Strengthening the Assisted Human Reproduction Act

From Health Canada

Current status: The public consultation is now closed. The consultation report is available now.


We want to strengthen the Assisted Human Reproduction Act by writing regulations that will:

  • reduce the risks to human health and safety from using donor sperm and eggs (ova), including the risk of transmitting disease
  • make clear what expenses may be reimbursed to donors and surrogates
  • allow us to appoint inspectors who will manage and enforce the act


We are looking for comments from all interested Canadians, including:

  • people who use assisted human reproduction and related patient groups
  • fertility industry members and related organizations
  • health care providers and related organizations
  • academics and researchers
  • fertility lawyers


We are looking for comments on:

  • Toward a Strengthened Assisted Human Reproduction Act

When and where

  • The document was online for 60 days, between July 12, 2017 and September 9, 2017.
  • Another consultation will take place when the proposed regulations are published in Canada Gazette Part I.

How to participate

Submit your comments by:

  • Online: Toward a Strengthened Assisted Human Reproduction Act: A Consultation with Canadians on Key Policy Proposals
  • mail
  • email, in electronic files such as:
    • Microsoft Word
    • Adobe Acrobat

Related information

Contact us

Office of Policy and International Collaboration
Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate
Address Locator 0601B, Tunney’s Pasture
100 Eglantine Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9

Tel: 613-957-2991
Fax: 613-952-5364

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