Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Devices Used in the Cardiovascular System (SAC-MDUCS) - Nomination Call for Patient Group Representative
March 29 2019
Our file number: 19-106750-746
Health Canada is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for a patient group representative to join the Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Devices Used in the Cardiovascular System (SAC-MDUCS). The patient group representative will represent the group of patients that use cardiovascular medical devices to improve their health.
The SAC-MDUCS provides Health Canada with timely scientific, technical, medical and clinical advice related to the regulation of medical devices used in the cardiovascular system. Involvement of the scientific, medical and consumer communities in the regulatory review process enhances transparency and provides an opportunity for external advice, thus facilitating the device review process.
Qualifications could include:
- experience with providing recommendations to patient care centres (e.g., hospitals, clinics, community groups, non-profit organizations)
- experience with the use of cardiovascular medical devices or experience working with patients that use medical devices for cardiovascular health
- member of or associated with a recognized organization engaged in representing patient perspectives and experiences (e.g. Heart and Stroke Foundation, Ottawa Heart Institute, etc.)
- interest and basic knowledge in cardiovascular health and disease/conditions
- science background, with a preference for university degrees
The patient group representative should be able to share:
- patient experiences and/or important considerations from patients with the use of cardiovascular medical devices
- the impact on quality of life that cardiovascular medical devices may provide to patients
- insight on the decision-making process with regards to the use of a cardiovascular medical device, and
- considerations about patient preferences in selecting appropriate cardiovascular medical devices
Important information for potential member:
- The individual selected will be a permanent member for the duration of their two year term as per the Terms of Reference.
- The individual selected must undergo government security clearance and provide a declaration of his/her affiliations and interests. A summary of this information will be posted to Health Canada's website.
- All travel and accommodation expenses will be compensated according to the relevant Treasury Board policies of Canada.
- Additional information on how the Committee will be selected and its functioning can be found in the Terms of Reference and the Health Canada Policy on External Advisory Bodies (2011).
The nomination should contain the following information: name; contact information; area of expertise and a rationale of no more than 500 words.
Nominations should be sent by April 26, 2019 to:
Bureau of Policy, Science and International Programs
Therapeutic Products Directorate
Health Canada
1600 Scott Street, Address Locator 3102C1
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Or via email to:
Thank you for your interest.
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