2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: appendix

Table of Contents

Appendix to the Protocol Amending the Agreement Between Canada and the United States of America on Great Lakes Water Quality, 1978, as Amended on October 16, 1983 and on November 18, 1987

Agreement Between Canada and the United States of America on Great Lakes Water Quality, 2012

The Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America (the “Parties” ),

Acknowledging the vital importance of the Great Lakes to the social and economic well-being of both countries, the close connection between quality of the Waters of the Great Lakes and the environment and human health, as well as the need to address the risks to human health posed by environmental degradation;

Reaffirming their determination to protect, restore, and enhance water quality of the Waters of the Great Lakes and their intention to prevent further pollution and degradation of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem;

Emphasizing the need to strengthen efforts to address new and continuing threats to the quality of the Waters of the Great Lakes, including aquatic invasive species, nutrients, chemical substances, discharge from vessels, the climate change impacts, and the loss of habitats and species;

Acknowledging that pollutants may enter the Waters of the Great Lakes from air, surface water, groundwater, sediment, runoff from non-point sources, direct discharges and other sources;

Recognizing that restoration and enhancement of the Waters of the Great Lakes cannot be achieved by addressing individual threats in isolation, but rather depend upon the application of an ecosystem approach to the management of water quality that addresses individually and cumulatively all sources of stress to the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem;

Recognizing that nearshore areas must be restored and protected because they are the major source of drinking water for communities within the basin, are where most human commerce and recreation occurs, and are the critical ecological link between watersheds and the open waters of the Great Lakes;

Acknowledging that the quality of the Waters of the Great Lakes may affect the quality of the waters of the St. Lawrence River downstream of the international boundary;

Concluding that the best means to preserve the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem and to improve the quality of the Waters of the Great Lakes is to adopt common objectives, develop and implement cooperative programs and other compatible measures, and assign special responsibilities and functions to the International Joint Commission;

Recognizing that, while the Parties are responsible for decision-making under this Agreement, the involvement and participation of State and Provincial Governments, Tribal Governments, First Nations, Métis, Municipal Governments, watershed management agencies, local public agencies, and the Public are essential to achieve the objectives of this Agreement;

Determined to improve management processes for the implementation of measures necessary to achieve the objectives of this Agreement,

Have agreed as follows:

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Article 1


In this Agreement:

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Article 2

Purpose, Principles and Approaches


1. The purpose of this Agreement is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Waters of the Great Lakes. To achieve this purpose, the Parties agree to maximize their efforts to:

2. The Parties, recognizing the inherent natural value of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, are guided by a shared vision of a healthy and prosperous Great Lakes region in which the Waters of the Great Lakes, through sound management, use and enjoyment, will benefit present and future generations of Canadians and Americans.

3. The Parties recognize that it is necessary to take action to resolve existing environmental problems, as well as to anticipate and prevent environmental problems, by implementing measures that are sufficiently protective to achieve the purpose of this Agreement.

Principles and Approaches

4. The Parties shall be guided by the following principles and approaches in order to achieve the purpose of this Agreement:

Article 3

General and Specific Objectives





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Article 4


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Article 5

Consultation, Management and Review

Top of Page

Article 6

Notification and Response

The Parties acknowledge the importance of anticipating, preventing and responding to threats to the Waters of the Great Lakes. The Parties commit to the following notification and response process:

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Article 7

The International Joint Commission

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Article 8

Commission Boards and Regional Office

Article 9

Existing Rights and Obligations

This Agreement shall not be interpreted to diminish the Parties’ rights or obligations under the Boundary Waters Treaty.

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Article 10

Integration Clause

The Annexes form an integral part of this Agreement.

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Article 11


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Article 12

Entry into Force and Termination

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Article 13


This Agreement supersedes the Agreement between Canada and the United States of America on Great Lakes Water Quality, done at Ottawa on 15 April 1972.

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