(Propane, 1-nitro-)
CAS Registry Number 108-03-2
Publications summarized:
On this page
- The Government of Canada conducts risk assessments of substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) to determine whether they present or may present a risk to human health or to the environment.
- The risks posed by a substance are determined both by its hazardous properties (potential to cause adverse human health or ecological effects) and the amount or extent of exposure to people and the environment.
- When needed, the Government implements risk management measures under CEPA 1999 and other federal acts to help prevent or reduce potential harm.
- The ecological hazard and exposure potentials of this substance were classified using the Ecological Risk Classification of Organic Substances (ERC) Approach.
- 1-Nitropropane is associated with reproductive and developmental effects; however, at levels of exposure considered in the assessment, The Government concluded that 1-nitropropane is not harmful to human health or the environment at levels of exposure considered in the assessment.
About this substance
- The screening assessment focused on the substance 1-nitropropane. It was assessed under the third phase of the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP).
- 1-Nitropropane is not expected to occur naturally in the environment.
- According to information gathered by the Government, this substance is mainly used in Canada in paints and coatings. It is also used as a solvent (that is, used to dissolve other substances) in markers and cosmetic nail brush cleaners.
Human and ecological exposures
- The screening assessment indicated that Canadians may be exposed to 1-nitropropane from the use of products available to consumers, such as marker ink, spray paint primers and cosmetic nail brush cleaners.
- According to the information considered under the ERC Approach, 1-nitropropane was identified as having low ecological exposure potential.
Key health and ecological effects (hazard)
- To help inform the health effects characterization in the screening assessment, international reports were considered, among other sources of information. This included an assessment by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- The critical effects considered in the assessment for 1-nitropropane were reproductive and developmental effects.
- According to information considered under the ERC Approach, 1-nitropropane was identified as having a low ecological hazard potential.
Risk assessment outcomes
- Based upon a comparison of levels to which Canadians may be exposed to 1-nitropropane, and levels associated with health effects, it was determined that the risk to human health is considered to be low.
- Based upon the outcome of the ERC Approach, 1-nitropropane considered unlikely to be causing ecological harm.
Screening assessment conclusions
- The Government concluded that 1-nitropropane is not harmful to human health at levels of exposure considered in the assessment, and that it is not entering the environment at levels that are harmful.
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