Consultation on the Framework for pesticide water monitoring programs in Canada
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The online consultation is now closed.
Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency
22 March 2024
This page is a summary of the consultation document. If you would like to comment, please request the full consultation document.
To obtain a full copy of Framework for Pesticide Water Monitoring Programs in Canada please contact our publications office.
Should you require further information please contact the Pest Management Information Service.
Table of contents
- Purpose of consultation
- Framework for pesticide water monitoring programs in Canada – Executive summary
- Next steps
Purpose of consultation
The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) makes timely, science-based decisions to support the safe and sustainable use of effective pesticide products in Canada with the support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).
Since August 2021, the PMRA has been undergoing a transformation process that will strengthen its oversight and protection of human health and the environment and enhance transparency. Improving the availability of real-world water monitoring data to further support pesticide regulatory decisions and enhancing the transparency of decision-making will contribute to addressing those objectives.
To gather information to guide the development of the framework, Health Canada's PMRA consulted and engaged with a national network of experts such as:
- The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Pest Management and Pesticides as well as other federal departments (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Parks Canada)
- The water monitoring technical working group; federal and provincial governments, non-governmental organizations, academia, growers' associations and industry
- The Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products
- The Pest Management Advisory Council
- The PMRA staff
The first draft of the framework was completed in the fall 2023 and was distributed to the members of the water monitoring technical working group, the Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products and to other water monitoring experts in Canada. All feedback received was considered, documented and incorporated where possible. Written comments were welcomed throughout the framework development process as well.
This public consultation is aiming to gather valuable insight from partners, stakeholders, and the public. This transparent, open and inclusive approach is in alignment with the PMRA's transformation agenda and the commitment to provide access to information, meaningful public understanding, and transparent decision-making.
Framework for pesticide water monitoring programs in Canada – Executive summary
The Government of Canada has committed to ensuring that Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) makes timely, science-based decisions to support the safe and sustainable use of effective pesticide products in Canada. This involves further strengthening of human and environmental health and safety oversight and protection, including improving the availability of independent data to further support pesticide review decisions, and the transparency of decision-making. Taken together, these elements can successfully be supported through the generation of real-world data via an enhanced water monitoring program for pesticides across the country.
This document reflects information gathered during numerous consulting events with partners and stakeholders. It contains guidance and recommendations for designing pesticide water monitoring programs across Canada that will result in comparable data suitable for pesticide regulatory decision-making. The use of this framework in monitoring program development is voluntary. The guidance and recommendations outlined in this framework will be used in designing a long-term national-scale water monitoring program for pesticides. The national-scale program is not intended to replace existing water monitoring programs for pesticides in Canada, rather it will supplement and strengthen existing programs through collaboration and partnerships.
This framework describes steps for:
- program design (identification of areas of interest, sampling site selection, coordination with partners, frequency and timing of sampling and sampling methods)
- collection of ancillary information (metadata and water quality parameters)
- selection of priority pesticides (prioritization process for pesticides and transformation products, reference values and laboratory analyses)
- data management and reporting (reporting, interpretation, database and publication)
- program improvement (continuous improvement, adaptive management, plan-do-check-improve cycles)
- collaboration with Indigenous partners
By following this framework for the design and implementation of pesticide water monitoring programs at a national, regional or local scale, data can be effectively shared and utilized by different organizations, including in the PMRA's pesticide re-evaluation and special review processes.
The framework is intended to serve as an evergreen document that captures the key elements of effective water monitoring programs for pesticides while recognizing that evolving science and program needs may necessitate changes over time.
Next steps
Health Canada invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed Framework for Pesticide Water Monitoring Programs in Canada up to 45 days from the date of publication of this document (by 6 May 2024).
If you would like to comment, see the Pest Management Regulatory Agency Publications Section page to submit your comments using our online consultation comment form or for contact information to submit your comments by email or mail. Comments should include:
- Title of this consultation document;
- Your full name and organization;
- Your phone number; and,
- Your complete mailing address or email address.
Page details
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