Consultation summary: Branch closure guidance – pre-closure consultation process

In August 2015, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) called for public comment on its proposed Commissioner’s Branch Closure Guidance – pre-closure consultation process. The Agency received several comments from stakeholders. FCAC considered all of the comments and modified the Guidance, where appropriate.

The summary below recaps the submissions received from stakeholders and provides responses to those comments. 

Overview of stakeholder comments

The proposed Guidance appeared to be well received by stakeholders. There was a general consensus regarding the benefits of providing consumers with adequate and timely notice of branch closures and with an opportunity to discuss the changes resulting from such closures. 

Stakeholders expressed concern with some of the Commissioner’s proposed guidelines (defined in the summary of submissions) and requested clarity regarding timelines. 

The recommendations made by stakeholders resulted in several amendments to the Guidance. For example, the community consultation process is expected to begin only after the public announcement of a branch closure by a financial institution. Financial institutions will be expected to take reasonable measures (instead of significant) to address consumers’ concerns.

The final version of FCAC’s Branch Closure Guidance – pre-closure consultation process​ is available online and financial institutions have been notified of its effective and coming-into-force dates. 

The Agency would like to thank the stakeholders who submitted comments during the course of this consultation. Stakeholder feedback is key to helping improve our ability to deliver on the Agency’s mandate. 

​Summary of submissions




​​Next steps

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