New substances: Chemicals and polymers

New substances: Chemicals and polymers

The New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) [NSNR (Chemicals and Polymers)] help protect Canadians and the environment, as they allow for the assessment of new chemicals and polymers prior to their introduction into the Canadian marketplace above prescribed thresholds. Following a New Substances Notification (NSN), Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada carry out a joint assessment process to determine whether there is a potential for risk to the environment and human health. When potential risks are identified, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) empowers the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to impose control measures.

If you plan to manufacture or import new chemicals or polymers subject to notification under the NSNR (Chemicals and Polymers), you are required to provide information to Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Updates on the Guidance Document

The updated Guidance document for the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) is now available for use.

Services and information

Services and information

Guidance document: Chemicals and polymers

Determine whether a chemical or polymer is subject to notification and access instructions for the completion of an NSN

New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)

Regulations under CEPA requiring the assessment of new substances prior to import or manufacture in Canada

New substances fees

Guide to the New Substances Fees Regulations for notifications and other services

Advisory notes

Advisory notes providing clarification on various aspects of the New Substances program


Information on the notification of new nanomaterials

Masked Name Regulations

Regulations respecting the masking of substance names to prevent the disclosure of confidential information

Page details

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