What is the Environmental Damages Fund


The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) invests in environmental solutions when individuals or companies intentionally or unintentionally harm the environment. The EDF receives money from fines, penalties, court orders, and voluntary payments as a result of environmental violations and uses them to fund priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment.

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) administers the EDF on behalf of the Government of Canada, collaborating with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Parks Canada, among others, to deliver the program. Along with ECCC, these federal departments and agencies are responsible for enforcing environmental laws and regulations that direct money to the EDF.

Objective of the Environmental Damages Fund

The main goal of EDF-funded projects is to restore the environment and conserve wildlife and habitats in a scientifically sound, cost-effective, and technically feasible way. Monies directed to the EDF are used to fund projects that focus on the following four funding categories:

Eligible Applicants

The EDF generally distributes funds through a competitive process for projects that are carried out by not-for-profit organizations across Canada, including:

Available Funding

The amount of funding available through the EDF at any time varies according to the number and size of court awards and voluntary contributions directed to the EDF. When the court makes a sentencing decision, it may recommend how the funds should be used. For example, the court can determine the location or scope of a project. The EDF program uses this information to create a plan for how the funds will be distributed, and what types of projects would best benefit the environment. The Available Funds web page is updated regularly.

EDF funding initiatives

A number of special funding initiatives created from large fines are supported by the EDF, each with its own criteria for eligible projects, call for proposals’ priorities, and funding amounts. 

Climate Action and Awareness Funding

The Climate Action and Awareness Fund is investing/funding up to $206 million over five years to support Canadian-made projects that help to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

Environmental Literacy Funding

Under the Climate Action and Awareness Fund, $12.5 million has been allotted to an Environmental Literacy initiative.  This initiative involves an innovative partnership between the Government of Canada and the philanthropic community aimed at promoting environmental literacy across Canada.   

Quebec Active Transportation funding

The Quebec Active Transport initiative will provide up to $4.39 million to support projects that will help reduce transportation-related air pollution by increasing active transportation and enhancing urban mobility in the province.

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