Active Ingredients

The extension of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) has increasingly been recognized as a necessary element in ensuring the overall quality and consistency of marketed drug products. For this reason, the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) formed a working group in 1997 to develop a GMP guidance for APIs. Canadian input has been included in this document which was finalized and signed off by the ICH Steering Committee on November 10th, 2000.

Health Canada, like its international regulatory counterparts, adopted the ICH Q7 Guidance initially on a voluntary basis, and has now implemented internationally aligned regulatory GMP requirements for APIs destined for human use. The amending regulations, published in Canada Gazette, Part II, are linked below. They will come into force on November 8, 2013. For an updated version of the Cost-Benefit Analysis, please send a request for an electronic copy or alternate format of the document to Please include in the subject line the title "Updated Cost-Benefit Analysis - GMP for API" and whether you would like the document in English or in French.

While the scope of the ICH Q7 Guidance is limited to APIs that will be used in the manufacture of human use pharmaceuticals by virtue of the mandate of ICH, the principles and practices described also have relevance to APIs for veterinary use.

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