Lightning safety at large outdoor venues

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Lightning flashes over two million times a year across Canada, about once every three seconds during the more intense summer months. Because light travels faster than sound, lightning can be an early, and deadly, indicator of an approaching thunderstorm and other severe weather. Local summer storms can develop quickly. Precise, local forecasts cannot be issued months in advance for planning purposes.

Opening ceremonies Scout Jamboree July 25, 2007 PQ.

Environment Canada has developed a Lightning Map for when thunderstorms are forecast. The lightning danger map uses information from recent lightning strikes to create high danger zones indicated in red. The danger zones help show you where the lightning risk is greatest.

A Lightning Safety Plan needs to be developed for large outdoor events and should include:

As always with lightning it is important to remember: When thunder roars, go indoors!

To find out what else you can do to keep yourself safe from lightning, visit our section on Lightning Safety and the Dangers of Lightning.

Information on this page was a compilation of various sources mentioned below.

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