Departmental sustainable development strategies

As required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act, the 99 departments and agencies listed below prepare sustainable development strategies containing objectives and plans within their mandate that contribute to the whole-of-government Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

2023 to 2027 Departmental sustainable development strategies and annual reports

A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, V, W

Departments and agencies starting with the letter A

Departments and agencies starting with the letter C

Departments and agencies starting with the letter D

Departments and agencies starting with the letter E

Departments and agencies starting with the letter F

Departments and agencies starting with the letter G

Departments and agencies starting with the letter H

Departments and agencies starting with the letter I

Departments and agencies starting with the letter J

Departments and agencies starting with the letter L

Departments and agencies starting with the letter M

Departments and agencies starting with the letter N

Departments and agencies starting with the letter O

Departments and agencies starting with the letter P

Departments and agencies starting with the letter R

Departments and agencies starting with the letter S

Departments and agencies starting with the letter T

Departments and agencies starting with the letter V

Departments and agencies starting with the letter W

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