Physical security measures for cannabis licences: Introduction

On this page

Who this is for

Anyone who wants to do activities with cannabis needs to meet certain physical security requirements at their site. These pages can help applicants and licence holders understand the physical security requirements for their site, and how to comply.

Use the content of these pages for the following licences:

Important: There are no physical security requirements for a licence for sale for medical purposes without possession of cannabis.

These pages don't include instructions on what you need to submit to show compliance with these regulations. For information on what you need to submit to Health Canada, refer to the following:

These pages also don't include how to ensure security for personal production of cannabis for medical purposes.


You need to read these pages along with the Cannabis Act (the Act) and the Cannabis Regulations (the Regulations). If there are differences between these pages and the legislation, the legislation is correct.

Contact us

For questions about a specific licence or licence application, email Use the subject line "Questions about APP # or LIC#". Include your licence application (APP) ID or your licence (LIC) number found in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing system (CTLS).

For general questions about cannabis, email or call 1-866-337-7705 (toll free).

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