Nutrition Labelling - Directory of Nutrition Symbol Formats

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Organization: Health Canada

Published: 2018-02-10

Draft for Canada Gazette Part I Consultation


On February 10, 2018 Health Canada pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Nutrition Symbols, Other Labelling Provisions, Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Vitamin D). The proposed regulations would amend the Food and Drugs Regulations to add a new front-of-package (FOP) labelling requirement for prepackaged products deemed to be high in sodium, saturated fats and/or sugars. The objective of FOP labelling is to enable Canadians to more easily identify foods high in these nutrients and make healthier and more informed decisions.

The proposed Directory of Nutrition Symbol Formats will set out formatting specifications of the variations of the nutrition symbol such as the dimension requirements. The regulatory package pre-published on February 10, 2018 proposes that this document be incorporated by reference into the Food and Drug Regulations. The final nutrition symbol will be inserted directly in the Food and Drug Regulations upon publication in Canada Gazette, Part II, while the Directory will remain incorporated by reference for the purpose of the symbol's dimensions.

Please note that the size of displayed images in the HTML version of this document is not to scale.

To submit your comments on the proposed regulations pre-published in Canada Gazette, Part I or on this Directory of Nutrition Symbol Formats, please send them to:

(Attention: Canada Gazette, Part I, February 10, 2018)

Bruno Rodrigue
(Attention: Canada Gazette, Part I, February 10, 2018)
Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Holland Cross, Tower A, Suite 14, Ground Floor
1600 Scott Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Address locator: 3000A

Health Canada is soliciting feedback from Canadians and stakeholders on the nutrition symbol to be used. Symbol options being considered can be found in the Nutrition symbol consultation. Those wishing to provide feedback are invited to do so before April 26, 2018.

Table of Contents

Standard Formats

  1. 600 cm2 < Principal Display Surface
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  2. 450 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 600 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  3. 250 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 450 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  4. 100 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 250 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  5. 30 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 100 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  6. Principal Display Surface ≤ 30 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium

Bilingual Standard Formats

  1. 600 cm2 < Principal Display Surface
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  2. 450 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 600 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  3. 250 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 450 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  4. 100 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 250 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  5. 30 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 100 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium
  6. Principal Display Surface ≤ 30 cm2
    1. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium
    2. Saturated fat and sugars
    3. Sugars and sodium
    4. Saturated fat and sodium
    5. Saturated fat
    6. Sugars
    7. Sodium

Standard Formats

1. 600 cm2 < Principal Display Surface

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 1.0(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma. On the second line are the words and sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
4.57 cm x 3.40 cm
1.80 in x 1.34 in
Minimum buffer
2.7 mm
Height of upper case letters
or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada) 3.5 mm

Figure 1.0(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma. On the second line are the words et sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 1.1(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)

Figure 1.1(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 1.2(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)

Figure 1.2(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 1.3(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)

Figure 1.3(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


e. Saturated fat

Figure 1.4(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)

Figure 1.4(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


f. Sugars

Figure 1.5(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)

Figure 1.5(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


g. Sodium

Figure 1.6(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)

Figure 1.6(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(E)


2. 450 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 600 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 2.0(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma. On the second line are the words and sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
3.92 cm x 2.92 cm
1.54 in x 1.15 in
Minimum buffer
2.3 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
3.0 mm

Figure 2.0(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma. On the second line are the words et sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 2.1(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)

Figure 2.1(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 2.2(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)

Figure 2.2(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 2.3(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)

Figure 2.3(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


e. Saturated fat

Figure 2.4(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)

Figure 2.4(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


f. Sugars

Figure 2.5(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)

Figure 2.5(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


g. Sodium

Figure 2.6(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)

Figure 2.6(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(E)


3. 250 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 450 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 3.0(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma. On the second line are the words and sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
3.18 cm x 2.43 cm
1.25 in x 0.96 in
Minimum buffer
1.9 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
2.5 mm

Figure 3.0(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma. On the second line are the words et sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 3.1(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)

Figure 3.1(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et. On the second line is the word sucres. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 3.2(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)

Figure 3.2(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres et. On the second line is the word sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 3.3(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)

Figure 3.3(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et. On the second line is the word sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


e. Saturated fat

Figure 3.4(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)

Figure 3.4(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


f. Sugars

Figure 3.5(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)

Figure 3.5(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


g. Sodium

Figure 3.6(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)

Figure 3.6(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(E)


4. 100 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 250 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 4.0(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma. On the second line are the words and sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
2.61 cm x 1.95 cm
1.03 in x 0.77 in
Minimum buffer
1.5 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
2.0 mm

Figure 4.0(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma. On the second line are the words et sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 4.1(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)

Figure 4.1(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 4.2(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)

Figure 4.2(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 4.3(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)

Figure 4.3(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


e. Saturated fat

Figure 4.4(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)

Figure 4.4(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


f. Sugars

Figure 4.5(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)

Figure 4.5(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.  

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


g. Sodium

Figure 4.6(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)

Figure 4.6(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(E)


5. 30 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 100 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 5.0(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma. On the second line are the words and sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
1.95 cm x 1.48 cm
0.77 in x 0.62 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm

Figure 5.0(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma. On the second line are the words et sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 5.1(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)

Figure 5.1(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 5.2(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)

Figure 5.2(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 5.3(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)

Figure 5.3(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


e. Saturated fat

Figure 5.4(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)

Figure 5.4(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


f. Sugars

Figure 5.5(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)

Figure 5.5(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.  

