Turkey Lakes Watershed Study reference list: 1996
96-01 Marmorek, D.R., R.M. MacQueen, C.H.R. Wedeles, J. Korman, P.J. Blancher, and D.K. McNicol. Improving pH and alkalinity estimates for regional-scale acidification models: incorporation of dissolved organic carbon. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 1602- 1608, 1996.
A DOC correction factor incorporated into a Gran titration curve was found to improve the accuracy of model projections in the TLW and eastern Canada, lowering average pH estimates by 0.1 - 0.4 units.
96-02 Band, L.E., D.S. Mackay, I.F. Creed, R. Semkin and D. Jeffries. Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: sensitivity to potential climate change. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41: 928-938, 1996.
In a model to predict effects of climate change on forested watersheds, potential climate shifts in weather, forest canopy processes and forest cover were compared to control conditions in the TLW. Projections of temperature and precipitation changes alone gave different forecasts of climate change impact than those incorporating canopy effects. The model shows that terrestrial ecosystem processes significantly affect the impact of climate change.
96-03 Creed, I.F., L.E. Band, N.W. Foster, I.K. Morrison, J.A. Nicolson, R.S. Semkin, and D.S. Jeffries. Regulation of nitrate-N release from temperate forests: a test of the N flushing hypothesis. Wat. Resourc. Res. 32: 3337-3354, 1996.
Spatial and temporal variability in the release of nitrate-nitrogen from the TLW are investigated using a hydro-ecological model. Two mechanisms governing the release of N were indicated: N-flushing (spring snowmelt and autumn stormflow) and N-draining (slow release from groundwater of N translocated from upper soil layers during spring snowmelt).
96-04 McNicol, D.K., M.L. Mallory and B.E. Bendell. The Canadian Wildlife Service LRTAP Biomonitoring Program, Part 2. Food chain monitoring in Ontario Lakes: taxonomic codes and collections. Technical Report Series 246, Canadian Wildlife Service, 32p, 1996.
Waterfowl prey (macroinvertebrates, fish, and amphibians) have been sampled at small lakes and wetlands in Algoma (including the TLW), Muskoka and Sudbury in order to assess changes in composition and abundance following acid rain abatement programs in Canada and the U.S. Locations, identification keys and minimum pH's where the prey is caught are documented as a reference for researchers studying the same taxa or types of lakes.
96-05 McNicol, D.K., M.L. Mallory and J.J. Kerekes. The Canadian Wildlife Service LRTAP Biomonitoring Program, Part 3. Site locations, physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Technical Report Series 248, Canadian Wildlife Service, 215p, 1996.
This report gives detailed physical, chemical and biological characteristics of CWS study areas, which include 600 wetlands and lakes in northeastern Ontario (including the TLW), and 46 lakes in Kejimkujik, Nova Scotia. Maps of the Food Chain Monitoring Program lakes in Ontario and data from the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey are also given. The document is intended as a reference for researchers studying the effects of acidification of aquatic ecosystems and the success of remedial strategies.
96-06 Thirukkumaran, C.M., and I.K. Morrison. Impact of simulated acid rain on microbial respiration, biomass, and metabolic quotient in a mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum) forest floor. Can. J. For. Res. 26: 1446-1453, 1996.
During 1993/94, 4 plots on the forest floor at the TLW were experimentally acidified with H2SO4 and HNO3, singly and in combination, to assess the effects on microbiological processes. No adverse effects could be measured in situ in 1994, but laboratory measurements showed microbial respiration ratios to be reduced in the L or FH layers when both acids were applied. Thus the possibility of damage due to soil acidification in the long-term is indicated.
96-07 Bhatti, J.S. and N.W. Foster. Computer model predicts diminished productivity of tolerant hardwood forest following full-tree harvesting. Technical Note No. 92, Canadian Forest Service, Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. 4p, 1996.
This note describes a model, ForSVA (Forest Soil Vegetation Atmospheric Model), that incorporates knowledge of ecosystem processes to predict the effects of various harvesting scenarios on an undisturbed tolerant hardwood forest. The model has been calibrated and validated at the TLW, using 10 years of field data. It demonstrates that full-tree clear-cutting is a less sustainable practice than stem-only cutting. The impacts of harvesting on vegetation, nutrient cycles and water quality of the forest of the TLW are being investigated.
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