Submitting risk management plans draft guidance document: RMP summary template

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Summary specifications

The RMP summary should include specific sections, which mirror the EU RMP Summary format sections. These are:

In the event that 1 or more of the sections do not apply, they should still be included in the RMP summary with a notation that the section is not applicable.

It is insufficient to submit an EU RMP summary as submitted for another jurisdiction. This is because the summary must contain Canadian-specific considerations and must be provided in both English and French.

For a template of the EU RMP summary, refer to:

Introductory paragraph

The introductory paragraph should indicate the purpose of the document and the name of the product.

It is suggested that the following text template be used, which is the text template used in the EU RMP template, modified for Canada:

"This is a summary of the risk management plan (RMP) for [product name]. The RMP details important risks of [product name], [how these risks can be reduced or prevented] and how more information will be obtained about [product name]'s risks and uncertainties (missing information).

[Product name]'s product monograph and its patient medication information give essential information to health care professionals and patients on how [product name] should be used."

The drug and what it is used for

In this section, provide in paragraph form the:

Associated risks and minimization measures

Itemize routine risk minimization measures and state if the product has:

List of important risks and missing information

In this section, provide a list of the:

The list should contain all the important risks and missing information from the RMP, including Canadian-specific considerations.

The list should be presented in a table format for ease of reference.

Sample table for list of important risks and missing information
List of important risks and missing information
Important identified risks -
Important potential risks -
Missing information -

Summary of important risks

Provide a separate table for each important identified risk and important potential risk. In each table, provide a summary of:

Provide a separate table for each missing information. In each table, provide a summary of:

The summary of each important risk should contain information from the RMP, including Canadian-specific considerations.

Sample table for important identified risks important potential risks
Important identified risk or important potential risk
Insert risk as indicated in List of important risks and missing information
Evidence for linking the risk to the drug
Risk factors and risk groups
Risk minimization measures Routine and additional measures
Additional pharmacovigilance measures
Sample table for missing information
Missing information
Insert missing information as indicated in List of important risks and missing information
Risk minimization measures
Additional pharmacovigilance measures

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