Changes to process related to expiry of hand sanitizer interim measure

Drug Establishment Licensing Bulletin #74, February 16, 2023

Health Canada is announcing the expiry of the interim measure for hand sanitizers. As a result, we are making changes related to the importation and sale of hand sanitizers accepted under the COVID-19 interim measure.

On January 15, 2021, Health Canada stopped accepting new applications for hand sanitizers under this interim measure. We have, however, continued to allow products on the list to be imported and sold by companies that added them until further notice. We committed to providing 60-day advance notice before the interim measure for hand sanitizers expired.

Health Canada is implementing the following for hand sanitizers that were previously accepted under the interim measure:

We wish to remind importers of hand sanitizers under the interim measure that they must meet the following labelling requirements:

Health Canada is committed to supporting the health and safety of people in Canada as we combat COVID-19. We will take enforcement action for any product found to have false or misleading claims or to pose a risk to health. This includes refusing shipments at the border and seizing products.

For reference, please refer to the following drug establishment licensing bulletins:

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