Guidance for industry on safety monitoring and reporting requirements for marketed biocides: Serious incident reporting

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What is a reportable incident

Serious incident reporting is required under section 39 of the Biocides Regulations (regulations). You must report to us the following incidents within 15 calendar days of becoming aware of the incident:

An incident is reportable when the:

Serious incidents include those where user error and misuse, accidental exposure or occupational exposure have occurred and have led to a response that is either life-threatening or results in serious injury harm or death.

You should also consider important medical events as serious incidents. These are events that may not be immediately life-threatening or result in death or hospitalization, but that may:

You should consider incidents that occur outside of Canada and that involve a fatal outcome as unexpected and reportable under serious incident reporting. The fatal outcome can only be considered expected if your Canadian label specifically states that using the product may be associated with a fatal outcome.

Failure in effectiveness

The definition of a serious incident includes a failure in effectiveness of the biocide that results in a serious injury to human health, a life-threatening event or death. For a serious incident related to a failure in effectiveness to be reportable, the following must occur:

You are responsible for validating the failure in effectiveness information before you report to us under serious incident reporting. You should investigate first to determine if there has been a substantial failure and if there is a plausible link between the failure and the illness or disease contracted.

Source of information

During the course of compiling information as part of your safety monitoring activities, if you become aware of an incident that meets the threshold of a serious incident, you must report the incident through serious incident reporting.

You may become aware of serious incidents through a variety of sources, for example:

If you identify a serious incident when searching the Canada Vigilance Database and you have a report from another source on the same incident, you should submit the report from the new source to the Canada Vigilance program. Only reports from the additional source should be submitted to the Canada Vigilance program. Do not resubmit a report that you retrieved from the Canada Vigilance database.

Notable incident not reportable

Notable incidents do not meet the threshold established in the definitions for serious incident or serious unexpected incident required for reporting. As such, notable incidents are not reportable under the serious incident reporting provisions of the regulations. However, they are to be compiled and considered as part of your safety monitoring activities.

Examples of reportable incidents

The following are examples of serious incidents, which must be reported to us under serious incident reporting:

The following are examples of incidents that are not reportable under serious incident reporting:

Reporting serious incidents

You must submit a report to us of a serious (expected and unexpected) domestic incident or a serious unexpected foreign incident within 15 calendar days after becoming aware of the incident. The time clock starts on the day that you first have all the minimum information for an incident report.

You must report all serious domestic incidents and serious unexpected foreign incidents that you become aware of. This applies even if the biocide product in question is not currently being sold or has not been sold in Canada for some time. To facilitate the processing of incident reports, the reporter should indicate if the report is domestic or foreign by clearly indicating the country where the reaction occurred.

If you become aware of a serious incident or a serious unexpected incident after your market authorization has been permanently discontinued and revoked, you should still continue to report such incidents.

What information to include

The minimum information required to submit a serious incident report are:

You should include all information that is available and relevant in your incident report. Often, you will need to submit an initial report to us with at least the minimum information in order to meet the reporting timelines. You should actively seek follow-up information and provide significant new information to us as it becomes available by submitting a follow-up report.

Significant new information related to the initial report includes, for example:

You should clearly identify follow-up reports to ensure that we can link the follow-up report to the initial report.

An incident

You should document and report all relevant and available information on the incident. The information about the incident should have sufficient detail to provide a narrative of what has occurred.

You should document and report a full description of the serious incident, including:

A biocide product

You should document and report all available information on the biocide product known or suspected of being linked to the incident to make it easier to identify the product. Such information would include the:

An identifiable reporter

To avoid duplicate reports and to facilitate follow-up, an identifiable reporter is required for an incident report. An identifiable reporter is the source of the information. You should document and report the source of the information, including the:

If the source of the information is not an identifiable person (for example, a literature search, regulatory authority), you should clearly identify the source and the date you documented the report.

Include in the report your name and contact information (such as an email address or phone number) as the sender of the information.

An identifiable person

To avoid duplicate reports, an identifiable person is also required for an incident report. The identifiable person is the one who experienced harm from the serious incident or serious unexpected incident. This could be, for example, a user of the product or a bystander close to where the product was used.

You should document and report key details of the person, including:

How to submit

You should submit serious (expected or unexpected) incident reports and serious unexpected incident reports to us using the form available online and submitted by fax or by mail.

Canada Vigilance Program
Health Products Surveillance and Epidemiology Bureau
Marketed Health Products Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Address Locator 1908C
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-957-0337
Facsimile: 613-957-0335

For information about serious incident reporting, email us with your request: Do not send reports by email.

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