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


g. Sodium

Figure 5.6(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)

Figure 5.6(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(E)


6. Principal Display Surface ≤ 30 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 6.0(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
1.91 cm x 1.24 cm
0.75 in x 0.49 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm

Figure 6.0(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma. On the second line are the words et sodium. On the third line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the fourth line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.0(E)


b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 6.1(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
1.74 cm x 1.07 cm
0.69 in x 0.42 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm

Figure 6.1(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(E)


c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 6.2(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(E)

Figure 6.2(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(E)


d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 6.3(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(E)

Figure 6.3(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(E)


e. Saturated fat

Figure 6.4(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
1.51 cm x 0.80 cm
0.59 in x 0.31 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm

Figure 6.4(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(E)


f. Sugars

Figure 6.5(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(E)

Figure 6.5(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(E)


g. Sodium

Figure 6.6(E)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are two lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. On the second line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(E)

Figure 6.6(F)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are three lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the second line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble à. On the third line is the word déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(E)


Bilingual Standard Formats

1. 600 cm2 < Principal Display Surface

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

Figure 1.0(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
6.29 cm x 3.40 cm
2.48 in x 1.34 in
Minimum buffer
2.7 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
3.5 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 1.1(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 1.2(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 1.3(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

e. Saturated fat

Figure 1.4(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

f. Sugars

Figure 1.5(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

g. Sodium

Figure 1.6(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 1.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

2. 450 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 600 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 2.0(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
5.40 cm x 2.92 cm
2.13 in x 1.15 in
Minimum buffer
2.3 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
3.0 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 2.1(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 2.2(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 2.3(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

e. Saturated fat

Figure 2.4(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

f. Sugars

Figure 2.5(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

g. Sodium

Figure 2.6(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 2.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

3. 250 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 450 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 3.0(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
4.50 cm x 2.43 cm
1.77 in x 0.96 in
Minimum buffer
1.9 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
2.5 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 3.1(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 3.2(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 3.3(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

e. Saturated fat

Figure 3.4(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

f. Sugars

Figure 3.5(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

g. Sodium

Figure 3.6(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 3.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

4. 100 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 250 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 4.0(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
3.60 cm x 1.95 cm
1.42 in x 0.77 in
Minimum buffer
1.5 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
2.0 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 4.1(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 4.2(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 4.3(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

e. Saturated fat

Figure 4.4(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

f. Sugars

Figure 4.5(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

g. Sodium

Figure 4.6(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 4.0(B)

The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.


5. 30 cm2 < Principal Display Surface ≤ 100 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 5.0(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
2.70 cm x 1.48 cm
1.06 in x 0.58 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 5.1(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 5.2(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 5.3(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

e. Saturated fat

Figure 5.4(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

f. Sugars

Figure 5.5(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

g. Sodium

Figure 5.6(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 5.0(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

6. Principal Display Surface ≤ 30 cm2

a. Saturated fat, sugars, and sodium

Figure 6.0(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat comma sugars comma and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat comma sucres comma et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
2.70 cm x 1.24 cm
1.06 in x 0.52 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

b. Saturated fat and sugars

Figure 6.1(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
2.50 cm x 1.07 cm
0.98 in x 0.45 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

c. Sugars and sodium

Figure 6.2(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

d. Saturated fat and sodium

Figure 6.3(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat and sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat et sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.1(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

e. Saturated fat

Figure 6.4(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sat fat. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en gras sat. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border are two lines of text centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. On the first line, in black mixed-case font, are the words Health Canada. On the second line, in the same font, are the words Santé Canada.

Nutrition symbol dimensions
(width x height)
1.51 cm x 1.03 cm
0.59 in x 0.41 in
Minimum buffer
1.1 mm
Height of upper case letters or tallest ascender of lower case letters (except for the words Health Canada / Santé Canada)
1.5 mm


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

f. Sugars

Figure 6.5(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sugars. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sucres. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border are two lines of text centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. On the first line, in black mixed-case font, are the words Health Canada. On the second line, in the same font, are the words Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

g. Sodium

Figure 6.6(B)

text equivalent below

Text equivalent

There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black rule. Within this rectangle there is another white rectangle bordered by a dashed thin black line. There is a small amount of white space between the dashed line and the top, left and right borders of the outer rectangle. Within the inner rectangle with the dashed-line border there is a large x in very bold, light grey font that extends almost to all four corners of the rectangle. Overtop this large x, centred in the inner rectangle, are four lines of text in bold, black, mixed case letters. On the first line are the words High in sodium. Centered below this line is a dash followed by the words design to be determined. There is a slightly larger space between the second and third lines. On the third line are the words Élevé en sodium. On the last line there is a dash followed by the words schéma d'ensemble a déterminer. Below the inner rectangle with the dashed border is one line of text that is centred right above the border of the outer white rectangle. In black mixed-case font are the words Health Canada forward slash Santé Canada.

Same format specifications as Figure 6.4(B)


The order of the language may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure. For that version, please see the document Répertoire des modèles de symboles nutritionnels.

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