Table A: Foreign Building Conducting Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Related Licensable Activities
Table A is used to list all foreign buildings conducting licensable activities with regards to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients imported into Canada and/or for all Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients used in the fabrication, packaging/labelling, and/or testing of finished dosage forms in a foreign country intended for import into Canada.
Note: Table A is part of FRM-0033 and must be completed for all Foreign Buildings that fabricate, package/label and test active pharmaceutical ingredients. If Table A is not completed, the application will be treated as incomplete and will be screened out.
To request the document: Interested stakeholders who wish to obtain this document may send a request for an electronic copy or alternate format of the document to the Drug Establishment Licence Unit.
Health Canada will be posting Table A on the Web site. Any questions or comments should be addressed to the Drug Establishment Licence Unit.
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