Addressing Racism and Discrimination in Canada’s Health Systems Program – 2022 call for proposals

The 2022 call for proposals is accepting applications that address systemic anti-Indigenous racism and/or discrimination in Canada's health systems. Applications are for the project stream only.

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Priority areas

Priority will be given to projects that:

Applications from Indigenous health system partners, such as organizations, associations and education or training institutions, will be given priority.

Eligible recipients

The following are eligible to apply for funding through the program:

Non-Indigenous organizations may apply but must partner with an Indigenous community or organization. They must also demonstrate the partnership throughout the entire project, including the development/design, implementation and monitoring/evaluation phases. Letters of support from project partners are required.

Eligible organizations must also demonstrate that they:

Eligible organizations may submit only 1 application for funding in this call for proposals.

Eligible activities

The following project activities are eligible for funding:

Eligible expenses

Funding must be used only for expenditures that are directly related to the activities identified in the funding agreement with Health Canada.

Eligible expenditures may include:

Funding details

The total funding available is $13 million.

The total requested funding for each project must be between $100,000 (minimum) and $1 million (maximum).

Further distribution of funding:


Limits of government assistance:

Total government assistance:


Projects can have varying durations and should begin no earlier than April 1, 2022. Health Canada must formally notify recipients before a project can begin. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2024.

Note: The fiscal year for the Government of Canada runs from April 1 of 1 year until March 31 of the following year.

Assessment criteria

Health Canada will use due diligence to assess the proposals for funding. The assessment of each application will examine, at a minimum, how it:

The application must also show that:

Finally, we will assess the application based on whether it:

The following outlines how the various sections of the application form will be weighted:

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