indigenous clean energy experts. The stream is intended for First Nations governments, communities, and organizations, including First Nations tribal or band councils, Modern Treaty and Self-Governing First Nations, First Nations-owned businesses and corporations, First Nations not-for-profit organizations, etc.

The call for proposals can fund a variety of project types and sizes, with a maximum ECCC contribution of $6 million per project. The stream supports First Nation-owned and First Nation-led renewable energy, energy efficiency, or low-carbon heating projects that provide benefits to First Nations. Eligible projects must be past the concept stage and ready for deployment or construction, meaning that project planning and pre-feasibility activities have been completed, other funding has been secured or is close to being secured, and partnership agreements, impact or environmental assessments, permitting requirements, and power purchase agreements have been finalized or are near finalization.

Proposals that include non-First Nation partners must provide transparent and comprehensive information on the ownership and governance structure of the project, including details on decision-making processes.


This funding stream was developed in collaboration with the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and four Inuit land claim organizations. It is delivered through a directed and continuous intake process over six years, starting in 2023. Each Inuit land claim organization is developing a portfolio of projects to access the funding they have been allocated.

Funding under the Inuit stream is available for the following Inuit land claim organizations:


This funding stream was developed in collaboration with the Métis National Council and five Métis governments. It is delivered through a directed and continuous intake process over six years, starting in 2023. Each Métis government is developing a portfolio of projects to access the funding they have been allocated. Funding allocations have been determined using the Métis National Council’s funding formula.

Funding under the Métis stream is available for the following Métis governments:

Designated stream

Important notice

Due to high demand and limited funding, the Designated funding stream is currently closed and not accepting new applications. If you have already submitted an Expression of Interest or project proposal, you will be contacted directly with an update on the status of your application.

Eligible applicants for the Designated funding stream are Indigenous governments, communities, and organizations not already included in the funding streams for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. This can include Indigenous-owned businesses and corporations, Indigenous not-for-profit organizations, Métis Settlements, and Indigenous research, academic or educational institutions.

The Designated funding stream is spending up to $7.39 million to support Indigenous-owned and Indigenous-led renewable energy, energy efficiency, or low-carbon heating projects that provide broad benefits to Indigenous peoples. Eligible projects must be past the concept stage and ready for deployment or construction, meaning that project planning and pre-feasibility activities have been completed, other funding has been secured or is close to being secured, and partnership agreements, impact or environmental assessments, permitting requirements, and power purchase agreements have been finalized or are near finalization.

Proposals that include non-Indigenous partners must provide transparent and comprehensive information on the ownership and governance structure of the project, including details on decision-making processes.

Eligible projects

The Indigenous Leadership Fund supports Indigenous-owned and Indigenous-led projects that meet the following criteria:

  1. Incorporate or make use of renewable energy, energy efficiency, or low-carbon heating technologies and practices
  2. Offer broader environmental, social, and economic benefits
  3. Use proven technologies and practices (proven technologies usually correspond with a level 8 or above on the Technology Readiness Level Scale)

Applicants are also encouraged to submit projects that:

Contact us

If you have questions on the Indigenous Leadership Fund or would like to learn more about the program, please contact us by email at

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